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"Creates a frontal shield that deflects enemy attacks."
Alia, describing X's Gaea Shield, Mega Man X7

Gaea Shield (ガイアシールド Gaia Shīrudo) is a Special Weapon in Mega Man X7 obtained by X and Axl after defeating Soldier Stonekong. With this weapon equipped, X has his colour scheme changed to green and yellow.

When equipped, X/Axl creates a stone shield that can block enemy shots. When charged, X creates a large boulder which splits in half and shoots off in opposite directions.

This weapon is Tornado Tonion's weakness as well as capable of deflecting Sigma's (second form) energy orbs back at him.


See also[]

Similar Weapons[]

Counterpart to this Weapon[]


  • Sepelak, Greg (2003). Mega Man X7 Official Strategy Guide. pg.37. BradyGAMES Publishing. (For attack damage.)