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For the MegaMan NT Warrior Axess episode of the same name, see DoubleSoul!.

Double Soul, known as Soul Unison (ソウルユニゾンそうるゆにぞん Souru Yunizon) in Japan, shortened as "DublSoul" in-game, is a term used in the Mega Man Battle Network series of video games and MegaMan NT Warrior anime and manga. It is an system employed by a NetNavi to gain new abilities and battle techniques using an allied NetNavi's powers.

Double Soul was first introduced in the two incarnations of Mega Man Battle Network 4. Out of twelve souls, six were exclusive to either game. It appears once more in both versions of Mega Man Battle Network 5. It replaced MegaMan's Style Change capability of previous iterations, and is itself replaced by the Cross System in Mega Man Battle Network 6.

Double Soul may also have been the basis for the Trans Arm system from Rockman.EXE Legend of Network.


Unlike Style Change, which can be performed by a single NetNavi, Double Soul occurs when a Navi's soul communes with MegaMan. Since MegaMan has an honest heart, he can use the synchronized soul, accept their power, and turning them into his own [1]. The sync usually occurs after battling against certain Navis in Battle Network 4 whom MegaMan connects with their story, or a teammate that MegaMan fought alongside (or against) in a "Liberation Mission" in Battle Network 5.


Unison Custom Screen Image

Once the player has gone through the Double Soul tutorial, a "Unite" button (Unison in Japan and European MMBN5DS) appears under the "OK" button in the Custom Screen, and lights up whenever the player has previously selected a Battle Chip that is eligible for initiating the Soul. Initiating the Soul will sacrifice the Battle Chip and render it unusable for the rest of the battle, while also taking up a slot for selection for that turn (thus limiting the player to 4 chips for selection if he chooses to initiate a Soul at the same time). Souls last for 3 turns (including the one where they were initiated) by default, though Battle Network 5 introduced NaviCust programs that can prolong the Soul's duration.

Chaos Unison[]

Introduced in Mega Man Battle Network 5, after MegaMan managed to overcome the DarkPower when Dark MegaMan took over his body, he gained access to Chaos Unison (カオスユニゾン Kaosu Yunizon) [2]. This DarkPower ability can be activated by sacrificing a Dark Chip for Double Soul. It is an immensely powerful transformation, having the attributes of both the power of the Dark Chip and Double Soul. MegaMan gains the Soul's attributes, with an unusual Double Soul different color (usually turns purple or blackish). The charge attack now becomes the same as the sacrificed Dark Chip, and doing so does not affect Karma, self-inflict a bug, or have the effect of removing 1 HP permanently like using the chip normally would.

The catch is that Chaos Unison can only be used for absolutely one turn (cannot be boosted with the Navi Customizer), and when charging, the charge will rapidly transition between Teal-Green to Purple. If the player releases the Charge Shot while it is purple, the attack will execute flawlessly; if they release while it is teal-green, the attack fails and the Soul expires. A Dark Soul of MegaMan is also spawned in the enemy area, and will proceed to assault the player with Buster shots and random chip attacks for 13 seconds or until the battle ends. For each consecutive time a Chaos Unison's Charge Shot is used successfully during the battle, its charge time will increase slightly, in an attempt to throw off the player's timing and raise the risk of failing it.

At the end of Mega Man Battle Network 5, the destruction of the Dark Chip factory following Nebula Grey's defeat renders Chaos Unison impossible, due to there being no Dark Chips to sacrifice anymore.

Dark Double Soul[]

If MegaMan is in Evil emotion, he’ll lose access to his Double Soul but will be able to unite with his Dark Soul. Once per battle, if MegaMan would be deleted, he remains at 1 HP. Then he performs Dark Double Soul, known as Dark Soul Unison (ダークソウルユニゾン) in Japan, uniting with his Dark Soul. MegaMan turns completely black and berserk, becoming invincible but uncontrollable for several seconds. He then moves and attacks randomly with Buster shots, loaded chips, or any chips and Program Advances which the player has used the most throughout the game.

List of Double Souls[]

Below is the list of all Double Souls appearing in the games and anime.

Mega Man Battle Network 4[]

Mega Man Battle Network 4
Red Sun Souls
GutsSEmo Guts Soul
Guts Soul TypeCrack Requires a Panel Destruction chip sacrifice.
  • Non-element
  • All non-elemental and panel destruction chips gain 30 attack.
  • Rapid tapping of the B button causes MegaMan to fire a Guts Machine Gun, hitting 6 times for 5 damage each. MegaMan is invincible during this attack's duration.
  • Charge Shot: Guts Punch
    • Hits the panel in front of MegaMan for 60 damage. If it hits an obstacle, the obstacle will be pushed backwards.

Reason for communing: Impressed with Dex's chivalry and GutsMan's gutsy soul.

FireSEmo Fire Soul
Fire Soul BC Element Heat Requires a Fire chip sacrifice.
  • Fire element, weak to Aqua.
  • Grass Panels are placed on both stages with a + shape once the Soul is initiated.
  • MegaMan can absorb a Lava Panel and recover 50 HP by standing on it.
  • Charging a Fire chip will unleash a Fire Arm that covers the entire row, doing 150 damage.
  • Charge Shot: Flamethrower
    • Hits the 3 panels in front of MegaMan for 50 Fire damage.

Reason for communing: Synced with FireMan's burning heart.

RollSEmo Roll Soul
Roll Soul TypeRecover Requires a Recovery chip sacrifice.
  • Non-element
  • Using any Battle Chip will restore 10% of MegaMan's max HP.
  • Charge Shot: Roll Arrow
    • Travels down the row, hitting for 30 damage. If the arrow hits an enemy with Battle Chips loaded, Roll Arrow destroys these chips.

Reason for communing: Communed with Roll's heartwarming soul.

WindSEmo Wind Soul
Wind Soul BC Attribute Wind Requires a Wind chip sacrifice.
  • Non-element
  • All Wind chips gain 10 attack.
  • North Wind is performed when the Soul is initiated, removing all Barriers and Auras from all enemies.
  • MegaMan's normal buster becomes a 5-damage Air Shot, which can shift positions of enemies and knock obstacles around.
  • Air Shoes and Float Shoes are enabled.
  • While the Soul is active, a Fan effect is present which pulls all enemies to the front row.
  • Charge Shot: Wind Racket
    • Hits a 1x3 area directly in front of MegaMan for 50 damage. Any enemies or obstacles it hits are knocked to the back row.

Reason for communing: Related with WindMan's power to blow everything away and communed with his spirit.

ThunderSEmo Thunder Soul
Thunder Soul BC Element Elec Requires an Elec chip sacrifice.
  • Elec element, weak to Wood.
  • All non-dimming Elec and non-elemental chips will paralyze.
  • Charge Shot: Zap Ring
    • Fires down the row, hitting for 20 paralyzing Elec damage. The Charge Shot has a very slow charge rate such that paralysis expires before charging finishes.

Reason for communing: ThunderMan's noble thunderbolts resonated in MegaMan's soul.

SearchSEmo1 Search Soul
Search Soul TypeInvis Requires an Invisible chip sacrifice.
  • Non-element
  • Invisible and PopUp will be removed from all enemies once the Soul is initiated.
  • Search Shuffle is available in the Custom Screen, which randomly shuffles all chips in the Custom Screen that are not selected yet. This can be performed up to three times each turn while the Soul is active.
  • Charge Shot: Scope Gun
    • Locks onto the nearest enemy, doing five shots of 10 damage each. This attack pierces Invisible.

Reason for communing: Recognizes Lan and Raika's meeting of minds through battle and really likes SearchMan's cool personality.

Blue Moon Souls
AquaSEmo Aqua Soul
Aqua Soul BC Element AquaRequires an Aqua chip sacrifice.
  • Aqua element, weak to Elec.
  • MegaMan will not slip on Ice Panels.
  • Non-dimming Aqua chips can be charged for double damage.
  • Charge Shot: Aqua Shot
    • Fires down the row, hitting the enemy and the panel behind it for 20 Aqua damage. The Charge Shot has an incredibly fast charge rate.

Reason for communing: Touched by AquaMan's spirit, which flows like water.

NumberSEmo Number Soul
Number Soul TypePlus Requires a Plus chip sacrifice.
  • Non-element
  • All non-elemental chips gain 10 attack.
  • Custom Screen capacity is expanded to ten while the Soul is active.
  • Charge Shot: Die Bomb
    • Throws a Dice Bomb three panels forward. If it does not hit the enemy, it will explode after a short delay, inflicting (10 x die roll result) damage to a 3x3 area around it. If it lands on an enemy, it only deals 10 damage.

Reason for communing: Impressed with NumberMan's calculating style.

MetalSEmo Metal Soul
Metal Soul BC Attribute Break Requires a Break chip sacrifice.
  • Non-element
  • Buster becomes Break Buster, which can damage guarded enemies and instantly destroy obstacles.
  • Non-dimming Breaking and non-elemental chips can be charged for double damage.
  • Charge Shot: Metal Fist
    • Hits the panel directly in front of MegaMan, inflicting 150 Breaking damage and pushing the enemy back one panel.

Reason for communing: Realizes MetalMan is a Navi who talks with his fists, hurts but better than mere words, and moved by his soul of steel.

WoodSEmo Wood Soul
Wood Soul BC Element Wood Requires a Wood chip sacrifice.
  • Wood element, weak to Fire.
  • Status Guard enabled, MegaMan will be immune to status effects.
  • MegaMan heals at an incredibly fast rate while standing on Grass Panels.
  • Wood chips can absorb the next non-element chip selected after them, adding the chip's displayed power to their own. The non-element chip can even be a Giga Chip.
  • Charge Shot: Twister
    • Hits two panels away for eight hits of 20 Wood damage each.

Reason for communing: Felt Sal and WoodMan's love of nature.

JunkSEmo Junk Soul
Junk Soul TypeObstacle Requires an Obstacle chip sacrifice.
  • Non-element
  • All enemies are confused and invisibility will be removed once the Soul is initiated.
  • Two previously used Battle Chips are recycled and placed in the two additional custom slots in the Custom Screen while the Soul is active. These "junk chips" will not be replaced after use. The recycled chips also include the opponent's chips, as well as Dark Chips.
  • Charge Shot: Poltergeist
    • Dims the screen while throwing all obstacles at all enemies, inflicting 100 damage per obstacle.

Reason for communing: Recognizes JunkMan's soul touching the hearts of the audience, including MegaMan's.

BluesSEmo Proto Soul
Proto Soul BC Attribute Sword Requires a Sword chip sacrifice.
  • Non-element
  • Reflect enabled. NaviCust programs that require B + ← to execute will be overridden by Reflect.
  • All non-dimming Sword attacks will not cause the enemy to flash, including the Charge Shot.
  • Non-dimming Sword chips can be charged for double damage. When MegaMan uses chips charged this way, he also jumps two panels forward before using the chip (with the exception of Z Saber and Slasher).
  • Charge Shot: Wide Sword
    • Hits a 1x3 area immediately in front of MegaMan for 80 damage.
    • Unlike most Soul Charge Shots, this one can counter hit.

Reason for communing: Felt Chaud's true feelings of ProtoMan's importance when they were helping, and ProtoMan's cool and poignant soul.

Mega Man Battle Network 5[]

Mega Man Battle Network 5
Team ProtoMan Souls
MagnetSEmo CMagnetEmo Magnet Soul
Magnet Soul BC Element Elec Requires an Elec chip sacrifice.
  • Elec element, weak to Wood.
  • Non-dimming Elec chips can be charged for double damage.
  • MegaMan is unaffected by Magnet panels.
  • B + ← will temporarily magnetize all enemies in the same row as MegaMan, making them unable to move.
  • Charge Shot: Mag Bolt
    • Drags the nearest enemy in the row to the front of the area. If they are pulled to the panel in front of MegaMan, the attack deals (10 x Buster rank + 30) paralyzing Elec damage.
  • Chaos Unison Charge Shot: Dark Thunder
    • Creates a purple lightning ball that slowly travels and homes in on the nearest enemy, inflicting 200 paralyzing Elec damage.

Reason for communing: Impressed by MagnetMan's staunch defensive power.

GyroSEmo CGyroEmo Gyro Soul
Gyro Soul BC Attribute Wind Requires a Wind chip sacrifice.
  • Non-element
  • Air Shoes and Float Shoes enabled.
  • Using a non-dimming Wind chip will make MegaMan's propeller spin, doubling the damage dealt by the next non-dimming Wind or non-elemental chip used. The propeller will not stop spinning until the Soul expires, the battle ends, or a non-dimming non-elemental chip is used.
  • Charge Shot: Tornado Arm
    • Covers three panels in front of MegaMan, hitting once for the panel directly in front, twice for the panel after that, and thrice for the third. Each hit does (5 x Buster rank + 15) damage. It will also instantly remove barriers and auras upon impact.
  • Chaos Unison Charge Shot: Dark Tornado
    • Hits the second panel in front of MegaMan eight times for 50 damage each. The more MegaMan flinches, the more tornadoes will appear around the original one.

Reason for communing: Impressed by GyroMan's spirit of flight.

NapalmSEmo CNapalmEmo Napalm Soul
Napalm SOul BC Element Heat Requires a Fire chip sacrifice.
  • Fire element, weak to Aqua.
  • MegaMan takes no damage from Lava panels, but suffers a HP drain while standing on Sea Panels.
  • Non-dimming Fire chips gain 40 attack.
  • Standing on a Lava Panel with a damaging chip or Program Advance selected will remove the Lava Panel and give the chip an additional 10 attack.
  • Charging a Fire chip will unleash a Napalm Bomb at the nearest enemy that deals Fire damage equal to twice the charged chip's power.
  • Charge Shot: Fire Vulcan
    • Hits down the row and behind the enemy it hits three times for (5 x Buster rank + 5) damage.
  • Chaos Unison Charge Shot: Dark Meteor
    • Summons a number of meteors that are targeted at enemies which hit for 100 Fire damage. These meteors will also crack and destroy the panels they hit.

Reason for communing: NapalmMan being impressed by MegaMan's toughness for beating the Dark Power.

SearchSEmo2 CSearchEmo Search Soul
Search Soul TypeCursor Requires a Cursor chip sacrifice.
  • Non-element
  • Invisibility will be removed from all enemies once the Soul is initiated.
  • Search Shuffle is available in the Custom Screen, which randomly shuffles all chips in the Custom Screen that are not selected yet. This can be performed up to three times each turn while the Soul is active.
  • If the enemy is holding any chips, the number of chips they're holding will be visible above them.
  • Charge Shot: Snipe Gun
    • Locks onto the nearest enemy, doing five shots of (2 x Buster rank + 10) damage each. This attack pierces Invisible.
  • Chaos Unison Charge Shot: Dark Circle
    • Dims screen and causes a cursor to quickly circle the enemy area perimeter. Pressing A will stop the cursor and hit both the selected panel and the next six panels for 300 damage each. Reducing the enemy area will cause this attack to hit multiple times.

Reason for communing: Impressed by SearchMan's ice-cool way of keeping calm.

MediSEmo CMediEmo Meddy Soul
Meddy Soul TypeRecover Requires a Recovery chip sacrifice.
  • Non-element
  • The last two custom slots are replaced by capsules that can be fused with selected chips to give additional effects:
    • Pink: Recovers HP
    • Black: Blinds
    • White: Paralyzes
    • Yellow: Confuses
    • Purple: Causes a HP bug
  • Charge Shot: Capsule Bomb
    • Throws a capsule three squares ahead. If it lands on an unoccupied panel, there is a short delay before it explodes and hits the panels above and below it for (10 x Buster rank + 30) damage. Otherwise it damages only the enemy it lands on.
  • Chaos Unison Charge Shot: Dark Recovery
    • Recovers 1000 HP to MegaMan.

Reason for communing: Recognizes Meddy as a kind person and impressed by how nice she is.

BluesSEmo CBluesEmoProto Soul
Proto Soul BC Attribute Sword Requires a Sword chip sacrifice
  • Non-element
  • Reflect enabled. Navicust programs that require B + ← to execute will be overridden by Reflect.
  • Non-dimming Sword chips can be charged for double damage. When MegaMan uses chips charged this way, he also jumps two panels forward before using the chip.
  • Charge Shot: Wide Sword
    • Hits a 1x3 area immediately in front of MegaMan for (10 x Buster rank + 70) damage.
  • Chaos Unison Charge Shot: Dark Sword
    • Hits a 2x3 area immediately in front of MegaMan for 400 damage.

Reason for communing: Believed in ProtoMan's return from being controlled by the Dark Power.

Team Colonel Souls
KnightSEmo CKnightEmo Knight Soul
Knight Soul BC Attribute Break Requires a Breaking chip sacrifice.
  • Non-element
  • Non-dimming Breaking chips can be charged for double damage.
  • MegaMan turns invincible when using any battle chip on his front row. This lasts until he is able to move again.
  • Charge Shot: Royal Wrecking Ball
    • Hits the eight panels surrounding MegaMan, inflicting (10 x Buster rank + 30) Breaking damage, while also confusing all enemies it hits.
  • Chaos Unison Charge Shot: Dark Drill
    • Hits the two panels ahead of MegaMan up to five times for 100 Breaking damage each. Enemies which are hit are pushed back, but if they cannot move any further from the drill they continue taking hits.

Reason for communing: Impressed by KnightMan's nerves of steel.

ShadowSEmo CShadowEmo Shadow Soul
Shadow Soul TypeInvis Requires an Invisible chip sacrifice.
  • Non-element
  • Anti Damage and Float Shoes enabled. Navicust programs that require B + ← to execute will be overridden by Anti Damage.
  • Charging a non-dimming Sword chip will have MegaMan to warp behind the enemy, then using the chip.
  • Movement speed slightly increased, with reduced waiting time between moving from panel to panel.
  • Charge Shot: Long Sword
    • Hits the two panels directly in front of MegaMan, inflicting (5 x Buster rank + 65) damage.
  • Chaos Unison Charge Shot: Dark Invisible
    • MegaMan turns black and becomes invincible and uncontrollable, moving about and attacking randomly with Buster shots, any loaded chips and any other Battle chips and Program Advances the player has used.

Reason for communing: Impressed by ShadowMan's shadowy spirit of illusion.

ThawkSEmo CThawkEmo Tomahawk Soul
Tomahawk Soul BC Element Wood Requires a Wood chip sacrifice.
  • Wood element, weak to Fire.
  • Status Guard enabled, MegaMan will be immune to status effects.
  • Entire stage is converted to Grass Panels when Soul is initiated.
  • MegaMan heals while standing on a Grass Panel.
  • Using a non-dimming Wood chip while on a Grass Panel will double the chip's power, but the Grass Panel dissipates afterwards.
  • Charge Shot: Tomahawk Swing
    • Covers a 2x3 area immediately in front of MegaMan, inflicting (10 x Buster rank + 70) Wood damage.
  • Chaos Unison Charge Shot: Dark Lance
    • Hits the enemy back row for 400 Wood damage, pushing all enemies forward.

Reason for communing: TomahawkMan being really impressed by MegaMan's faith in his friends.

NumberSEmo CNumberEmo Number Soul
Number Soul TypePlus Requires a Plus chip sacrifice.
  • Non-element
  • All non-elemental chips gain 10 attack.
  • Custom Screen capacity is expanded to ten while the Soul is active.
  • Charge Shot: Die Bomb
    • Throws a Dice Bomb three panels forward. If it does not hit the enemy, it will explode after a short delay, inflicting ((Buster rank x 5 + 5) x die roll result) damage to a 3x3 area around it. If it lands on an enemy, it deals damage only to that enemy as if the roll result was a one.
  • Chaos Unison Charge Shot: Dark Plus
    • Adds 50 attack to the next selected chip or Program Advance. This cannot stack with other modifiers used, except for Number Soul's innate +10.

Reason for communing: Really impressed by NumberMan's clear mind and calculated battles.

ToadSEmo CToadEmo Toad Soul
Toad Soul BC Element Aqua Requires an Aqua chip sacrifice.
  • Aqua element, weak to Elec.
  • MegaMan is able to hide in Sea Panels, and cannot slip on Ice Panels.
  • Non-dimming Aqua chips can be charged for double damage.
  • Charge Shot: Shock Song
    • Homes in on the nearest enemy, inflicting (10 x Buster rank + 20) paralyzing Elec damage.
  • Chaos Unison Charge Shot: Dark Wide
    • Fires a Wide Shot that hits everything down the rows it covers for 300 Aqua damage.

Reason for communing: Impressed by ToadMan's constant positivity.

ColonelSEmo CColonelEmo Colonel Soul
Colonel Soul TypeObstacle Requires an Obstacle chip sacrifice.
  • Non-element
  • Arm Change: Charge Shot can be converted to any non-dimming, non-element Standard chip with an attack value while the Soul is active.
  • Obstacles on the enemy field convert to soldiers which attack enemies standing behind or in front of them.
  • Charge Shot: Screen Divide
    • Covers a V-shape formation centered on the nearest enemy in the row, dealing (10 x Buster rank + 40) damage. If no enemy is present in the same row as MegaMan, the attack is instead centred 3 squares ahead.
  • Chaos Unison Charge Shot: Dark Sonic
    • Summons a Trumpy virus that paralyzes all enemies while it plays its music.

Reason for communing: Believed in Colonel's return from being controlled by the Dark Power.

Other Appearances[]


ProtoSoul RockmanEXEAxess EP27

Megaman using Proto Soul.

In MegaMan NT Warrior Axess, MegaMan is able to perform Double Soul initially through a special bond between fellow Navis; he usually obtained new souls in dire situations, during which either he or the other Navi in question were subject to great peril. After initiating a given Double Soul once, Lan received a corresponding chip, allowing MegaMan to freely access it when needed.

While it is Double Soul that overrides MegaMan's Style Change option in the games, it is a side effect of Cross Fusion that serves this purpose in the anime.[3]

All twelve Souls from Mega Man Battle Network 4 appear in Axess. Only one Soul from Mega Man Battle Network 5 (Gyro Soul) appears in the Stream season.


Mega Man NT Warrior (manga)[]

Blues Soul manga

Proto Soul in Mega Man NT Warrior manga.

MegaMan acquired the Double Soul program from Serenade and first used it during his third battle with Bass. Like in the anime, MegaMan is able to perform Double Soul through a special bond between fellow Navis. Unlike in the anime though, Lan doesn't receive a corresponding chip, requiring MegaMan's fellow Navis to be there for MegaMan to use Double Soul. Also, the Navis who perform Double Soul with MegaMan gives 99% of their data to MegaMan, leaving them at a state of near deletion. If the Navi who performs Double Soul with MegaMan is deleted, the respective Double Soul will disappear as well.

Only Proto Soul, Guts Soul, Search Soul, Tomahawk Soul, and Tomahawk Chaos appear in the manga.

MegaMan DS performs a NetNavi fusion as well, but instead of combining souls, he consumes the Navi instead. He uses this technique on Bass and LaserMan.

Battle Story MegaMan NT Warrior[]


Unison Chip in Battle Story Mega Man NT Warrior manga.

Yuichiro Hikari has created the Unison Program, an evolution of Style Change. When MegaMan activates it and fights another Navi, it'll collect emotion energy during the battle, resulting in a Unison Chip. The Unison Chip materializes in the cyberworld and Lan needs to speak the keyword, "Soul Unison", to activate it. In the manga's final chapter (Chapter 71), MegaMan goes into Proto Soul and works with ProtoMan to take down ShadeMan. While not in the manga itself, the manga's artist has drawn other Souls as extras.

Development Notes[]


Bass Soul

  • A Bass Soul and Duo Soul was planned to be added to Mega Man Battle Network 4, but there wasn’t enough space on the cartridge [4]. Bass Cross MegaMan would be a spiritual successor to the idea. Within the game’s data, the framework for the souls still exist [5].
    • In the book, Rockman EXE no Himitsu, the design for Bass Soul was printed [6]. Many of the design concepts carried over to Bass Cross MegaMan. In the same book, a concept for Ice Soul, originally planned as an anime original, was also published [7].
  • Chaos Unison came to be due to Director Masahiro Yasuma wanting to create a "chaos hero" aspect, that being a good MegaMan being able to use Dark Chips[8].
  • For Mega Man Battle Network 5, Director Masahiro Yasuma tried to keep a balance between the different version Double Souls. Treating Team ProtoMan as geared more towards battles that take some careful setup, and Team Colonel as containing a bit more destructive power but has its own quirks [8].
  • When the Battle Network development staff was polled, the majority considers Double Soul as the best among the transformation systems[9].
  • While the Soul designs are by the concept artist, the Chaos Unison colors are done by the Design Studio (the Official Illustrators)[10].


Main article: Double Soul/Gallery


  • The time period that Dark MegaMan appears following the fail of Chaos Unison charge shot is 13 seconds, a rather unusual nod to an unlucky number.
  • In Battle Network 4, during the ShadeMan fight in ToyRoboComp, the strange properties of the fight makes it possible for Soul to use Dark Sword. As well as uniting with Dark Sword for Proto Soul.
  • The following Soul abilities are not mentioned in the game's E-Mail:
    • Fire Soul's ability to absorb Lava Panels to heal is not mentioned.
    • Junk Soul's ability to remove invisibility in addition to causing confusion is not mentioned.
    • BN4 Proto Soul's ability to remove flashing from sword attacks is not mentioned. Furthermore, this ability is removed entirely in BN5, as well as the Charge Shot’s ability to counter hit.
    • Napalm Soul's ability to absorb Lava Panels to strengthen chips is not mentioned.
    • BN5 Search Soul's ability to see the number of chips the enemy is holding.
  • Thanks to Junk Soul recycling Dark Chips, Junk Soul and base form MegaMan can use Dark Chips without going Evil emotion and losing HP. However, the bugs from the chips will still be inflicted.
  • For some reason, in the English version of BN5, Search Soul's Scope Gun was renamed Snipe Gun. The name was the same in Japanese.
  • Due to Shadow Soul flipping MegaMan's sprite, there are some strange interactions from dimming chips if they are used in that period. However doing so is impossible, except with a dimming chip "cut in" during a multiplayer match.
  • For the German language option in the European version of Mega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team DS, Napalm Soul and Napalm Chaos is named "Moltanic Soul" and "Moltanic Chaos". The voice clips where Lan says "Napalm" have also been replaced with "Moltanic".
  • Due to the manipulated use of Dark Soul's registered chips through Dark Double Soul and Chaos Unison's failed charge shot, many restrictions were put into the Capcom Official Rules for tournaments. Abusing the mechanic such as spamming the same powerful chips over 3 times, or stalling the match with dimming chips that requires pressing the A button, puts a risk disqualification from the tournament[11].


  2. MMBN5 E-Mail: "MegaMan faced down the DarkPower within himself. Now,under certain conditions,he can use this DarkPower: ChaosUnison.”
  3. MegaMan NT Warrior / Rockman EXE Axess Episode #2, 2003
  5. The Mechanical Maniacs - Mega Man Battle Network Mysteries
  6. Rockman EXE no Himitsu pg.21
  7. Mega Man Battle Network Official Complete Works pg. 158
  8. 8.0 8.1 Rockman EXE5 Ultimate Navigation CHAOS
  9. Rockman EXE 6 Ultimate Navigation COMP interview (English translation)
  10. Mega Man Battle Network Official Complete Works pg.56

See also[]
