Manuela, known as Rin Manabe (真辺 鈴 Manabe Rin) in Japan, is a character from the MegaMan NT Warrior anime series, debuting in Axess. She is a senior officer of the NetPolice and Keifer's personal assistant, usually standing by his side. Manuela also often go on missions herself and working with NetSavers.
MegaMan NT Warrior Axess[]
Manuela and Keifer first appeared in MegaMan NT Warrior Axess episode 2 investigating what caused SciLab's destruction. In episode 20 they are captured by SpikeMan to be used as hostages in a trade for DesertMan.
Rockman.EXE Stream[]
She appears in episode 16.
Rockman.EXE Beast[]
She appears in episode 12.
She appears in episode 13.
She appears in episode 14.
Rockman.EXE Beast+[]
Battle Chips[]
Manabe employs battle chips to fight enemy NetNavis in a Dimensional Area through a Battle Chip Gate. She does not own a Navi of her own.
- Tsunami Hole