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Libra Noise (リブラノイズ) is the Noise Change on Mega Man based on Libra Scales.


Libra Noise's main color is earth-brown, with some metallic blue joints and body parts. The shoulders and head is covered with pillar-like extensions, in which the head part is rounded.


Libra Noise is one of the two Non-elemental Noise Changes, the other being Cygnus Noise, which shares the same Noise Force Big Bang. Its main perk is that its Battle Card attack boost does not discriminate between dimming or non-dimming, unlike that of other Noises, and it has a decent healing effect for survival. However, its weakness to Breaking attacks can be exploited by almost any boss, so users of this Noise must be aware of which attacks have that attribute to avoid losing the Noise.

Noise Form[]

  • Fire cards +10 attack
  • Aqua cards +10 attack

Vibrant Noise[]

  • Non-dimming, non-elemental cards heal 5% of Mega Man's maximum HP.
  • Charge Shot: Side Spread
    • Spreads to the left and right of the target, hitting 3 times for (5 x Buster Attack) damage each. Does not flinch.
  • NFB: Meteor Light Barrage

Ability Waves[]

  • Charge Spread/100
  • HP+500/350


See also[]
