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Mars Stage is a stage that appeared in Mega Man V that has Mars as the boss.


Being one of the first four stages, it is located on Earth. Mars's stage takes place inside a war stockpile, with several types of weaponry like turrets lying around the ground. While the stage is mostly set indoors, Mega Man does get a brief outside view when fighting the two mid-bosses. The main gimmick, being unique to this stage, are land mines on the ground. If Mega Man steps on them, they will blink faster for a second or two before exploding. It's easy to distinguish as Mega Man can't walk over a depressed land mine without jumping; if he is on top of one, it sinks low enough that he will have to jump to get to any adjacent ground. There are also Kamapots, which serve as a platform gimmick. These rise out of thin pipes in the ground, and while they can be stood on, they always fly up to spikes in the ceiling, so Mega Man should avoid standing on them for too long. Kamapots rise up in different speeds, though they always "boil" inside their pipe before rising: the slowest ones come out under a second's time, while the fastest ones take a couple of seconds before actually launching. There is one long drop that has spikes placed in areas where Mega Man is likely to fall onto from above, but they can be avoided by hugging right (this actually rewards Mega Man with a big P-Chip). Overall, this is the most lucrative of the first four stages, having the most P-Chips and two E-Tanks. Despite this, Rush Coil will be needed to collect most of them.


Image Enemy
MMV Mars sprite
Mars (boss)
Tyhorn (mid-boss, unique)
Palm Hopper (unique)
Parocket (unique)
Armaroid (unique)
Bikky Bomb

Valuable pickups to look out for:

  • PChipL P-Chips: A total of 34 P-Chips (4 large and 1 small) can be found and collected within this stage.
  • ETankGB E-Tank: Right after the first Tyhorn. It is on a higher up platform, so either Rush Coil or an enhanced Mega Arm can be used to obtain it. There is a land mine right next to this pickup, so if Rush Coil is used, Mega Man should either grab the pickup quickly without staying there, or he can purposefully diffuse the land mine before getting the pickup.
  • ETankGB E-Tank: There is one horizontal room that has an upper area with 3 spikes on the ceiling, tasking Mega Man to slide under them and over slide gaps. While the pickup is at the end of this upper area, it is made challenging by a Parocket who can very easily hurt Mega Man in this area as he's closest to the ceiling. There is a fail-safe way to get to the pickup without getting ambushed: Mega Man should position himself just right of the ladder after he climbs it, and sliding should pop him in-between the 1st and 2nd spike without having to stop mid-slide. Mega Man should then stand close to the 2nd spike, and then slide once the Parocket starts floating down as to dodge it. This slide will also get Mega Man over 2 slide gaps at once. There's one more spike to slide under and the pickup will be Mega Man's.
