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"While standing, Press and hold Atk Button. Counter enemies with a slash attack when they touch your saber!"

-Alia, Describing Gokumonken to Zero, Mega Man X7

Gokumonken (獄門剣 lit. "Prison Gate Sword"), is the special technique that Zero learns after defeating Soldier Stonekong in Mega Man X7. By holding down the attack button while standing still, Zero enters a defensive stance. While he's glowing, enemy projectiles are blocked and he will automatically counterattack any enemy that approaches with a powerful strike. If an enemy touches him, he briefly stops time and counterattacks with a single slash.

This technique is Tornado Tonion and Sigma's (second form, deflect his energy orbs) weakness, being able to inflict considerably more damage to him than the Gaea Shield and interrupt his attacks. It is also able to destroy highly resistant enemies such as Large Mines, foes that otherwise can only be destroyed by Ride Armors. If the counter-strike can be triggered against a boss, it will also deal massive damage, sometimes more than the actual technique or weapon the boss is weak against.



  • Counter Stance (不滅之構 Fumetsu no Kamae "Posture of Indestructible"), the second active skill of Iris -another- in Rockman X DiVE, shares the similar function with Gokumonken.

See also[]

Counterpart to this Technique[]


  • Sepelak, Greg (2003). Mega Man X7 Official Strategy Guide. pg.37. BradyGAMES Publishing. (For attack damage.)