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Link Power (abbreviated as LP), known as Bonds Power[1]/Kizuna Ryoku (キズナリョク) (abbreviated as KR) in Japan, is a system from Mega Man Star Force 2 and 3, revamping the BrotherBand mechanic from the first game.


In the first game, a BrotherBand gives a HP boost and a fixed ability depending on which version that Brother is playing. With the Link Power mechanic, the player instead gains Link Power with each BrotherBand he forms. This Link Power grants the player the ability to equip Ability Waves, and it can unlock some areas and items.

In-game Brothers are now kept in a separate interface from the player's real-life Brothers, allowing the player to fill all 6 Brother slots with real-life players without risking BrotherBands with in-game characters. The amount of Link Power granted by a BrotherBand increases as the player, or that Brother, has completed more of the game (inclusive of post-game content). Link Power granted by an in-game Brother is increased by completing that NPC's sidequest after the main story is completed.

In Mega Man Star Force 2, NPC Brothers (including the player's Auto Brother) award a maximum of 100 Link Power, while real-life Brothers award up to 150. The maximum Link Power a player can have is 1300 (400 in-game and 900 from 6 real Brothers)

In Mega Man Star Force 3, the player can form BrotherBands with more NPCs than simply Geo's friends, resulting in a maximum of 900 in-game Link Power. Real Brothers award a maximum of 130 Link Power, and more if they are in the same Purpose team with the player, with 50 LP for the first Brother and 10 more for every additional one. Furthermore, engaging in Wi-Fi battles with Brothers grants the player 1 more LP, up to a maximum of 120. This totals a maximum of 1900 Link Power a player can have.

Ability Waves[]

Ability Wave (アビリティウェーブ), Ability for short, is a system that is similar to the Navi Customizer from the Mega Man Battle Network series. Each Ability Wave contains a slash, followed by a number. This number depicts how much Link Power the Ability Wave requires to be equipped by Mega Man. Naturally, stronger Ability Waves consume more LP than weaker ones, and rarer versions of Ability Waves consume less LP than commonly found ones.

Ability Waves are commonly found in Mystery Waves located all across the EM Roads. In addition to this, the player may encounter a Hertz in-battle. The Hertz is deleted if the player even touches him with a single Buster shot, requiring the player to lure the viruses away from inflicting harm to the Hertz while staying off the row on the battlefield where it is located. Certain chip attacks (such as Radar Missile) will also target the Hertz as though it were an enemy. However, if the battle is finished with the Hertz intact, the player rescues him. In Mega Man Star Force 2, the Hertz immediately rewards the player with an Ability Wave, while in Mega Man Star Force 3, Hertzes are collected and can be returned at the Mr. Hertz Square in exchange for strong Ability Waves.

Noise Changes also award special Ability Waves after completing a certain number of battles, much like how Style Changes in Mega Man Battle Network 3 award NaviCust programs. These Ability Waves also take up much less LP than other commonly acquired versions.

List of Ability Waves[]

  • HP+50, HP+100, HP+200, HP+300, HP+400, and HP+500 - Increases HP by the displayed amount.
  • UnderShirt (アンダーシャツ) - Whenever Mega Man would be deleted while he has more than 1 HP, his HP instead falls to 1.
  • Float Shoes (フロートシューズ) - Mega Man is unaffected by the negative effects of panels.
  • Air Shoes (エアシューズ) - Mega Man Star Force 3 only. Mega Man can stand on holes.
  • First Barrier (ファーストバリア) - Mega Man begins the battle with a 10 HP Barrier.
  • First Aura (ファーストオーラ) - Mega Man begins the battle with an Aura that deflects attacks of under 100 damage.
  • Reflect (リフレクト) - Successfully blocking an attack inflicts 50 damage down Mega Man's column.
  • Super Armor (スーパーアーマー) - Mega Man cannot flinch.
  • Flash Body (フラッシュボディ) - Mega Man Star Force 3 only. Immunity against Blinding and Confusion.
  • Gravity Body (グラビティボディ) - Mega Man Star Force 3 only. Immunity against Gravity.
  • Paralyze Body (パラライズボディ) - Mega Man Star Force 3 only. Immunity against Paralysis.
  • Freeze Body (フリーズボディ) - Mega Man Star Force 3 only. Immunity against Freezing.
  • Bubble Body (バブルボディ) - Mega Man Star Force 3 only. Immunity against Bubble.
  • Mega Class +1 (メガクラス+1) - Mega Man can place 1 more Mega Class card in his folder. Up to 10.
  • Giga Class +1 (ギガクラス+1) - Mega Man can place 1 more Giga Class card in his folder.
  • Charge V (チャージV) / +V-Shot (プラスV, Plus V) - Charge Shot spreads in a V pattern on contact.
  • Charge Cross (チャージクロス) / +X-Shot (プラスクロス, Plus Cross) - Charge Shot spreads in an X pattern on contact.
  • Charge S (チャージS) / +Spread-Shot (プラススプレッド, Plus Spread) - Charge Shot spreads to all surrounding panels on contact.
  • Charge Wood (チャージグリーン, Charge Green) / + Wood Panel (+グリーンパネル, + Green Panel) - Charge Shots have a 50% chance of creating Grass panels where they connect.
  • Charge Ice (チャージアイス) / + Ice Panel (+アイスパネル) - Charge Shots have a 50% chance of creating Ice panels where they connect.
  • Charge P (チャージP) / +ParaPanel (+Pパネル, + P Panel) - Charge Shots have a 50% chance of creating Paralyze panels where they connect.
  • Charge Sever (チャージゼツエン, Charge Zetsuen) / + GNull Panel (+ゼツエンパネル, + Zetsuen Panel) - Charge Shots have a 50% chance of creating guard-nulling panels where they connect.
  • Charge Poison (チャージポイズン) / + Poison Panel (+ポイズンパネル) - Charge Shots have a 50% chance of creating Poison panels where they connect.
  • Quick Gauge (クイックゲージ) - Doubles the rate at which the Custom Gauge fills.
  • Side Select (サイドセレクト) - Mega Man Star Force 2 only. Mega Man automatically gains the ability to select cards within a row.
  • Auto Lock-On (オートロックオン) - Mega Man's lock-on now has infinite range and is permanent.
  • DiagLock (サークルサーチ, Circle Search) - Mega Man Star Force 3 only. Mega Man can automatically lock-on to surrounding panels.
  • SideLock (サイドサーチ, Side Search) - Mega Man Star Force 3 only. Mega Man can automatically lock-on the left and right columns.
  • Lightning Sword (イナズマケン Inazuma Ken) - Mega Man Star Force 2 (Zerker) only. Mega Man begins the battle with the Thunder Zerker form.
  • Wind Star (フウマシュリケン Fuuma Shuriken) - Mega Man Star Force 2 (Ninja) only. Mega Man begins the battle with the Wood Ninja form.
  • Dinosaur Rock (キョウリュウセキ Kyouryuu Seki) - Mega Man Star Force 2 (Saurian) only. Mega Man begins the battle with the Fire Saurian form.
  • Anti Damage (カワリミ, Kawarimi) - Mega Man Star Force 3 only. Timely press Up and Y Button for feint and attack.
  • Ace Program (エースPGM) / Joker Program (ジョーカーPGM) - Mega Man Star Force 3 only. Program to harness and cotrol Noise power.
  • Area Eater S (Sエリアイーター, S Area Eater) - Mega Man Star Force 3 only. All support cards are changed to Area Eater.
  • Double Stone S (Sダブルストーン, S Double Stone) - Mega Man Star Force 3 only. All support cards are changed to Double Stone.
  • Panel Format S (SパネルF, S Panel Format) - Mega Man Star Force 3 only. All support cards are changed to PanelFormat.
  • Humor Word (ユーモアワード) - Conversations with Omega-Xis becomes humorous.
  • Humor Buster (ユーモアバスター) - Changes the sounds of the Mega Buster to dog barks.
  • Humor Buster 2 (ユーモアB2) - Mega Man Star Force 3 only. Changes the sounds of the Mega Buster to cat meows.
  • Cold Body (ヒエヒエボディ, ColdBody) - A bone-chilling Ability that cools the wearer's body. It cannot be equipped by the player, being used by one Hertz in Mega Man Star Force 2.
  • In one of the Humor Word conversations from Mega Man Star Force 3, Omega-Xis finds an unknown Ability that changes him into Leo Kingdom.

Mega Man Star Force 2[]

Ability LinkPwr Description Locations
HP+50 80 Increases HP capacity to 50 Green Mystery Waves in Foodtopia ER
Green Mystery Waves in Bunny Slopes ER
70 Rescue Bonus
60 Rescue Bonus
50 Rescue Bonus
HP+100 150 Increases HP capacity to 100 Green Mystery Waves in Obsrvatn Deck ER
135 Rescue Bonus
HP+200 240 Increases HP capacity to 200 Blue Mystery Wave in Obsrvatn Deck ER
Green Mystery Waves in Whzzap Ruins2 ER
225 Help Amy Gelande
Rescue Bonus
HP+300 360 Increases HP capacity to 300 Help Ruina Recker
Green Mystery Waves in Alt. Echo Ridge ER
330 Green Mystery Waves in Alt. IFL Twr2 ER
300 Rescue Bonus
270 Blue Mystery Wave in Alt. MessCove ER
Rescue Bonus
HP+400 420 Increases HP capacity to 400 Green Mystery Waves in Room of Genesis
Green Mystery Waves in Alt. LochMss ER
400 Rescue Bonus
HP+500 500 Increases HP capacity to 500 Help Bud Bison
430 Rescue Bonus
UndrShrt 60 Maintain 1HP despite a fatal hit. Blue Mystery Wave in Peak Hotel ER
50 Rescue Bonus
20 Rescue Bonus
5 Cipher Mail
FstBarr 45 Begin battle with barrier up. Blue Mystery Wave in Bureau ES
40 Rescue Bonus
FlotShoe 240 Hover over panels and avoid effect
210 Rescue Bonus
Reflect 280 Use shield & bounce back enemy atks.
SprArmr 600 Stand tough against emy attacks Blue Mystery Wave in Trans Dimension2
MegCls+1 340 Up folder M. Class Card capacity by 1 Green Mystery Waves in Trans Dimension1
260 Blue Mystery Wave in Alt. WhzpRns2 ER
Rescue Bonus (Sky Staircase)
GigCls+1 500 Up folder G. Class Card capacity by 1 Purple Mystery Wave in Crest ES
Help Zack Temple
ChargeV 90 Charge Shot spreads dmg in V ptrn.
70 Rescue Bonus
ChrgCrss 150 Charge Shot spreads dmg in X ptrn.
ChargeS 200 Charge Shot spreads dmg to adj pnls.
180 Rescue Bonus
140 Rescue Bonus
ChrgWood 170 Charge Shot turns panels into grass
150 Rescue Bonus
ChrgIce 170 Charge Shot turns panels into 1/2 ice
130 Rescue Bonus
110 Blue Mystery Wave in Alt. BlkDmdRun ER
Rescue Bonus
ChargeP 150 Charge Shot turn pnls to 1/2 paralyze
50 Cipher Mail
ChrgSver 150 Charge Shot makes pnl to null emy grd Help D'nwan Draun
140 Rescue Bonus
ChrgPsn 220 Charge Shot turn pnls to poisn panels
200 Rescue Bonus
70 Cipher Mail
LghtSwrd 30 Begin Battle in Thunder-Zerker form Zerker version only. Obtained after defeating Queen Ophiuca.
WindStar 30 Begin Battle in Wood-Ninja form Ninja version only. Obtained after defeating Queen Ophiuca.
DinoRock 30 Begin Battle in Fire-Saurian form Saurian version only. Obtained after defeating Queen Ophiuca.
FstAura 250 Begin battle with aura up
AutoLock 600 Sets constant lock-on Trans Dimension2, behind the door that only opens if all SP bosses are defeated under 10 seconds.
SideSlct 600 Enable custm screen side select
QuckGage 500 Speeds up Custom Gauge Purple Mystery Wave hidden in Trans Dimension1
HumorWrd 1 Press the L Button and Mega will... Given by a vendor in Mess Village if Link Power is 500 or higher (Japanese version only)
HumrBstr 1 Equip & the Buster will... Buy in Doghouse ES

Mega Man Star Force 3[]

Ability LinkPwr Description Locations
HP+50 120 Increases HP capacity by 50 Mr. Hertz Square
110 Mr. Hertz Square
Cipher Code Epsilon07292
100 Mr. Hertz Square
HP+100 220 Increases HP capacity by 100 Mr. Hertz Square
205 Mr. Hertz Square
190 Mr. Hertz Square
HP+200 310 Increases HP capacity by 200 Mr. Hertz Square
290 Mr. Hertz Square
270 Mr. Hertz Square
HP+300 420 Increases HP capacity by 300 Mr. Hertz Square
HP+400 490 Increases HP capacity by 400
HP+500 610 Increases HP capacity by 500
450 Cipher Code Rho65958
350 Libra Noise
UndrShrt 60 Maintain 1HP despite a fatal hit.
AirShoes 450 Enable mov't even over Holey pnls
260 Cipher Code Sigma08312
200 Corvus Noise
FlotShoe 300 Hover over panels and avoid effect Mr. Hertz Square
150 Cygnus Noise
Reflect 260 Use shield & bounce back enemy atks. Mr. Hertz Square
50 Rogue Noise
SprArmr 900 Stand tough against emy attacks
700 Taurus Noise
NoFlash 300 Null effects of blindness & confusion Mr. Hertz Square
200 Ophiuca Noise
NoGravty 500 Null effects of blowing sucking etc. Mr. Hertz Square
300 Corvus Noise
NoParlyz 800 Null effects of paralyzation Mr. Hertz Square
600 Gemini Noise
NoFreeze 800 Null effects of freezing Mr. Hertz Square
600 Virgo Noise
NoBubble 800 Null effects of bubbling Mr. Hertz Square
600 Cancer Noise
FstBarr 60 Begin battle with barrier up
FstAura 600 Begin battle with aura up
400 Rogue Noise
MegCls+1 440 Up folder M. Class Card capacity by 1 Mr. Hertz Square
400 Mr. Hertz Square
270 Cipher Code Tau90338
200 Crown Noise
GigCls+1 750 Up folder G. Class Card capacity by 1
400 Cipher Code Upsilon28454
+V-Shot 90 Charge Shot spreads dmg in V ptrn.
+X-Shot 150 Charge Shot spreads dmg in X ptrn.
45 Cancer Noise
+SprdSht 200 Charge Shot spreads dmg to adj pnls.
100 Libra Noise
+WoodPnl 220 Charge Shot turns panels into grass
50 Ophiuca Noise
+IcePnl 220 Charge Shot turns panels into 1/2 ice
50 Virgo Noise
+ParaPnl 250 Charge Shot turn pnls to 1/2 paralyze
70 Gemini Noise
+GNulPnl 200 Charged Shot makes pnl null emy grd
50 Cygnus Noise
+PoisPnl 270 Charged Shot turn pnls to poisn panels
AutoLock 950 Sets constant lock-on
QuckGage 500 Speeds up Custom Gauge to MAX Black Hole Server 2 (Gather 6 Omega Pieces)
300 Wolf Noise
AntiDmg 370 Timely Up & Y Button = Feint & atk
DiagLock 5 Surround fwd & around you w/lock-on Cosmo Wave 2
SideLock 5 Can lock-on your left & right cols
AcePrgm 0 Prgm to harness & ctrl Noise pwr Event (Black Ace only)
JokrPrgm 0 Prgm to harness & ctrl Noise pwr Event (Red Joker only)
AreaEtrS 5 Equip & chng all cards to AreaEtr
DblStonS 5 Equip & chng all cards to DblStone
PnlFrmtS 5 Equip & chng all cards to PanlFormat
HumorWrd 1 Equip & Omega-Xis will...
HumrBstr 1 Equip & the Buster will...
HumrBst2 1 Equip & the Buster will... Planet FM Astro Wave 3 (Beat Rogue Z)


  1. Rockman Magazine Vol.12
