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The Final Weapon

The Final Weapon, Repliforce's flower-shaped colony for their Reploid-only nation.

Final Weapon (ファイナルウェポン) is a space station that acts as the final stage in Mega Man X4, and was intended to be the Repliforce's utopian, orbital colony independent from humanity.


This flower-shaped space station was constructed by the Repliforce to be their ideal, Reploid-only nation in the vastness of outer space. They built the Weapon after launching a coup d'etat against the human government for Reploid independence, and equipped it with a powerful energy cannon capable of decimating all of Earth with a single shot. Although they only built the destructive weapon in the name of self-defense in case the humans attacked them, Sigma wrested control of it from them so he could use it to destroy the planet.

After X defeated the traitor Double and Zero defeated Iris in the station, X confronted the leader of the Repliforce, General, defeating him in battle. Then, the Hunters confronted Sigma. They defeated him, but had no way to stop the Final Weapon. Luckily, the General came by, and sacrificed his life to save the Earth by slamming his body into the weapon, ending the threat once and for all.


Final Weapon Stage 1[]

X4 FinalWeapon Preview

The first area is an onslaught of enemies down a tunnel through the Final Weapon. It leads to a room with a battle against the player's operator: Double for X, Iris for Zero. Once the boss is defeated, they do not have to be fought again on return visits to the stage.

Afterwards, there are two paths leading to the stage's true boss, General. The higher path is platforming across spike traps, while the lower path features pits and a Ride Armor Eagle before General's boss chamber.


Image Enemy
General sprite
General (last boss)
X4 Double2 sprite
Double (boss, as X)
Iris (Battle Armor, Battle Ready) Animation
Iris (boss, as Zero)
Hover gunner sprite
Beam Cannon
X4 Giga Death
Giga Death
X4 Death Guardian
Death Guardian
Hover Gunner
Walk cannon sprite
Walk Shooter

Final Weapon Stage 2[]

The final stage, with a boss rush and a battle against Sigma. After Sigma's defeat, he plans to fire the Final Weapon's cannon on Earth, but General sacrifices himself to stop the Final Weapon.


Image Enemy
Mmx4DisfiguredHeadSigma MMX4 Gunner Sigma Earth Sigma & Gunner Sigma (final boss)
Reaper sigma Mmx4ReaperSigma2 Phantom Sigma (boss)
Wspidersprite Cpeacocksprite JetStingray Battle Animation Sbeast
Split Mushroom (Idle) Animation FrostWalrus Battle Animation X4 StormOwl Mdragoon
Boss Rush

Other media[]

RX4 Death Flower

Death Flower

The Final Weapon appeared in the Rockman X4 manga with a role similar to the game. In the manga it is named Death Flower (デスフラワー), and its energy cannon is named Death Seed Cannon (デスシード砲). Double, the traitor from X's 17th Unit, activated the weapon to fire on the Earth after X defeated the General. Double then engaged X in battle, but was destroyed by X who used a Nova Strike attack with the Ultimate Armor. Then, General, realizing the folly of his ways, sacrificed his life to save the Earth by slamming his body into the weapon's energy cannon.


MMX8 Optic Sunflower device

The device shown in Mega Man X8.
