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Earth Dragon, known as Tsubo Ryū (ツボリュウ lit. "Vase Dragon") in Japan, is a virus in the Mega Man Battle Network series that resembles a dragon. They only appear in Mega Man Battle Network 6.

Earth Dragon family[]


ErthDrgn1 exe6 Earth Dragon (ツボリュウ Tsubo Ryū) is a red dragon with Fire element.


ThdrDrgn1 exe6 Thunder Dragon (ライリュウ Rai Ryū) is a yellow dragon with Elec element.


WatrDrgn1 exe6 Water Dragon (スイリュウ Sui Ryū) is a blue dragon with Aqua element.


WoodDrgn1 exe6 Wood Dragon (モクリュウ Moku Ryū) is a brown dragon with green flames. It is of the Wood element.


WhiteDrgn1 exe6 White Dragon (ハクリュウ Haku Ryū) is a white dragon.


BlackDrgn1 exe6 Black Dragon (コクリュウ Koku Ryū) is a black dragon.

Virus stats by game[]

Mega Man Battle Network 6[]

X8NavigatorAlertIconEdit This section requires expansion.

Battle Chips[]

Deleted viruses from the Earth Dragon family leave the Battle Chips Heat Dragon (ヒートドラゴン), Elec Dragon (エレキドラゴン), Aqua Dragon (アクアドラゴン), and Wood Dragon (ウッドドラゴン). When used, a dragon appears and attacks the row with the closest enemy and the row behind.

ID Battle Chip Description Damage Element Codes Size Rarity
Standard Chip 123 BN6Chip123 HeatDrgn Drgn near clst enmy Hit 2 rows 140 BC Element Heat Fire G,R,T 40 MB ***
Standard Chip 124 BN6Chip124 ElecDrgn Drgn near clst enmy Hit 2 rows 150 BC Element Elec Elec A,L,V 40 MB ***
Standard Chip 125 BN6Chip125 AquaDrgn Drgn near clst enmy Hit 2 rows 120 BC Element Aqua Aqua H,P,S 44 MB ****
Standard Chip 126 BN6Chip126 WoodDrgn Drgn near clst enmy Hit 2 rows 130 BC Element Wood Wood G,T,V 48 MB ****