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Not to be confused with Cross Fusion or Cross MegaMan.

The Cross System (クロスシステム Kurosu Shisutemu), also known as Cross Change System (クロスチェンジシステム Kurosu Chenji Shisutemu)[1], is a transformation system introduced in Mega Man Battle Network 6 that allows one NetNavi to use the powers of other NetNavis through a Link Navi System.


MegaMan can gain Cross forms after Lan Hikari clears classes lead by other Navi operators [2]. After learning to how to operate their Navis and mastering their abilities, the Navi will become one of Lan's Link Navis. The linked Navi's power will build up in MegaMan, allowing him to use them in a fused form. In the game, Mr. Match (Gregar version) or Shuko Kido (Falzar version) teaches this new system.

The Cross System is similar in concept to the Double Soul from previous games, in that MegaMan gains traits of other Link Navis, but it does not use any Battle Chip sacrifices, can be initiated at any time during the battle, and may last for the entire battle. Every Cross also has a weakness against an element, if MegaMan is hit with an attack the Cross is weak to, he will take double damage and loses the Cross for the rest of the battle. If timed correctly, triggering a Cross can allow players to get out of a stun or out of a rapid, consecutive hitting attack launched by an opponent.

Additionally, a player can become "Cross Beast" by using a Cross in Beast Out or vice versa. It carries the same capabilities, but the Mega Buster has been replaced with a different Buster, and it can charge non-element chips to perform a devastating attack.

Interestingly, the Cross System doesn't change MegaMan's foot design, changing only the color. For example, Double Soul Tomahawk Soul changes MegaMan's foot with squared design, while the Tomahawk Cross only changes the color to blueish green. The Crosses all have MegaMan wearing his mask, while some Double Souls have him go mask-less.

List of Crosses[]

Cybeast Gregar Version[]

Crosses here focus more on raw power to overpower opponents.

Mega Man Battle Network 6
Cybeast Gregar Crosses
HeatCrEmo HeatBsEmo Heat Cross
Heat Cross
  • Element: BC Element Heat Fire
  • Weakness: BC Element Aqua Aqua
  • Non-dimming Fire chips gain 50 attack.
  • Buster attack increases by 1. This even applies with Attack Max, but not while there is a Buster Bug.
  • Charge Shot: Fire Arm
Hits the 3 panels ahead of MegaMan for (20 x Buster rank + 30) Fire damage.
ElecCrEmo ElecBsEmo Elec Cross
Elec Cross
  • Element: BC Element Elec Elec
  • Weakness: BC Element Wood Wood
  • Non-dimming non-elemental chips can be charged to gain Paralyze effect.
  • Non-dimming Elec chips gain 50 attack.
  • Charge Shot: Thunderbolt
Hits the entire row in front of MegaMan for (20 x Buster rank + 40) Elec damage. Extremely quick, so it's harder to get put in the line of fire, unlike other crosses.
SlashCrEmo SlashBsEmo Slash Cross
Slash Cross
  • Element: BC Attribute Sword Sword
  • Weakness: BC Attribute Break Break
  • Non-dimming Sword chips gain 50 attack.
  • Non-dimming Sword chips, Fire Sword, Aqua Sword, Elec Sword, and Bamboo Sword can be charged to launch a Sonic Boom with the same range as the chip.
  • Charge Shot: Wide Slash
Hits a 2x3 area in front of MegaMan for (20 x Buster rank + 60) Sword damage. If there is an object in the column immediately in front of MegaMan it will hit a 1x3 area instead. Having area advantage will make this attack basically undodgeable.
KillerCrEmo KillerBsEmo Erase/Killer Cross
  • Element: TypeCursor Cursor
  • Weakness: BC Attribute Wind Wind
  • All Cursor chips gain 30 attack.
  • Hitting viruses with 4 in their HP with non-dimming elementless chips will instantly delete them regardless of power, doing the same with bosses gives an HP bug.
  • Charge Shot: Erase Delete Beam (キラーズデスビーム Killer Death Beam)
Hits the entire row in front of MegaMan for (20 x Buster rank + 40) Cursor damage. Pierces Invis. Can consecutively hit enemies.
ChargeCrEmo ChargeBsEmo Charge Cross
Charge Cross
  • Element: BC Element Heat Fire
  • Weakness: BC Element Aqua Aqua
  • Non-dimming Fire chips can be gradually charged for up to 100 attack boost.
  • Custom capacity is expanded by 1 after each turn using the Cross, up to a maximum of 8. If there is custom bug on MegaMan, it will delay the effect for 3 turns. These bonuses are removed when you exit Charge Cross.
  • Charge Shot: Charge Tackle
MegaMan turns invincible and charges down the three panels ahead of him, hitting the closest enemy for (20 x Buster rank + 30) Fire and Breaking damage. This Charge Shot can be used to avoid attacks.

Cybeast Falzar Version[]

Crosses here are focus more on technique, with abilities to adjust to the situation.

Mega Man Battle Network 6
Cybeast Falzar Crosses
AquaCrEmo AquaBsEmo Spout/Aqua Cross
Spout Cross
  • Element: BC Element Aqua Aqua
  • Weakness: BC Element Elec Elec
  • Non-dimming Aqua chips can be charged for double damage.
  • Non-dimming Aqua chips will heal 5% of your maximum HP before any customizing.
  • No-slip on Ice panels.
  • Charge Shot: Bubble Shot
Fastest Charge speed. Fires forward, hitting for (10 x Buster rank + 20) Aqua damage, spreading to the panel behind the point of impact.
ThawkCrEmo ThawkBsEmo Tomahawk Cross
Tomahawk Cross
  • Element: BC Element Wood Wood
  • Weakness: BC Element Heat Fire
  • Non-dimming Wood chips can be charged for double damage.
  • Status Guard enabled, MegaMan will be immune to status effects.
  • Heal on Grass panels, but will heal slow the lower his HP is.
  • Charge Shot: Tomahawk Swing
Covers a 2x3 area in front of MegaMan for (20 x Buster rank + 40) Wood and Sword damage. Has a slight delay comparing to Tomahawk Soul but does not cause flashing frames.
TenguCrEmo TenguBsEmo Tengu Cross
Tengu Cross
  • Element: BC Attribute Wind Wind
  • Weakness: BC Attribute Sword Sword
  • Non-dimming Wind chips gain 10 attack
  • B + ←: Fan effect. Gusts will travel on the enemy field and suck all enemies to the front of the area, also will remove Barriers and Auras.
  • Air Shoes enabled, allowing to move in broken and hole panels.
  • Charge Shot: Tengu Racket
Covers a 1x3 area Widesword fashion immediately in front of MegaMan for (20 x Buster rank + 40) Wind damage, removing all Barriers and Auras along with pushing everything to the back row. Does not cause flashing frames.
GroundCrEmo GroundBsEmo Ground Cross
Ground Cross
  • Element: BC Attribute Break Break
  • Weakness: TypeCursor Cursor
  • Non-dimming Breaking chips gain 10 attack.
  • Charging non-dimming Breaking chips will cause rocks to rain on the enemy field when using them.
  • Super Armor enabled.
  • Charge Shot: Ground Drill
MegaMan disappears into a hole, then resurfaces as close to the nearest enemy as possible, hitting 2 panels ahead up to 3 times for (10 x Buster rank + 10) Breaking damage. Enemies hit are pushed backwards, and continue to take hits if they cannot move further. This may not hit if the panel is occupied or is a hole.
DustCrEmo DustBsEmo Dust Cross
Dust Cross
  • Element: BC Attribute Break Break
  • Weakness: TypeCursor Cursor
  • B + ← will have MegaMan suck in all obstacles, he can store up to 8. They can then be fired using the regular Buster, dealing 200 damage.
  • Trash Chute: Selected chips can be moved to the bottom of your folder, and new chips drawn in their place.
  • Charge Shot: Scrap Reborn
Fires a scrap robot that travels down the row to the closest enemy, which punches the panel for (10 x Buster rank + 50) Breaking damage, and breaking the panel it hits. It will hit the panel at the end of the row if no enemy is found.


Cybeast Gregar[]

Cybeast Falzar[]

Other media[]

Yamato Man's spear tip
Yamato Man


In Rockman.EXE Beast+, Crosses can be activated by Netto using his stylus and linking another Operator's Link PET_EX to his own. He then can use a Beast Form chip to transform Rockman into the beast version of that Cross. When Rockman goes a Cross, his personality and speech pattern changes into one heavily influenced by the original Navi (e.g. adopting AquaMan's "pyuu" tick and TomahawkMan's hot-head attitude).

Only Aqua Beast, Tomahawk Beast, Elec Beast, Ground Cross, and Ground Beast appear in the anime.

Yamato Man


  • The technical reason to why the design of MegaMan's lower half is left unchanged, is due to Crosses' sprites being overlays on base form MegaMan. This is unlike Double Soul, which were individual sprites separate from base MegaMan. As such, MegaMan's original hair was given to Tomahawk Cross, despite it not being part of the Cross' design. This was likely done to save cartridge space which the devs have always considered an issue while working on the series.[3]
    • Bass Cross MegaMan can be seen a precursor to this method, as that form is also an overlay on base form MegaMan.
  • Just like the original Navi, the English version of Battle Network 6 renamed Aqua Cross to Spout Cross.
  • Beast Out was planned first, with the Cross System being made as a parallel to it[4].
  • Initially, Crosses weren't made able to revert, so Charge and Dust Cross were non-elemental. Afterwards, they were forced to give them elements, resulting in Gregar having 2 Fire Navis, and Falzar having 2 Breaker Navis. [4]
  • An unused Key Item named "Cross Batch" (クロスバッチ)[5] exists in the data of the Japanese version. The naming is similar to Hub.bat and Change.bat. There is also an unused E-Mail from Lan's dad called "CrossChange" (クロスチェンジ Kurosu Chenji), suggesting that one point each Cross needed to be equipped in Navi Customizer as "Cross Programs" and Cross Batch was needed to swap Crosses in battle. It would also use up an Emotion Counter upon use[6].

See also[]


  1. Mega Man Battle Network 6 manual
  4. 4.0 4.1 Rockman EXE 6 Ultimate Navigation COMP interview (English translation)
  6. CrossChange E-Mail from Yuichiro: "熱斗、クロスシステムを もっと べんりにかつようできる プログラムが かんせいしたぞ! この「クロスバッチ」を ロックマンにくみこめば、 クロスプログラムを ナビカスに くみこまなくても バトル中にクロスを そうちゃくすることができるぞ! そうちゃくのしかたは カスタム画面中で、 十字ボタンの上をおすと、 げんざい そうちゃくできる クロスの いちらんがでてくる そこで そうちゃくしたい クロスを Aボタンでえらぶと、 チップせんたく画面にもどるぞ このときに Rボタンをおすと、 クロスの せつめいを 見ることができる クロスをえらんで、OKをおして バトルを スタートさせると クロスを そうちゃくするぞ! ただし、気をつけないと いけないのが、バトル中に クロスチェンジをすると、 ココロカウントを 1ポイント しょうひしてしまうんだ ココロカウントの ざんりょうに ちゅういして つかうんだぞ! 熱斗は、 「クロスバッチ」 を ゲットした!!"
