Frozen Island, also simply known as Blizzard Man's Stage, is a stage that appeared in Mega Man 6 that has Blizzard Man as the boss.
The stage takes place in daylight with large icy mountains visible in the outside backgrounds. Going off of the name, Frozen Island is the game's primary ice stage, and features icy floors that Mega Man can easily slip and slide on. Unlike other games, Mega Man cannot tippy-toe forward on the ice: a single nudge will immediately send him sliding in that direction. There are also icy walls that block certain paths of the stage. They can be melted with Flame Blast and usually hold valuable goodies. Count Bombs, a gimmick previously seen in Mega Man III, return and are unique to this stage. They are platforms that, once stood down will start ticking a countdown from 3, and explode after it reaches 0. They can also be placed sideways and Mega Man simply has to touch them from the side to start the countdown. After the halfway checkpoint comes the stage's unique set-piece: a giant orange/purple submarine that bops up and down along the water inside an icy cave. This movement does not adjust projectiles with it, meaning that not only Mega Man, but also the Gunner Joes on the submarine can use it to their advantage in attacking. The icy ceiling also has spikes on the ceiling and the water's surface, so Mega Man can't get crushed between them and the submarine's movement.
Image | Enemy |
Blizzard Man (boss) | |
Au-Au (unique) | |
Propeller Eye | |
![]() ![]() |
Count Bomb (unique) |
Teck | |
Curlinger | |
Shield Attacker GTR | |
Squidon | |
Gunner Joe |
Valuable pickups to look out for:
1-UP: In the first outside room, this pickup is in plain sight in a small area closed off by icy walls. Flame Blast is needed to melt the icy walls. Getting out of this area requires a pixel perfect jump, made trickier by the inability to tippy-toe and the Propeller Eyes attacking. However, if Mega Man has the Jet Adaptor, he can simply fly out.
1-UP: In the transitioning drop going inside from the first outside room, there is a small area on the left to land on. However, there is a Propeller Eye guarding it who will knock Mega Man away if he simply holds left. It is best accessed using the Jet Adaptor to glide down. The only thing of note is a breakable block, which reveals this pickup once broken by the Power Adaptor.
E-Tank: The first main indoor area has this pickup in plain sight, but it is blocked off by icy walls. Use Flame Blast to melt them.
E-Tank: Halfway through the submarine section, there is a breakable block. Breaking it open with Power Adaptor leads to an area inside the submarine that contains this pickup along with some small health pickups. However, Mega Man has to be fast with moving in and out so he doesn't get crushed (he is safe where the pickups are).
- This stage may be located in Canada, as Blizzard Man is believed to be from there.