For his Cybeast Falzar Version counterpart, see FBeast, |
GBeast (Gビースト G Bīsuto) is a boss from Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar. When MegaMan is consumed by the Cybeast Gregar and goes out of control, Lan must use a Link Navi to fight against him in Undernet 2 .After returning to normal, MegaMan gains the Beast Out ability. Later, a copy made of data bits appears in the Underground, and MegaMan has to fight against it and Bass. In this form, MegaMan uses a rapid fire blaster.
- Thunder (サンダーボール Thunder Ball) - GBeast fires an Elec-type lightning orb that slowly moves to home in the player's position. If it hits, the player will be stunned and GBeast will use Beast Buster and rapidly shoot the player.
- Gregar Claw (グレイガクロー Glaga Claw) - GBeast homes in on the player and slashes twice, first in a LongSword fashion and second in a WideSword fashion.
- Beast Buster (ビーストバスター) - GBeast unleashes a paralyzing slash 2 panels. If the player gets paralyzed, GBeast will use Beast Buster to fire a barrage of shots at the player.
- Beast Breath (ビーストブレス) - GBeast launches a flaming breath to incinerate the player. The flaming breath covers one panel ahead, and then another six panels(two columns) behind.
- GBeast has a FireSword attack in the game's data but is unused in the final version.