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The Magnetic Zone (磁場区域 Jiba Kuiki, "Magnetic Field Zone") is an area generated by a building that causes irregularities in electromagnetic fields.

It was located in point B-1 in Mega Man Zero 4 for the purpose of destroying Area Zero's environmental control system with electromagnetic pulses. Zero stops Mino Magnus and the electromagnetic pulses.


The weather of the stage can be set to a storm or overcast. This stage's gimmicks are put into effect by the stormy weather setting. If the weather is set to overcast, then none of these are present.

Part 1 - Magnetic fields[]

Magnetic Zone (Thunderstorm)

The start of the stage, with stormy weather in the background.

At the start of the stage there are magnetic fields that raise or lower gravity, affection the player's jumps, put simply. Lower gravity means higher jumps, higher gravity means low jumps. It doesn't affect enemies however.

Part 2 - Magnet charge area[]

This area's gimmick is that certain capsules will more often than not give the player a magnetic charge. There are two versions - Pink (South) and blue (North). The floors are also covered with these exact charges. Opposite charges will grant the player lower jumps and drags them down. Same magnet charges (e.g. South charge and South) will have no gravity, granting high jumps. There are also spheres coloured with the charges. If they come into contact with Zero, they explode and cause him damage.

The enemies MagnePaN and MagnaPaS make their only appearance in this area. Zero can use the Zero Knuckle on them and grab their parts, which is useful in repelling the spheres, and this can also be used to damage enemies.


The Magnet Charge area. Note Zero's charge is currently South, meaning he has floaty jumps if the floor is the same colour.

After this sections is a vertical climb. If stormy weather is set, then the platforms will be electrified at intervals, making it harder to climb up top. At the top is where the player fights the midboss, ClabangerNS.

Part 3 - Power lines area[]

This area also has magnetic fields, though they only have low gravity. At the top of this section are power lines that can be held with Zero Knuckle, but they have electricity running through them, along with Gyrators that make it harder to get across. Below, there are bottomless pits, so the player has to be careful where to land.

Mission: Halt the facility[]

Mission briefing:

  • Rouge: I've detected a large magnetic flux at point B-1. The electromagnetic pulses are generating a lot of noise and it's spreading. There's a good chance the noise could interfere with the operation of the environmental control systems in Area Zero. Infiltrate and put a stop to that device.
    • (If the weather is set to sunny)
    • Rouge: The lightning serving as a source of power has stopped, rendering the device temporarily inactive. This is your chance to stop it for good.

Starting the mission:

  • Operator: From inside the building ahead... I'm reading a powerful magnetic field. Because of the field, your jump might be affected. If you share polarity, you'll jump higher... If it's different you'll jump lower. There are capsules that can change your magnetic polarity... Use them wisely to get through there.


Image Name
Magnus sprite
Mino Magnus (boss)
Clabanger NS sprite
ClabangerNS (mid-boss)
B R Mini Craban (from ClabangerNS)
Variant Missile
Bongal sprite
S N MagnePa
Raiken sprite
E-laser sprite
Gangagun sprite
Triaformer sprite
Gyrator sprite
Variant Fencer

