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MegaMan NT Warrior is a soundtrack with songs from the MegaMan NT Warrior anime released in Germany on October 4, 2004.[1]

Track list[]

# German title Translation Notes
01 „Willkommen in DenTech City“ Welcome to DenTech City Lan's introduction to the series.
02 Warte nicht zu lange Don't wait too long Opening theme.
03 Entscheide Dich! Make up your mind!
04 Cybertrip (durch die Datenmeere) Cybertrip (Through the Sea of Data)
05 Deadline Deadline
06 „World three chaos express“ World Three Chaos Express
07 Kämpfe wenn du kannst Fight if you can
08 Tag X Day X
09 Seite an Seite Side by Side
10 Netzkriegerin Network Warrior Woman
11 „Einklinken MegaMan“ Jack in MegaMan
12 Letzte Warnung Last Warning
13 MegaMan Power MegaMan Power
14 Liebesmail Love mail
15 „Log-Out“ "Log-out"

External links[]

