A mass-produced combat mechaniloid. Attacks by rushing forward and shooting lasers that cause debris to fall.
Health Points: |
Weakness: |
 Aztec Falcon
A Mutos Reploid based on a falcon. He manages the Disposal Center where Reploids are executed. He attacks by dashing around, shooting lightning arrows (both in spreads and individually), and diving into the ground, releasing lightning waves.
Health Points: |
Attack Damage: |
3 (contact)
3 (lighting arrow)
3 (lighting arrow spread)
1 (contact with the lighting arrow)
3 (ground lighting wave)
Weakness: |
 Maha Ganeshariff
A Mutos Reploid based on Ganesha. He is able to store data in his body, and is taking data from the lab Zero was found in. He attacks by rolling into a ball until he collides with the wall, swinging across the arena, rapidly slapping the area in front of him, and launching bombs. His EX Skill is throwing his tusks like boomerangs.
Health Points: |
Attack Damage: |
5 (contact)
2 (Tusk Boomerang/Tuskorang)
5 (Rolling)
5 (Hand slap)
4 (bombs)
Weakness: |
 Pantheon Core
A computer brain that manages transport routes for Neo-Arcadian trains. In the event of an emergency, a Pantheon can insert itself into the brain to transmit new data. It attacks by spurting a flamethrower in two short bursts, then one long burst and making the pistons on the floor extend into the spikes on the ceiling. Its EX Skill is slowly moving forward while spurting the flamethrower and making a few pistons rise.
Health Points: |
Attack Damage: |
2 (contact)
4 (flamethrower, short)
4 (flamethrower, long)
Instant Death (ceiling spikes)
Weakness: |
 Guard Orotic
A sentry Mechaniloid that protects the factory. It switches between four types of heads. The yellow ones bite at the ground. The red ones breathe streams of fire. They blue ones shoot ice. The green ones spew sparks. The core is the weak point. The heads can be destroyed, but they will be replaced after a short while. Its EX Skill is shooting bullets from its core.
Health Points: |
Weakness: |
 Anubis Necromancess III/IV
A Mutos Reploid based on Anubis. He attempts to stop Zero from rescuing a resistance soldier who survived a shuttle crash. He attacks by throwing his cane, which will boomerang back to him after he switches sides of the screen, summon Pantheon Zombies, cause pillars of sand to rise out of the ground to try and crush Zero, and teleport. His EX Skill is spinning his cane along the ground.
Health Points: |
Attack Damage: |
4 (contact)
4 (cane)
2 (pillar spikes)
Weakness: |
 Blizzack Staggroff
A Mutos Reploid based on a White Stag. He guards a hidden base in the desert. He attacks by trying to jump on Zero, jumping and throwing a snowball at Zero, firing his horns in an arc, and use his turbine arm to push Zero away from him, creating snowflakes that impair Zero's jumps. His EX Skill is similar to his turbine attack, but he creates icicles that can damage Zero.
Health Points: |
Attack Damage: |
2 (Frozen Bomb)
4 (contact, stomp)
2 (Ice spikes)
2 (Horn Missile)
Weakness: |
 Hittite Hottaid
A large digging mechaniloid that is equipped with a bomb, sent to the resistance base in attempt to destroy it. It attacks by dropping bombs out of its hindmost segment, launches bombs that float to the ground, and spawns Gli-Eyes. Its EX Skill is having one of three Pantheons pop out of a hatch. One will shoot bullets at Zero, the second will launch bombs, and the third will attempt to ensnare Zero in a destructible cage. If the mission is failed, either by aborting or running out of time, the Hanumachine mission immediately follows.
Health Points: |
Attack Damage: |
Instant Death (Drills)
2 (contact)
2 (bombs)
2 (explosives)
2 (Pantheon Hunter shots)
0 (cage)
2 (Pantheon Grenadier bombs)
Weakness: |
A Mutos Reploid based on Hanuman. He infiltrates the resistance base in an attempt to destroy it. He attacks by summoning miniatures of himself which will latch onto Zero and self-destruct, spinning mid-jump and launching fireballs everywhere, and enveloping himself in fire and ricocheting around the room. His EX Skill is striking with his staff after charging it.
Health Points: |
Weakness: |
 Sage Harpuia
One of the four guardians. He leads the Strong Air Battalion. He attacks by slashing three times, each time sending a projectile forwards, dashing up and sending down one or three blades depending on if he's airborne, firing multiple homing projectiles, and grabbing Zero and diving into the ground with him in tow. His EX Skill is creating thunderstorms on both sides of the arena and a cyclone in the middle which pushes Zero to the edges. If he is hit with his weakness, his next attack will always be the triple slash.
Health Points: |
Weakness: |
 Fighting Fefnir
One of the four guardians. He leads the Scorched Earth Battalion. He attacks by firing one or three small fireballs or a large one if he is charging, of which he can shoot forwards or upwards, jumping and punching the ground, creating a shockwave, which will be larger if he is charging, and grabbing Zero and shooting him into the air. His EX Skill is shooting twelve fireballs into the sky which later fall downward and spread out.
Health Points: |
Weakness: |
 Fairy Leviathan
One of the four guardians, She leads the Deep Sea Squadron. She attacks by swimming close to the top of the arena, raining down icicles, shooting spearheads from her spears, and firing rotating icicles in ring formations. Her EX Skill is summoning a serpentine dragon made of ice that will chase Zero around until he destroys it.
Health Points: |
Weakness: |
 Hidden Phantom
One of the four guardians. He leads the Cutting Shadow Squadron. He attacks by dashing while trying to slash Zero, trying to confuse Zero with clones, of which if he hits the wrong one, he will respond with shurikens, and throwing a giant shuriken, which he will either ride and throw down kunai, or it will split apart into kunai in a '+' or 'x' formation. His EX Skill involves shrouding the arena in darkness, blending in, and throwing kunai at him. At the end of his rematch, he will self destruct in an attempted kamikaze attack.
Health Points: |
Weakness: |
 Pantheon Ace
A pair of elite Pantheon Flyers that encircle Zero and fire at him. They can fly into the background to avoid Zero's attacks.
Health Points: |
33 (each)
Weakness: |
 Asura Basura
A Mutos Reploid based on Asura. He attacks by jumping and slashing his swords, spinning around attempting to ram into Zero, throwing his swords in a pattern. On standby, he blocks with his shield. His EX Skill is juggling his swords in an arc.
Health Points: |
Attack Damage: |
4 (contact)
4 (spin slash)
4 (swords)
Weakness: |
 Herculious Anchus
A Mutos Reploid based on a Hercules beetle. He attacks by charging at Zero, launching his arms to corner Zero before charging, and firing four energy blasts from his horns. His EX Skill is jumping into the middle of the room, extending his arms, and firing at Zero from them.
Health Points: |
Attack Damage: |
4 (contact, Beet Tackle)
2 (Beet Anchor, arms)
4 (energy orb, small)
6 (energy orb, large)
1 (shot)
4 (arms)
 Rainbow Devil
A Reploid made from technology from centuries passed. It launches globs of its liquid metal body around the arena, slinks up to Zero trying to strangle him if he gets caught, and jumps around the arena while shaped like a maw, later splitting into smaller bouncing blobs before reforming. Its EX skill is a heavy punch.
Health Points: |
Attack Damage: |
4 (contact)
Weakness: |
 Copy X
The tyrannical ruler of Neo Arcadia. He attacks by sliding and dashing via Nova Strike around the arena, shooting three shots either forward or downwards if he jumps, sometimes shooting one charge shot instead, and changing his element, which can allow him to shoot ice, which explodes into smaller chunks upon hitting a wall, homing electric sparks, or waves of fire. His EX Skill allows him to surround himself in an aura which restores his health.
Health Points: |
Attack Damage: |
2 (contact)
4 (Normal Shot)
5 (Reflect Laser)
4 (Nova Strike)
4 (Raging EX Charge)
4 (Ice Shot)
2 (Ice Shot, fragment)
4 (Elec Shot)
4 (Fire Shot)
Weakness: |
 Copy X (Phase 2)
Copy X's second form, resembling a Seraphim angel. He attacks by firing beams at Zero, launching rings that bind Zero in place, and casting a laser that leaves fire in its wake. His EX Skill has him slam down both walls while launching a ring.
Health Points: |
Weakness: |