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"Mega Man: The Junk Shield will protect the user with rotating spheres, right?
Dr. Light: Yes, but the spheres can only absorb so much damage before they are destroyed.
―Mega Man and Dr. Light, Mega Man 7

Junk Shield (ジャンクシールド Janku Shīrudo) is Junk Man's Special Weapon. It uses electromagnetism to summon large chunks of scrap metal, which orbit around the user for protection and can hit enemies multiple times, but disappearing as they hit objects. The junk can also be thrown off as projectiles in three random directions across the screen, each projectile discarded from the two others by 120°. This is the primary weakness for Freeze Man; if he is hit by the attack, he will be stopped in place for a moment.

Use in Combat[]

Junk Shield is similar in effect to previous offensive shields, such as the barrier from Fire Storm and Leaf Shield, where it cannot deflect any projectiles, but will do damage to enemies that touch it. The junk chunks will be destroyed upon impact with enemies, and enemies with large health pools will need to be hit with more chunks, and will thus use up more of the shield's chunks.

It's extremely useful for ignoring small enemies that can be easily destroyed, such as DeluPipi and Copipi. It can be used as an extremely strong melee attack, but requires you to stay close to the enemy while the orbiting chunks hit the enemy, making it less suited for run and gun tactics than Slash Claw. Care must be taken however, as invulnerable enemies such as True Shield Attackers and Mettaurs will destroy the shield's chunks to no effect, so being close enough will destroy most of, if not all of the shield near instantly.

If the shield becomes too sparse to be useful, it may be useful to fire the shield's chunks out to generate a new one. Throwing the chunks of the shield out may in fact be more wasteful than using the shield, as each time the shield is generated, it uses Weapon Energy.

Against bosses, Junk Shield isn't nearly as useful, as bosses have invulnerability frames, smashing most of the shield for 1 point of damage. As said above, it cannot be used to defend against a bosses attacks, unless it can be shot down. It is far outclassed by the Mega Buster against most bosses. Freeze Man is the only boss weak to Junk Shield. The only boss that doesn't take 1 or less damage from it is HannyaNED², who takes 2 damage from it, which is outclassed by the 3 damage it takes from the easier to use Slash Claw. Junk Man, Cloud Man, Mash, Guts Man G, Wily Machine 7 and Wily Capsule are completely immune to it.

Damage data chart[]

Damage values in units for Mega Man 7.

MM7-JunkShield-Icon Junk Shield
Boss Damage
Freeze Man 4
Junk Man 0
Burst Man 1
Cloud Man 0
Spring Man 1
Slash Man 1
Shade Man 1
Turbo Man 1
Mash 0
Bass 1
Guts Man G 0
Bass and Treble 1
Gameriser 1
HannyaNED² 2
Wily Machine 7 0
Wily Capsule 0

Bosses weak against Junk Shield[]



  • Interestingly, the official artwork for Mega Man's colors when using Junk Shield (as shown in the image above) almost resembles his standard colors. When using the Junk Shield in the game however, Mega Man's colors are much grayer. To further add to the confusion, in the Get Weapon screen for the Junk Shield, Mega Man is simply gray-and-white.
    • In addition to the above, the Freeze Cracker's and Junk Shield's official artwork are the two official art of Mega Man 7 that do not respect their in-game colors.
  • Junk Shield is the only shield weapon that diminishes in attack power (that is, damage when thrown) as it takes damage.