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Chaosbrahman・Orochi (カオスブラフマン・オロチ Kaosuburafuman orochi) is a powerful Extreme Reploid created when Nichts absorbs Pranara DD in Rockman X Giga Mission.


Chaosbrahman Orochi is a tall Reploid with white, green, and purple armor. He possesses the grey face of Pranara DD, a golden shield in one hand and a rainbow-colored blade in the other, and six snake-like appendages extending from his shoulders, back, and thighs. Unlike the fusion of the previous Nightmare Police, Godkarmachine O Inary, this fusion seems to have Nichts in complete control, as opposed to the shared wills of Bit and Byte.


Rockman X Giga Mission[]

Once Nichts begin to lose his battle with X, he forcibly absorbs Pranara DD's body into his own, forming the monstrosity known as Chaosbrahman Orochi as a last-ditch attempt at victory. However, X is able to destroy this form nonetheless, causing Chaosbrahman Orochi to revert back to Nichts. X then finishes off Nichts using the Z-Saber.



  • Similar to Godkarmachine O Inary, Chaosbrahman Orochi's name references Hinduism and other mythologies. "Brahma" is the name of the Hindu creator of the entire cosmic universe, while "chaos" refers to the void that existed before the Earth was formed in Greek mythology. "Orochi" (大蛇) literally means "great snake" in Japanese, and the Yamata no Orochi (八岐大蛇) was a legendary eight-head serpentine monster/god. This final aspect can be seen in Chaosbrahman・Orochi's many snake-like appendages.
