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"Repliforce decimated the city and left. Pursue them aboard the Land Chaser."
―Stage description, Mega Man X4

Marine Base (マリンベース) is Jet Stingray's stage in Mega Man X4. It is a Repliforce naval base that requires a Ride Chaser to access.



When the Reploid military organization known as the Repliforce was labeled as Mavericks due to refusing to turn in their weapons after being suspected of involvement in the deadly Sky Lagoon disaster, they launched a violent war of independence to form their own nation-state of Reploids and secede from humanity. The ultimate plan was for the nation of Reploids to be in a gigantic space colony known as the Final Weapon, where there would be a utopia and a sanctuary for all Reploids.

To further this goal, Repliforce turned on the very humans that they had once protected. In order to distract the Maverick Hunters from the rest of Repliforce and draw away their attention from the colony's construction, Repliforce Navy captain Jet Stingray attacked a city; the original English game dramatically states that he "destroyed" the city, but other sources clarify that he only sabotaged the power supply.[1][2] Then, Stingray and his forces escaped to a nearby Marine Base at the sea to evade the Hunters. After a long chase during which many of Stingray's soldiers were killed, the Hunters finally caught up with Stingray. The captain put up a fierce battle, but the Hunters' strength was too much and he was destroyed, his military career and life ending in disgrace in the very sea he had spent so long fighting.

Marine Base Area 1[]

The first half of the stage starts with X/Zero on a Ride Chaser Adion inside a tunnel. The stage contains many pits and slopes which are laden with explosive mines. In the middle of this area, there is a platform with a Life Up, which can be obtained by simply staying low and not jumping over the pit. After that, there is a section with exploding floors, as well as barricades that can be destroyed by shooting or charging at them with the Ride Chaser. The place will self destruct while reaching the end of the area.

Marine Base Area 2[]

The second half of the stage is also in a Ride Chaser, this time outside the tunnel. This section has plenty more obstacles, as well as Jet Stingray himself attempting to attack X/Zero. As one is closer to the end, a few platforms will show up with boxes on them. Is recommended to do charge jumps with the chaser to jump on top of these platforms, as the very last platform contains a Life Sub Tank. After reaching the end, X/Zero will jump off the Ride Chaser and can enter to fight Jet Stingray.



Marine Base's stage icon

Image Enemy
JetStingray Battle Animation
Jet Stingray (both boss and enemy, does not reappear after his defeat)
Hover Gunner

Note: Jet Stingray himself attacks throughout Area 2. Hitting him with the Ride Chaser's dash will make him fall back for a moment.


Location X4 LifeUp static Life Up
Fall below the first green platform in Area 1 rather than jumping onto it, where the Life Up awaits.
Location SubTankX4 Sub Tank
Traverse the high platforms at the end of Area 2 to find the Sub Tank between several crates.

Other media[]

Rockman X4 manga[]

Marine Base X4 manga

Stingray prepares to destroy the marine base city.

The Marine Base makes an appearance in the manga in chapter 4 "Ocean". The base is a power plant city in the sea known as Thrice Province, with a population of 800,00 families. Repliforce Navy commander Jet Stingray and his forces occupy the province and force the humans to evacuate it. Double and Dr. Cain witness this on surveillance footage while at the Hunter base, and speculate that they intend to cut off the electricity supply that the city provides. Cain is angry at the bad timing, as X is currently out doing another mission and thus unable to disperse the hostile Repliforce troops at Thrice Province. Cain's prediction proves accurate as Repliforce navy captain Jet Stingray ends up blowing up the entire city with a button trigger, albeit with some hesitation. Stingray justifies the action by saying they must put their faith in the Colonel.

After the destruction of the city, Zero appears on a Ride Chaser and attacks Stingray's naval ship in the ocean. Stingray has his Repliforce subordinates fall back, saying that he will face Zero alone, who he instantly recognizes due to his red armor and long blonde hair. Colonel once said in a prior conversation with Stingray that he was friends with such a Reploid and considered him his rival. Stingray then engages Zero in battle, but refuses to tell Zero where the Colonel is, saying he has no right to know and has betrayed him.

Stingray fires a barrage of robotic stingrays at Zero, who flees from them with his Ride Chaser, only to suddenly stop and let them all hit his spot, dumbfounding Stingray. This was all according to plan, as the shockwave of the explosion sent his Ride Chaser up into the sky where Stingray was. Zero proceeded to unleash a barrage of Ride Chaser blasts at Stingray, seriously wounding him and briefly knocking him out.

While temporarily unconscious, Stingray has a flashback to the time the Colonel saved his life by taking a blast meant for him, which was the source of his undying loyalty to the Colonel. He remembers Colonel telling him about Zero, the Reploid with "red armor and long hair fluttering in the wind." Stingray was eager to meet this Reploid whom the Colonel considered a rival, and fight together with him in battle one day.

Stingray regains his will, and comes flying out of the ocean, tackling Zero into the water and again berating him for denigrating the Colonel's warrior beliefs by opposing the coup d'etat and thus "betraying" him. Zero replies that his friendship with the Colonel didn't mean he would blindly follow everything the Colonel did, and counter-attacked with his Ride Chaser.

Suddenly, Stingray's Repliforce subordinates intervene on the scene with Ride Chasers, wanting to aid their commander. Before they can, everyone present is blasted in a surprise attack from the Reploid Self-Defense Forces, who had come to stop Repliforce's coup. Stingray is clearly anguished over seeing his men wiped out, and he laments their deaths before succumbing to his own wounds from the blasts and perishing as well.



  1. (Archived) Capcom Japan official website, New Products, Rockman X4. 2000. (
  2. Mega Man X Legacy Collection Gallery
