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The five basic elements in Rockman Xover

In the Mega Man Battle Network and Mega Man Star Force series and the game Rockman Xover, there is a set of Elements that are attached to Battle Chips, Battle Cards, Battle Memories, bosses, enemies, and transformations.



Element cycle.

There are five basic Elements, known as Attributes (属性 zokusei) in Japan, introduced in the first Mega Man Battle Network game: Fire, Aqua, Elec, Wood, and no element. If a virus element is weak against a chip used, the virus will take twice damage. They would also gain territorial advantages on certain panels. The first two Mega Man Star Force series and Rockman Xover also use the five basic elements.

The element cycle is not applied strictly to characters with that characteristic, but rather only applied as a weakness to them (e.g. ToadMan is a Aqua element Navi but he can use Elec attacks, DarkMech is weak to a Cursor but it doesn't use Break attacks).

In Mega Man Battle Network 4 and 5, the system's name was reformatted into Types[1], known as Systems (系統 keitō, can also mean "family line")[2] in Japan. This was done as 9 new types are introduced and the Double Soul ability requires the sacrifice of a Battle Chip of the same element or type to be used. The 4 elements are now categorized as types. The 9 new types aren't strong or weak against other types.


Type cycle.

In Mega Man Battle Network 6, there was another change due to the Cross System. In addition to the 4 traditional element weakness cycle, there is now a 4 type weakness cycle consisting of Sword, Wind, Cursor, and Break. Obstacle and Plus are still present in Battle Chip icons, but they do not inflict extra damage. There are a number of rules set upon certain attacks due to this new type implementation:

  • Not all attacks that pierce guards are Break type.
  • Certain chips like Yo-Yo (None and Sword) and ElecSword (Elec and Sword) have an element and type but are not indicated on the chip's info page. They are Sword chips as well, but will not be boosted by Slash Cross' attack boost.

In the first two games Mega Man Star Force series, only the elemental types is shown, but type properties are on a number of attacks. But in Mega Man Star Force 3, the Sword, Wind and, Break type icons return due to the Noise Change system. Unlike Battle Network 6, a Battle Card can have both elements and types and up to three icons (an element and up to two types) will be listed on its info page. Also, all guard pierce attacks are considered Break-type attacks.

  • Star Force 3 has a created a distinction between a form's body and their weakness. Noting that forms can have a non-elemental body but still have an elemental or type weakness.

Elemental Attributes[]

None None[]

The None [1] ( Mu) element (Non-elemental in the Mega Man Star Force series) has no weaknesses or strengths. Also known as Null,[3] Non-element,[4] Elementless,[5] and No Attribute.[6]

Non-element attacks are neither vulnerable nor advantageous in battles against foes of a particular element. However, they are usually supported by the most number of forms, even if they're aligned with other elements.

Fire Fire[]

The Fire ( Honō) element is strong against Wood element, and weak against Aqua element. Also known as Flame.[7] Fire attacks tend to inflict large amounts of damage in one hit, which makes them extremely useful when combined with the double damage bonus to enemies on Grass Panels. However, these chips have a tendency to cause invisible frames.


  • If a target is standing on a Grass Panel, Fire attacks do double damage on the target, while also burning away affected Grass Panel(s). This stacks with the damage multiplier when a Fire attack hits a Wood enemy.
  • In Mega Man Battle Network 2 to 5, Fire element Navis and viruses are unaffected by Lava Panels.
  • In Mega Man Battle Network 5, Sea panels deal steady damage to Fire-types.

Aqua Aqua[]

The Aqua ( Mizu) element is strong against the Fire element, and weak against Elec element. Also known as Water.[4] Aqua attacks tend to be balanced, with a mix of status-inducing, multi-hitting, or powerful single hits. Starting in BN6, Aqua attacks are being able to induce Freeze or Bubble status, Aqua attacks have shifted to being used to support Breaking and Elec attacks which deal double damage to enemies in said status effects.


  • Starting in Battle Network 3, Aqua element Navi/virus will not slide on ice panels.
  • In Mega Man Battle Network 5, Sea panels hide certain Aqua element characters, rendering them immune to all attacks, except attacks that have Elec element or hit panels underground.
  • In Mega Man Battle Network 6 and the Mega Man Star Force series, certain Aqua attack will bubble the enemy. While bubbled, an Elec element attack will do double damage to them.
  • In Mega Man Battle Network 6 and the Mega Man Star Force series, attacking an enemy standing on an Ice Panel with an Aqua attack will consume the Ice Panel and freeze them. While frozen, a guard pierce attack will do double damage to them.

Electric Elec[]

The Elec (電気 Denki) element is strong against Aqua element, and weak against Wood element. Also known as Electric,[8] and Electricity.[6] Elec attacks favor inducing status effects over anything else, at the cost of raw power. Some will be able to inflict paralysis, which will allow for otherwise clumsy chips to be aimed better, while also allowing for an immediate follow-up attack.


  • In Battle Network 2 to 4, When a Navi/virus is standing on an Ice panel, an Elec element attack will do double damage to them. This property is completely gone in later games.
  • In Battle Chip Challenge, When a Navi is standing on an Aluminum panel, an Elec element attack will do double damage to them.
  • In Battle Network 5, When a Navi is standing on a Sea panel, an Elec element attack will do double damage to them.
  • In Battle Network 6, if the enemy is encased in a bubble, Elec attacks will do double damage to them.

Wood Wood[]

The Wood ( Ki) element is strong against Elec element, and weak against Fire element. Many Wood attacks are notable for not causing invisible frames. This means that after such an attack connects, the enemy is still vulnerable to getting hit again, allowing for many attacks to be made in succession.


  • When a Wood element Navi/virus stands on a Grass panel, they will regain HP.

Other Types[]

Sword Sword[]

See also: Sword (Battle Chip) and Sword (Battle Card)

Sword (ソード Sōdo) chips have been part of the series from the very beginning but did not become a type until Mega Man Battle Network 4. It would retain its type status in Mega Man Battle Network 6, being part of a new type cycle, where it became strong against Wind type and weak against Break type. This element is also present in Mega Man Star Force 3.

Most Sword attacks tend to be swift and strong, but lack range. Sword attacks are the only ones capable of hitting shadowy viruses such as Shadows and Nightmares. It's also a heavily used as a type, assigned to chips such as Yo-Yo and TomahawkMan.

Recov Recovery[]

See also: Recovery

The Recovery (リカバリー Rikabarī) chips are main stays of the series, but is only a type in Mega Man Battle Network 4, 5, and Rockman.EXE 4.5 Real Operation. Recovery chips tend to lack offensive capability, instead focusing entirely on restoring one's own HP or providing support while in a pinch.

PlusMinus Plus[]

The Plus [1] (数値付加 Sūchi Fuka) chips, denoted with +/-, are another of the series mainstays that became a type starting Mega Man Battle Network 4. Also known as Bonus Point [4] and Add Numbers.[9] Plus is support type, designed to raise the attack of one's own chips or Buster. One of this type's most common chips is the Atk+10 chip, which is always included in every starting folder.

TypeCrack Panel Destruction[]

The Panel Destruction (地形 Chikei, "Terrain") type was only present in Mega Man Battle Network 4. Also known as Earth Shattering.[9] These form of chips are designed to crack or break panels on the field, in order to deprive the enemy of any territorial advantages caused by panel types or to control their movement space. Metal panels cannot be cracked.

Invis Invisible[]

The Invisible (インビジブル Inbijiburu) chips are main stays of the series, but is only a type in Mega Man Battle Network 4, 5, and Rockman.EXE 4.5 Real Operation. These kinds of chips make it harder for enemies to hit the user, usually by providing some form of invisibility.

TypeObstacle Obstacle[]

The Obstacle [1] (召喚 Shōkan, "Summon") type was added in Mega Man Battle Network 4. Also known as Summon [4] and Ornament.[9] Obstacle chips summon obstacles, most often immediately in front of MegaMan. They will have an HP that must be reduced to be destroyed, but guard piercing attacks will automatically destroy them. Obstacle-related transformations always have the capability of converting obstacles on the field into a means of offense.

BC Attribute Wind Wind[]

The Wind (かゼ Kaze) element was added in Mega Man Battle Network 4. It was retained in Mega Man Battle Network 6 for the new Cross system, becoming strong against Cursor type and weak against Sword type. This type is also present in Mega Man Star Force 3, although none of MegaMan's forms is weak to it.

Wind attacks focus on shifting the positions of enemies and obstacles. In Mega Man Battle Network 6 and the Mega Man Star Force series, Wind attacks are able blow away Barriers and Auras regardless of their strength.

Breaking Break[]

The Break (ブレイク Bureiku) type was added in Mega Man Battle Network 4. This type is also present in Mega Man Star Force 3. Also known as Breaker.[5] Break attacks all have the ability to damage guarded enemies. In Mega Man Battle Network 6 and Mega Man Star Force series, Break attacks also cause double damage to any frozen enemies in BN6.

Marking Cursor[]

The Cursor (カーソル Kāsoru) type was added in Mega Man Battle Network 5. In Mega Man Battle Network 6, it became part of the new type cycle, where the Navis and viruses of this element became strong against Break type and weak against Wind type.

Cursor chips focuses on attacks that having homing or targeting abilities. In Mega Man Battle Network 6, they can destroy ???? traps (such as AntiDmg and ElemTrap) and damage the target at the same time.


Mega Man Battle Network series[]

Element Style Change Double Soul Cross System and Beast Out Trans Arm
  • Heat Cross (BN6 Gregar)
  • Charge Cross (BN6 Gregar)
  • Flame Arm
  • Aqua element Style Changes with the "Aqua-" prefix.
  • Aqua Cross (BN6 Falzar)
  • Aqua Arm
  • Elec element Style Changes with the "Elec-" prefix.
  • Elec Cross (BN6 Gregar)
  • Thunder Arm
  • Wood element Style Changes with the "Wood-" prefix.
  • Tomahawk Cross (BN6 Falzar)
  • Tomahawk Arm
Panel Destruction
  • Dust Cross (BN6 Falzar), despite its Break type, still has an affinity for obstacles.
  • Slash Cross (BN6 Gregar)
  • Blues Arm
  • Tengu Cross (BN6 Falzar)
  • Ground Cross (BN6 Falzar)
  • Dust Cross (BN6 Falzar)
  • Erase Cross (BN6 Gregar)
  • Search Arm

Mega Man Star Force series[]

Element Star Force Tribe On Noise Change


Note: Some NetNavis match a specific type chip, but they are treated as being none element bosses if they have no weaknesses.

Element Mega Man Battle Network series Mega Man Star Force series

Battle Chips[]

Battle Chips related to elements.

  • Anti Fire (カキゲンキン, Kakigenkin in Japan, a word used for warnings of flammability), Anti Water (ダイコウズイ, Daikouzui in Japan, "Deluge"), Anti Elec (ヒライシン, Hiraishin, "Lightning Rod"), and Anti Wood (マヨイノモリ, Mayoi no Mori, "Lost Woods") are four Battle Chips that can counter attacks from the specific element.
    • In Mega Man Battle Network 6 they were consolidated into Element Trap (エレメントラップ Erementorappu, "Elementrap" or "Element Wrap" in Japan),which can counter any of the four basic elements.
    • Anti Sword (シラハドリ, Shirahadori in Japan) is a Battle Chip that counters attacks with the Sword property, which includes all Sword element attacks.
    • Anti Recovery (バッドメディスン, Bad Medicine) is a Battle Chip that reverses healing, which most Recovery element Chips provide.
  • Fire +40 (ファイア+40), Aqua +40 (アクア+40), Elec +40 (エレキ+40), and Wood +40 (ウッド+40) are Battle Chips from Mega Man Battle Network 2 that increase the attack power of a specific element Battle Chip by 40. In Mega Man Battle Network 3 their bonus was reduced to +30 (+30).
  • In Rockman.EXE 4.5 Real Operation a Mega Chip series was made: Fire Plus (ファイアプラス Faia Purasu), Thunder Plus (サンダープラス Sandā Purasu), Aqua Power (アクアパワー Akua Pawā), and Wood Power (ウッドパワー Uddo Pawā). They're similar to the earlier Element+ chips but must be used first and provides more effects. Fire Plus create a Grass Stage upon use, and Thunder Plus makes the Elec chip paralyze. Aqua Power and Wood Power don't provide additional effect but provides a x2 damage boost.

Mega Man Battle Network 2[]

ID Image Battle Card Description Attack Element Code Memory Rarity
178 MMBN2Chip178 AntiFire
Punishes enemy for using fire 200 BC Element Heat Fire F, K, L, P, T, * 32 MB ***
179 MMBN2Chip179 AntiElec
Punishes enemy for using elec 200 BC Element Elec Elec E, H, N, U, Y, * 32 MB ***
180 MMBN2Chip180 AntiWatr
Punishes enemy for using aqua 200 BC Element Aqua Aqua A, D, Q, W, Z, * 32 MB ***
182 MMBN2Chip182 AntiSwrd
Punishes use of swords 100 BC Element Null None D, H, I, M, T, * 32 MB ***
184 MMBN2Chip184 AntiRecv
Bad Medicine)
Punish the recovery of HPs! - BC Element Null Null B, D, M, P, W, * 32 MB ****
188 MMBN2Chip188 Fire+40
Adds 40 to Fire AttackChip - BC Element Null None * 12 MB **
189 MMBN2Chip189 Aqua+40
Adds 40 to Aqua AttackChip - BC Element Null None * 12 MB **
190 MMBN2Chip190 Wood+40
Adds 40 to Wood AttackChip - BC Element Null None * 12 MB **
191 MMBN2Chip191 Elec+40
Adds 40 to Elec AttackChip - BC Element Null None * 12 MB **

Mega Man Battle Network 3[]

ID Image Battle Card Description Attack Element Code Memory Rarity
Standard Chip
MMBN3SChip192 AntiSwrd
Retaliate for sword damage 100 BC Element Null None B, K, R, U, Y 68 MB ***
Standard Chip
MMBN3SChip194 AntiRecv
Bad Medicine)
Punish recovery of HPs! - BC Element Null Null B, D, E, O, S 73 MB ***
Standard Chip
MMBN3SChip196 Fire+30
+30 for Fire atk chip - BC Element Null None * 20 MB **
Standard Chip
MMBN3SChip197 Aqua+30
+30 for Aqua atk chip - BC Element Null None * 21 MB **
Standard Chip
MMBN3SChip198 Elec+30
+30 for Elec atk chip - BC Element Null None * 23 MB **
Standard Chip
MMBN3SChip199 Wood+30
+30 for Wood atk chip - BC Element Null None * 26 MB **

Mega Man Battle Network 4[]

ID Image Battle Card Description Attack Element Code Memory Rarity
Standard Chip
BN4Chip138 AntiFire
Fire atk damages you 200 BC Element Heat Fire K 58 MB ***
Standard Chip
BN4Chip139 AntiWatr
Water atk damages you 200 BC Element Aqua Aqua D 54 MB ***
Standard Chip
BN4Chip140 AntiElec
Elec atk damages you 200 BC Element Elec Elec H 59 MB ***
Standard Chip
BN4Chip141 AntiWood
Mayoi no Mori)
Wood atk damages you 200 BC Element Wood Wood M 55 MB ***
Standard Chip
BN4Chip143 AntiSwrd
Retaliate for sword damage 100 BC Attribute Sword Sword C, I, N, * 43 MB ***
Standard Chip
BN4Chip145 AntiRecv
Bad Medicine)
Damages enemy in recovery - BC Element Null Null B, D, G, * 37 MB ***

Mega Man Battle Network 5[]

ID Image Battle Card Description Attack Element Code Memory Rarity
Standard Chip
BN5Chip168 AntiFire
Fire atk damages you 200 BC Element Heat Fire E, K, T, * 58 MB ***
Standard Chip
BN5Chip169 AntiWatr
Water atk damages you 200 BC Element Aqua Aqua D, G, Q, * 54 MB ***
Standard Chip
BN5Chip170 AntiElec
Elec atk damages you 200 BC Element Elec Elec A, N, Y, * 59 MB ***
Standard Chip
BN5Chip171 AntiWood
Mayoi no Mori)
Wood atk damages you 200 BC Element Wood Wood M, S, Z, * 55 MB ***
Standard Chip
BN5Chip173 AntiSwrd
Retaliate for sword damage 100 BC Attribute Sword Sword D, O, R 43 MB ***
Standard Chip
BN5Chip175 AntiRecv
Bad Medicine)
Damages enemy in recovery 200 BC Element Null Null B, J, P 32 MB ***

Mega Man Battle Network 6[]

ID Image Battle Card Description Attack Element Code Memory Rarity
Standard Chip
BN6Chip187 ElemTrap
Trap enmy and attk with elem 240 BC Element Null Null G, S, U, * 42 MB ***
Standard Chip
BN6Chip190 AntiSwrd
Retaliate for sword damage 100 Type sword Sword A, R, Z, * 33 MB ***
Standard Chip
BN6Chip191 AntiRecv
Bad Medicine)
Damages enemy in recovery 200 BC Element Null Null A, F, V, * 37 MB ***

Rockman EXE 4.5 Real Operation[]

ID Image Battle Card Description Attack Element Memory Rarity
Standard Chip
BN45Chip138 Kakigenkin
200 BC Element Heat Fire 58 MB ***
Standard Chip
BN45Chip139 Daikouzui
200 BC Element Aqua Aqua 54 MB ***
Standard Chip
BN45Chip140 Hiraishin
200 BC Element Elec Elec 59 MB ***
Standard Chip
BN45Chip141 Mayoi no Mori
200 BC Element Wood Wood 55 MB ***
Mega Chip
BN45MChip081 Fire Plus
- BC Element Null None 80 MB *****
Mega Chip
BN45MChip082 Thunder Plus
- BC Element Null None 80 MB *****
Mega Chip
BN45MChip083 Aqua Power
- BC Element Null None 80 MB *****
Mega Chip
BN45MChip084 Wood Power
- BC Element Null None 80 MB *****

Battle Cards[]

Battle Cards related to elements.

  • Spirit Fury (セイレイノイカリ Seirei no Ikari) is a Battle Card that can counter any Standard Class Battle Cards of the four basic elements, but only in multiplayer matches.
  • Anti Sword (シラハドリ, Shirahadori in Japan) is a Battle Card from Mega Man Star Force 2 and 3 that counters attacks with the Sword property, but only in multiplayer matches.
  • Fire +50 (ファイア+50), Aqua +50 (アクア+50), and Wood +50 (ウッド+50) are Giga Cards from Mega Man Star Force that increase the attack power of a specific element Battle Chip by 50. In Mega Man Star Force 2 they become Blank Cards, with their bonus reduced to +30 and Elec +30 (エレキ+30) being added.
  • Normal+50 increases the attack of non-elemental Battle Cards by 50.

Mega Man Star Force[]

ID Image Battle Card Description Attack Element
Standard Card 140 SF BC 140 SpiritFury Matchs only. Use elem crd trap sprngs! 220 None None
Giga Card 2
Aqua +50 +50 atk pwr to Aqua elm cards. - Aqua Aqua
Giga Card 2
Fire +50 +50 atk pwr to Fire elm cards. - Fire Fire
Giga Card 2
Wood +50 +50 atk pwr to Wood elm cards. - Wood Wood

Mega Man Star Force 2[]

ID Image Battle Card Game description Attack Element Star Carrier no.
Standard Card 141 SpritFury SpritFury VS only. Use Elm S card to unleash! 150 None None 28056
Giga Card 3
BC SF2 Normal+50 Normal+50 +50 atk pwr to non-elm cards. - None None 44721
Blank Card Fire 30 Fire +30 +30 atk pwr to Fire elm cards. - Fire Fire -
Blank Card Aqua 30 Aqua+30 +30 atk pwr to Aqua elm cards. - Aqua Aqua -
Blank Card Elec 30 Elec +30 +30 atk pwr to Wood elm cards. - Elec Elec -
Blank Card Wood 30 Wood+30 +30 atk pwr to Wood elm cards. - Wood Wood -
Star Card 352 SpritFury SpritFury★1 Raises Atk Pwr of cards of same name 150+10 None None -
Star Card 353 SpritFury SpritFury★2 Raises Atk Pwr of cards of same name 150+20 None None -
Star Card 354 SpritFury SpritFury★3 Raises Atk Pwr of cards of same name 150+30 None None -

Mega Man Star Force 3[]

ID Image Battle Card Game description Attack Element
Standard Card 138 SpiritFury SpiritFury VS only. Use Elmnt S card to unleash 150 None None
Illegal Card Fire 30 Fire +30 +30 atk pwr to Fire elm cards - Fire Fire
Illegal Card Aqua 30 Aqua+30 +30 atk pwr to Aqua elm cards - Aqua Aqua
Illegal Card Elec 30 Elec +30 +30 atk pwr to Wood elm cards - Elec Elec
Illegal Card Wood 30 Wood+30 +30 atk pwr to Wood elm cards - Wood Wood

Other games[]


  • In the English games, when addressing elements, Battle Network usually writes it as "element-based", while Star Force writes it as "element-elemental". Example: "Fire-based chip" and "Fire-Elemental card". In the English Battle Network 4, a distinction was made with "-based" for elements and "-type" for types.
  • Mega Man Battle Network 3, 4, and 6, almost had all of their Wood Battle Chips and attacks not cause invisible frames, but they were always one or two chips short of it all having that property. In the Mega Man Star Force series, all singular element Wood attacks MegaMan performs (except for Star Force's Elemental Cyclone) do not cause invisible frames.
  • In Mega Man Battle Network 6, the Obstacle and Plus types remain even though none of the forms use them for abilities. They likely kept it so they wouldn't have to make it None element, where it then can be used for Beast Out's special attack chip charges.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Mega Man Battle Network 4
  2. Rockman EXE no Subete pg. 045
  3. Mega Man Battle Network 4 BradyGames Strategy Guide
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Mega Man Battle Network 5
  5. 5.0 5.1 Mega Man Battle Network 6
  6. 6.0 6.1 Mega Man Battle Network 3 manual
  7. Mega Man Battle Network 5 manual
  8. Mega Man Battle Network 2
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Mega Man Battle Network 4 manual
  10. Rockman EXE Encyclopedia Book, page 048
  11. Rockman EXE no Subete, page 070