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Gallery Stage (鉱山ステージ "Mine Stage"), known as Energy Mine Ruins in Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, is Armored Armadillo's stage in Mega Man X, Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, and Mega Man Xtreme.


Mega Man X / Maverick Hunter X[]

As this mine is a prime source of raw materials needed to manufacture weapons, Sigma ordered Armored Armadillo to capture the mine to keep a supply of materials. X went to the mine to stop the operation. The stage contains three areas with red minecarts that can be used to move at high speeds; the final minecart is necessary to reach the boss shutter as a large pit stands between it and the end of the rails. Two areas also contain a Mole Borer digging through a tunnel, which X can get in front of or behind for different vantage points.

Due to the high density of weak enemies (as well as the only enemy in the game that consistently drops extra lives) at the start of the stage, Gallery Stage is the ideal location for refilling subtanks and lives before taking on a different stage (this is assuming Armored Armadillo has been defeated so the stage can be exited at any point). After obtaining all items from the game and returning to the stage, the Hadoken can be found in a secret Light Capsule above the boss shutter. In the Japanese versions and English iOS version, Dr. Light says that he learned the technique while training in the waterfalls visible in the background of the area.

Mega Man Xtreme[]

MMXtreme Gallery

Gallery in Mega Man Xtreme

A digital reproduction of the mine appeared in the Mother Computer from the Hunter Base. Some differences from the original include Batton M-501 being absent and the Light Capsule being easily spotted instead of being a secret, containing the Zero Scramble program Dash. The Sub Tank and Life Up are in the same spot from the original Gallery.

Mega Man X DiVE[]

Gallery is the second Story stage. The Player meets the Axl Hunter Program here, after defeating a Mole Bore in 2-3. The final boss of this stage is Mega Scorpio, which overpowers the Hunter Program until ViA appears for the first time to destroy it.

It was also the fifth Co-op stage in the Online version prior to Co-op Stages from being cut from the game's Offline release.

Other appearances[]


Mega Man X DiVE[]

Image Enemy
Mega Man X DiVE Boss Mega Scorpio
Mega Scorpio (boss) (2-6)
Mega Man X DiVE Boss Mole Borer
Mole Borer (sub-boss) (2-2,2-3)
Rockman X DiVE Spiky (X1)
Spiky (2-1,2-3,2-4)
Rockman X DiVE-Degraver
Dig Labour (2-1,2-2,2-5)
Rockman X DiVE-Mettaur (CM)
Mettaur (2-1,2-2,2-5)
Rockman X DiVE-Ball De Voux shot type
Ball De Voux Shot Type (2-2,2-3,2-4)
Rockman X DiVE-Batton Bone
Batton Bone (2-4,2-5)
Rockman X DiVE-Sinedropper
Sine Faller (2-4)
Rockman X DiVE-Crash Roader
Crash Roader (2-5)

Image Enemy
Mega Man X DiVE Boss Maoh the Giant
Maoh the Giant (boss) (5-2)
Mega Man X DiVE Boss Mole Borer
Mole Borer (sub-boss) (5-1)
Rockman X DiVE-Batton Bone
Batton Bone
Rockman X DiVE-Crash Roader
Crash Roader
Rockman X DiVE-Degraver
Dig Labour
Rockman X DiVE-Mettaur (CM)
Rockman X DiVE-Preon Elite
Preon Elite


Location Life Up Life Up
The second Mole Borer destroys the ceiling required to wall kick to the Life Up. Destroy the Mole Borer before it reaches the Life Up (Fire Wave is effective), or damage boost in front of the Mole Borer to get there first.
Location Sub Tank Sub Tank
After the first Mole Borer emerges, wait for it to pass by and go behind it to find the Sub Tank in its cave.
Location Hadoken
Enter the stage after defeating Armored Armadillo and collecting all items in the game. With full health, dash-jump off the final minecart to collect the Life Energy, then fall into the pit to die. Repeat this process three times, and on the fourth run the capsule will be in place of the Life Energy.

Location Life Up Life Up
The second Mole Borer destroys the ceiling required to wall kick to the Life Up. Destroy the Mole Borer before it reaches the Life Up, or damage boost in front of the Mole Borer to get there first.
Location Sub Tank Sub Tank
After the first Mole Borer emerges, wait for it to pass by and go behind it to find the Sub Tank in its cave.
Location Z1 Dash
Dash-jump off the final minecart to find a room above the boss shutter where the capsule is hidden.

X Mode:

Location Life Up
The second Mole Borer destroys the ceiling required to wall kick to the Life Up. Destroy the Mole Borer before it reaches the Life Up (Fire Wave is effective), or damage boost in front of the Mole Borer to get there first.
Location Sub Tank
After the first Mole Borer emerges, wait for it to pass by and go behind it to find the Sub Tank in its cave.
Location Hadoken
Enter the stage after defeating Armored Armadillo and collecting all items in the game. Perform a perfect no-hit run of the stage, then dash-jump off the final minecart to find the capsule in place of the usual Life Energy.

Vile Mode:

Location Life Up
In the outdoor segment, use one of the moving platforms to find a ledge with the Life Up above the boss shutter.

Other media[]

RX1M Agonium Mine

Agonium mine in the Rockman X manga

Rockman X manga[]

After Sting Chameleon's defeat, Armored Armadillo challenged X to a duel in a fortified agonium mine in the F Country (F国アゴニウム採掘場). At first X has trouble against Armadillo, but he used the mine's agonium, a mineral that reacts to fire, to interfere with Armadillo's heat sensor. After Armored Armadillo's defeat, Vile destroyed the mine and all inside, including Armadillo and his subordinates. Angry, X goes after Vile in a nearby ghost town.

Irregular Hunter Rockman X[]


Zalts Mine entrance in Irregular Hunter Rockman X

While investigating the theft of rare minerals, Zero found that the Maverick Kinkō Sōdā and his subordinates where behind it, and attacks them in the "Zalts Mine" (ザルツ鉱山 Zarutsu Kōzan) alone. Sigma orders X to help Zero finish the Mavericks, but also says that Zero's behavior is suspicious and X should keep an eye on him. After thinking a bit, Sigma believes that Zero may be a problem for his plans, and orders Armored Armadillo to finish Zero, saying that he may be a Maverick.

Inside the mine, Zero and X defeated Kinkō's minions, and Armadillo appears to attack Zero. X can't believe that Sigma labelled Zero a Maverick, and he tries to talk with Armadillo. As Armored Armadillo won't listen to him, X fights him to buy time for Zero to finish his task, gaining the Head Parts during the battle. Zero finds Kinkō Sōdā and destroys him, and later returns to assist X. Seeing he is in disadvantage, Armadillo retreats. After this, Zero decides to investigate why Sigma thinks he is a Maverick, and tells X to return to the Maverick Hunters to avoid being considered a Maverick.

