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Airport Stage (空港ステージ),[1] also known as Sky Stage[2] and New-type Airport,[3] is a stage from Mega Man X, Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, Mega Man Xtreme, and Mega Man X DiVE. It is an airport controlled by Mavericks that was apparently used as a station for Death Rogumer, which is protected by Storm Eagle.


Mega Man X / Maverick Hunter X[]

X infiltrates the airport to stop the Mavericks in the area, sabotage Death Rogumer, and defeat Storm Eagle. The stage begins on the ground, with conveyor belt platforms that take X upwards into the airport. He then fights across flying platforms and pipes, eventually climbing up a tall tower that brings him even higher into the sky. From here he boards Death Rogumer and destroys it, provoking a fight with Storm Eagle. After completing the stage, Death Rogumer will fall on the power plant controlled by Spark Mandrill, causing an energy loss in some areas from the power plant.

In the rebooted Maverick Hunter X, the stage is almost identical. However, X doesn't destroy Death Rogumer upon boarding it, and the stage contains the Body Parts capsule instead - in fact, the Head Parts are required to reach the capsule.

Mega Man Xtreme[]

A digital reproduction of the airport appeared in the Mother Computer from the Hunter Base. It is identical to its appearance in Mega Man X, but the locations of the Life Up and Sub Tank are swapped.



Location Life Up Life Up
Ride the conveyor platforms to get as high as possible before dash-jumping to the left, landing atop the tower at the start of the stage to find the Life Up.
Location Sub Tank Sub Tank
Use the Lift Cannon's lift or the first Flamer's platform to enter a glass tower, where the Sub Tank is guarded by a Gun Volt.
Location Head Parts Head Parts
After climbing a metal mesh tower, instead of continuing right, drop down the side of the tower. Dash-jump to find flammable obstacles and destroy them (done faster with Fire Wave) to reveal a room with the capsule.

Location Life Up Life Up
Use the first Flamer's platform to enter a glass tower where the Life Up is hidden.
Location Sub Tank Sub Tank
Ride the conveyor platforms to get as high as possible before dash-jumping to the left, landing atop the tower at the start of the stage to find the Sub Tank.
Location Head Parts Head Parts
After climbing a metal mesh tower, instead of continuing right, drop down the side of the tower. Dash-jump to find flammable obstacles and destroy them (done faster with Speed Burner) to reveal a room with the capsule.

X Mode:

Location Life Up
Ride the conveyor platforms to get as high as possible before dash-jumping to the left, landing atop the tower at the start of the stage to find the Life Up.
Location Sub Tank
Use the Lift Cannon's lift or the first Flamer's platform to enter a glass tower, where the Sub Tank is guarded by a Gun Volt.
Location Body Parts Body Parts
After climbing a red and white tower, instead of continuing right, drop down the side of the tower. Jump through the destructible blocks to find a room with the capsule.

Vile Mode:

Location Life Up
Use the first Flamer's platform to climb on top of a glass tower, where the Life Up awaits.
Location Sub Tank
Grab the Ride Armor from the glass tower. Jump across the Flamer platform segment to find a tunnel of crates that can only be destroyed with the Ride Armor, where the Sub Tank is hidden.

Mega Man X DiVE[]

Sky (Airport in Japanese) is the fifth Story stage. The stage is full of errors and the player must fix it by destroying irregular data. The boss is Vile (appearing in his original body and speaking with Vile V's voice) using the Ride Armor Goliath. At first the player will be unable to cause damage and will be paralyzed by Vile, but ViA will appear and help the player by disabling Goliath's barrier.

Stage Summary Rewards AP
EXP Zenny WP Items
5-1 The beginning of the stage. 64 800 40 Weapon EXP Program II
Base Alloy
Compound Energy
5-2 The control tower and some platforms above pits. 64 800 40 Weapon EXP Program II
Basic Circuit Board
Compound Energy
5-3 More platforms and a battle against the sub-boss: Two Bee Bladers fought at the same time. 64 800 40 Weapon EXP Program II
Basic Gear
Compound Energy
5-4 The area that has Metalls and a Light Capsule in the original version. 1500 10000 40 Weapon EXP Program II
Basic Battery
Compound Energy
5-5 Reaching the end. 1500 10000 40 Weapon EXP Program II
Basic Amplifier
Compound Energy
5-6 Boss battle above Death Rogumer. 1500 10000 40 Weapon EXP Program II
Basic Core
Compound Energy


Image Enemy
Mega Man X DiVE Boss Vile on Goliath
Goliath (boss) (5-6)
Mega Man X DiVE Boss Bee Blader
Mega Man X DiVE Boss Bee Blader
Bee Blader Twins (sub-bosses) (5-3)
Rockman X DiVE-Road Attacker
Road Attackers (5-1, 5-2)
Rockman X DiVE- Float Gunner
Float Gunner (5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-4, 5-5)
Rockman X DiVE-Sinedropper
Sine Faller (5-1, 5-3, 5-4, 5-5)
Rockman X DiVE Guardroid
Guardroid (5-2, 5-4)
Rockman X DiVE-Gun Volt
Gun Volt (5-3)
Rockman X DiVE-Ball De Voux normal type
Ball De Voux (5-3)
Megabyoall (5-4, 5-5)
Rockman X DiVE-Golem
Golem (5-4)
Rockman X DiVE Turn Cannon
Turn Cannon (5-5)

Co-op Stage (removed from Offline Version)[]

Image Enemy
Mega Man X DiVE Boss Storm Eagle
Storm Eagle (boss) (9-2)
Rockman X DiVE Guardroid
Rockman X DiVE- Float Gunner
Float Gunner
Rockman X DiVE-Crash Roader
Crash Roader
Rockman X DiVE-Golem
Rockman X DiVE-Bigbit
Rockman X DiVE Mad Joey
Mad Joey
Rockman X DiVE Turn Cannon
Turn Cannon
Rockman X DiVE-Gun Volt
Gun Volt
Rockman X DiVE-Sinedropper
Sine Faller
Rockman X DiVE Spiky (X1)

Deep Elements[]

Hidden Deep Elements in the Story stage.

Stage Hidden Deep Elements
  1. Visible in the moving platforms in the beginning.
  2. Above the tower in the beginning, the same spot from the Life Up in Mega Man X. Go as high as possible and dash jump to reach it.
  3. Near some crates in the path.
  1. Hidden in the breakable containers.
  2. Above the lifts. Use the last lift to reach it.
  3. While Lift Cannon is not present, its lift is. After passing the lift, several enemies will appear. Defeat them and the lift will be functional.
  1. ?
  2. ?
  1. Before climbing the red and white tube, continue forward to find it.
  2. After climbing the red and white tube, go down the opening in the other side and climb the right wall above the room's entrance.
  1. Can be seen in the path. Just fall to take it, or use double jump to take and quickly return.
  2. Can be seen in the path. Pass by it and defeat the enemies that appear. Afterwards climb up and take it.
  3. ?

Other media[]

Rockman X (manga)[]

After Vile told X that there may be an upgrade for him hidden in Nation Z, Point O-R-X (Z国 O-R-X地点 Zetto Koku Ō Āru Ekkusu Chiten, Point Z-O-R-X for short), X went to the area, where the Tiderow Airport (タイドロー空港 Taidorō Kūkō) is located. In the airport, X is defeated by Storm Eagle. When Zero arrives, he finds X unconscious and fights against Storm Eagle, but is also defeated. Later, X faces Storm Eagle above an aircraft, and is able to defeat Storm Eagle with Zero's assistance.


