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LC Barrier 1

Barrier in Battle Network 1 and 2.

LC Barrier 2

Barrier in Battle Network 3 onwards.

Barrier (バリア Baria) is a recurring Battle Chip and Battle Card from the Mega Man Battle Network and Mega Man Star Force series. A Barrier absorbs the corresponding damage until a certain limit is reached (whence it simply disappears) (E.g. a Barrier 100 will absorb 100 damage). They can also be removed with the North Wind Battle Chip or with Wind Soul.

From Mega Man Battle Network 3 onward they come mainly in three forms: Barrier, Barrier 100, and Barrier 200. The only exception is the Black Barrier chip, which absorbs damage till a threshold of 150 is reached, vanishes, and regenerates 3.1 seconds later.

From Mega Man Battle Network 4 onwards, a First Barrier (ファーストバリア FstBarr) Navi Customizer program and Ability Wave was included, which activates a 10 HP Barrier at the start of a battle.

Battle Chips and Battle Cards[]


Barrier serves as shield for the player till it has taken hits that equal 10 or more in one hit that instantly goes over that limit - then it vanishes. In Mega Man Star Force 3 it serves as a shield for the user till it takes one hit, then it vanishes.

Barrier 100

Barrier 100 (バリア100 Baria 100, Barr100) is a stronger Barrier serves as shield for the player till it has taken hits that equal 100 or more - then it vanishes. In Mega Man Star Force 2 and 3 it was renamed as Super Barrier (スーパーバリア SprBarrier). In Mega Man Star Force 3 it protects the user from five hits, regardless of the amount of damage taken.

Barrier 200

Barrier 200 (バリア200 Baria 200, Barr200) serves as shield for the player till it has taken hits that equal 200 or more - then it vanishes.

Black Barrier

Black Barrier (ブラックバリア Burakku Baria, BlakBarr) is a Giga Chip from Mega Man Battle Network 4 Red Sun and Rockman.EXE 4.5 Real Operation that absorbs all attacks until a threshold of 150 is reached. The barrier will then disappear for exactly 3.1 seconds and then regenerate afterwards. The regeneration can take place independent of the player's status (e.g. the player can get hit by a Vulcan or other multi-hitting battle chip and the Barrier will regenerate regardless of flinching occurring). It is dropped by Bass on Black Earth 2.

The only way to permanently disable Black Barrier is Wind Soul's initative Gust upon Double Soul or the North Wind Battle Chip.

Mega Man Battle Network[]

ID Image Name Description Code
119 MMBNChip119 Barrier Nullify 1 enemy attack D, F, M, R, S

Mega Man Battle Network 2[]

ID Image Name Description Size Code
159 Barrier Barrier Nullify damage one time! 8 MB B, E, L, S, T, *

Mega Man Battle Network 3[]

ID Image Name Description Size Code
Standard Chip 169 MMBN3SChip169 Barrier Nullifies 10HP of damage! 7 MB C, E, L, R, S, *
Standard Chip 170 MMBN3SChip170 Barr100 Nullifies 100HP of damage! 25 MB E, J, M, R, T, *
Standard Chip 171 MMBN3SChip171 Barr200 Nullifies 200HP of damage! 50 MB E, F, H, R, U

Mega Man Battle Network 4[]

ID Image Name Description Size Code
Standard Chip 135 BN4Chip135 Barrier Nullifies 10 HP of damage 7 MB A, D, Z, *
Standard Chip 136 BN4Chip136 Barr100 Nullifies 100 HP of damage 27 MB P, Q, W
Standard Chip 137 BN4Chip137 Barr200 Nullifies 200 HP of damage 47 MB I, O, U
Giga Chip 5
(Red Sun)
BN4GChip005RS BlakBarr A dark barrier regenrate 87 MB A

Mega Man Battle Network 5[]

ID Image Name Description Size Code
Standard 164 BN5Chip164 Barrier Nullifies 10 HP of damage 7 MB B, L, S, *
Standard 165 BN5Chip165 Barr100 Nullifies 100 HP of damage 27 MB P
Standard 166 BN5Chip166 Barr200 Nullifies 200 HP of damage 47 MB W

Mega Man Battle Network 6[]

ID Image Name Description Size Code
Standard 180 BN6Chip180 Barrier Nullifies 10 HP of damage 7 MB A, F, R, *
Standard 181 BN6Chip181 Barr100 Nullifies 100 HP of damage 30 MB H, Q, Y
Standard 182 BN6Chip182 Barr200 Nullifies 200 HP of damage 52 MB K, U, W

Mega Man Network Transmission[]

X8NavigatorAlertIconEdit This section requires expansion.
NTChip113 Standard Chip 113

Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge[]

ID Image Name HP AP MB Element Acc. Attack Description
145 MMBNChip119 Barrier 120 0 30 None _ Barrier Block One Atk

Rockman.EXE 4.5 Real Operation[]

ID Image Name Description translation Size
Stardard Chip 135 バリアをはり10HPぶんのダメージをむこうか Barrier Uses a barrier that nullifies 10 HP of damage 7 MB
Stardard Chip 136 バリアをはり100HPぶんのダメージをむこうか Barrier 100 Uses a barrier that nullifies 100 HP of damage 27 MB
Stardard Chip 137 BN45Chip137 Barrier 200 Uses a barrier that nullifies 200 HP of damage 47 MB
Giga Class Chip 5 やぶれてもふっかつするやみのバリア! Black Barrier A barrier of darkness that returns even after it breaks! 87 MB

Advanced PET[]

バリア (Barrier) Barrier
ID 135 Class Standard
Type Support Chip Element Neutral (None (無))
Location (Japan) Location (Worldwide)
OS-02 Operation Battle Starter Roll Deck
RC-09 Battle Chip Collection Sparkman
Advanced PET (Bass Version)
バリア100 (Barrier 100) CP 3
ID 136 Class Standard
Type Support Chip Element Neutral (None (無))
Location (Japan) Location (Worldwide)
OS-06 Operation Battle Starter Junkman Deck
Battle Chip Booster Volume 1
バリア200 (Barrier 200)
ID 137 Class Standard
Type Support Chip Element Neutral (None (無))
Location (Japan) Location (Worldwide)
Battle Chip Booster Volume 2 ?

Progress PET[]

バリア (Barrier)
ID 647 Class Standard
Found in Lightning Operation Booster
Barrier 100
バリア100 (Barrier 100)
ID 648 Class Standard
Found in Lightning Operation Booster
Barrier 200
バリア200 (Barrier 200)
ID 649 Class Standard
Found in RP-07 Search Scouter

Link PET_EX[]

X8NavigatorAlertIconEdit This section requires expansion.
バリア (Barrier)
ID 178 Class Standard
Found in ?
バリア100 (Barrier 100)
ID 179 Class Standard
Found in ?
バリア200 (Barrier 200)
ID 180 Class Standard
Found in ?

Mega Man Star Force[]

ID Image Name Description
Standard Card 135 SF BC 135 Barrier Barrier absorbs 10 HP dmg.
Standard Card 136 SF BC 136 Barrier100 Barrier absorbs 100 HP dmg.
Standard Card 137 SF BC 137 Barrier200 Barrier absorbs 200 HP dmg.

Mega Man Star Force 2[]

ID Image Name Description Star Carrier no.
Standard Card 132 BC SF2 Barrier Barrier Barrier absorbs 10 HP dmg. 25809
Stadard Card 133 BC SF2 SprBarrier SprBarrier Barrier absorbs 100 HP dmg. 25828

Mega Man Star Force 3[]

ID Image Name Description
Standard Card 132 BC SF2 Barrier Barrier Barrier blocks most atks 1 time
Stadard Card 133 BC SF2 SprBarrier SprBarrier Barrier blocks most atks 5 times

Program Advance[]

500 Barrier (500バリア 500Barr) is a Program Advance from Mega Man Battle Network 3 that creates a barrier able to endure 500 damage. It is formed with the Battle Chips Barrier + Barrier 100 + Barrier 200, all with same code.

In Mega Man Battle Network and Rockman.EXE Operate Shooting Star, the Barrier chip is required for the Program Advances Life Saver and Double Rockman.

Other media[]

In the anime[]

X8NavigatorAlertIconEdit This section requires expansion.

Barrier is used often.

In the manga[]

In the MegaMan NT Warrior manga, Barrier 100 is one of the Battle Chips required to form the Program Advance Boscono Panic Express, which was used to defeat Bugriser in the Battle Chip Stadium.

See also[]
