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Zan'ei Gundan Emblem

Cutting Shadow Squadron's emblem

The Cutting Shadow Squadron (斬影軍団 Zan'ei Gundan, lit. "Slashing Shadow Corps") is the last in the four armed forces of Neo Arcadia, featuring stealth units and an anti-Resistance intelligence unit. Its leader is Hidden Phantom, although the unit disbanded after his demise.[1] The Cutting Shadow Squadron is the army with the largest number of known members, although Hanumachine is the only one fought by the player before the army's dissolution.

Known members[]

Hidden Phantom Hidden Phantom: Leader of the Cutting Shadow Squadron, and one of the Four Guardians.
Hanumachine Hanumachine: Monkey Mutos Reploid with fire and martial arts powers. Leads a direct assault on the Resistance Base. Transferred to the Deep Sea Squadron after Phantom's death.[1]
Rainbow Devil: With the ability to shape his body into many forms, he was considered the Cutting Shadow Squadron's secret weapon.
Phoenix Magnion Phoenix Magnion: Phoenix Mutos Reploid with fire and illusion powers. Transferred to the Scorched Earth Squadron after Phantom's death.[1]
Hyleg Ourobockle Hyleg Ourobockle: Ouroboros Mutos Reploid with poison and snake powers. After the Cutting Shadow Squadron disbanded, he became the guardian of the Forest of Dysis and the Baby Elf contained therein.[1]
Burble Hekelot Burble Hekelot: Frog Mutos Reploid with water and plant powers. After the Cutting Shadow Squadron disbanded, Harpuia ordered him to become the guardian of the Forest of Notus.[1]
Model F Tech Kraken: Squid Mutos Reploid with ice and spear powers. Joined the Einherjar Eight Warriors after Phantom's death.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Mega Man Zero Official Complete Works, pages 22, 64, 65, 68, 70, 71 and 83.
