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Kaona Geeno (カオナ・ゲーノ Kaona Gēno) is a snowman-like enemy from Mega Man 10 that appears in Chill Man's Stage and Wily Stage 2. It also appears in Challenge #27, Cannon Ball 1.


The Kaona Geeno is a snowman enemy that has a snowball for a "head" that it lobs at Mega Man, Proto Man, and/or Bass. The lower torso is the only spot it can actually be hurt, seeing as how the actual eye is on the torso. The snowball head it lobs at its enemies will break into bullets, either 2 vertically in Easy Mode, or 2 both vertically and horizontally in Normal and Hard Mode. If they fire at the head, the Kaona Geeno will just sprout a new one, and if they destroy the torso before it lobs the snowball, the snowball will fall and still fire bullets. They aren't a big deal for the Mega Buster, Proto Buster, and/or Bass Buster, but Triple Blade will finish them off with a good shot, or use the actual weakness, Solar Blaze, which will finish them off even easier.


Kaona Geeno's name is derived from the Japanese phrase "kao nageru no (顔投げるの)", which roughly means "it throws its face", which of course the Kaona Geeno does to Mega Man by lobbing its snowball head at him.

