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Deep Sea Squadron's emblem

The Deep Sea Squadron (冥海軍団 Meikai Gundan, lit. "Dark Ocean Corps") is Neo Arcadia's navy. It is home to water and ice based Reploids, and is led by Fairy Leviathan.

Known Members[]

Fairy Leviathan Fairy Leviathan: Leader of the Deep Sea Squadron, and one of the Four Guardians.
Maha Ganeshariff Maha Ganeshariff: Elephant Mutos Reploid with punch and blade attacks. Responsible for the storage and distribution of data.
Blizzack Staggroff Blizzack Staggroff: Stag Mutos Reploid with ice and snow powers. Interrogator and torturer stationed on a secret installation near Resistance Base.
Poler Kamrous Poler Kamrous: Polar bear Mutos Reploid with ice and snow powers. Guardian of a database at the South Pole that controls Neo Arcadia's defense system.