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Concept art of MegaMan Volnutt's equipment.

MegaMan Volnutt can equip upgrades to his body for easier tasks, such as battle and travelling purposes. Such additions include weapons, built in roller skates for higher speed, helmets, different levels of body armor, and upgrades for his health. This page contains his equipment from the games Mega Man Legends, Mega Man Legends 2, Rockman DASH: 5tsu no Shima no Daibouken!, Namco × Capcom and Tatsunoko vs. Capcom.

Arm Parts[]

MegaMan can equip different weapons in his arms, and with the Lock-on function he can automatically target the nearest enemy.

Mega Buster[]

Mega Buster

The Mega Buster, known as Rock Buster (ロックバスター) in Japan, is MegaMan's main weapon, a rapid firing arm cannon equipped in his left arm. It can be improved with Buster Parts, which modify four stats: Attack, Energy, Range and Rapid. MegaMan is only allowed 2 Buster Parts at a time, but upon obtaining the item Adapter Plug, he can equip 3 parts.

Special Weapons[]


Development Room in Mega Man Legends 2.

Main article: Special Weapon

Special Weapons (特殊武器 Tokushu Buki) are MegaMan's secondary weapons, attached to his right arm. They are developed by Roll Caskett with objects found by MegaMan, and she is able to improve their abilities. MegaMan can carry only one Special Weapon with him at a time, so he must decide which weapon to take with him. To change weapons, MegaMan must talk with Roll in the Support Car or in the Flutter (and also in Nino Island during the attack of the Birdbots). He can equip or unequip weapons in the pause screen.

Special Weapons have limited energy, shown in the Special Weapon Gauge to the right of the screen. In Mega Man Legends 2, the Special Weapon Gauge has two bars instead of one, a green bar to the left showing the energy currently in use and a blue bar to the right with reserve energy. The green bar decreases when the weapon is used, recharging automatically when not firing by taking energy from the blue bar. When the energy of a weapon ends, it must be recharged with Data or with the items Hyper Cartridge and Special Weapon Recharge Cube. Note that in Mega Man Legends 2 those will only recharge the blue bar, but both the green and blue bars are recharged when MegaMan leaves the Development Room. The downside to this is that even if the Energy is infinite, the green bar will still deplete on some weapons (which might've been implemented to prevent "spamming" or rapidly firing weapons).

In the first game, most special weapons make MegaMan stand still while in use, the exceptions being the Grenade Arm and Machine Buster. In the second game, MegaMan can move and attack at the same time with 7 of the 15 weapons available, those being the Ground Crawler, Homing Missile, Hunter Seeker, Machine Gun Arm, Reflector Arm, Shield Arm and Spread Buster.

List of Special Weapons[]


There is a large variety of Special Weapons in the games with varying abilities, such as a powerful bazooka-like weapon, machine guns, explosives, an energy blade, an energy shield for protection, a drill to break down walls, and a vacuum to collect Refractor shards.

In the first game and on Rockman DASH 2 Episode 1, MegaMan's special weapons are colored to his color scheme, blue with some gray. In the second game, the Special Weapons now have colors different from MegaMan.

Image Name Description Appearances
MML Active Buster
Fires homing missiles. It is the most expensive weapon to fully upgrade in the first game, requiring over 1 million Zenny for all upgrades. But when fully upgraded, it is one of the most powerful weapons in the game, surpassed only by the Shining Laser. Mega Man Legends
Aqua Blaster
Releases water to extinguish fires. Given by Roll in the beginning of the game when the Flutter caught fire. It deals no damage and can only extinguish small flames, being useless against strong fire sources such as flamethrowers. Mega Man Legends 2
Blade Arm
Creates an energy blade for close-range combat. Mega Man Legends
Mega Man Legends 2
Rockman DASH: 5tsu no Shima no Daibouken!
Buster Cannon
A powerful cannon with good firepower and range. Mega Man Legends 2
Rockman DASH: 5tsu no Shima no Daibouken!
Namco × Capcom
Crush Bomb)
Throws powerful electro-magnetic bombs. Mega Man Legends 2
Namco × Capcom
Drill Arm
Short-range drill that can be used to destroy certain types of walls. Mega Man Legends
Mega Man Legends 2
Rockman DASH: 5tsu no Shima no Daibouken!
Namco × Capcom (Skill)
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
MML Grand Grenade
Throws bombs that can crack certain walls. The Grand Grenade and the Powered Buster are the only weapons that can destroy the cracked ceiling in the Clozer Woods Sub-Gate. MegaMan is immune to the explosions. Mega Man Legends
MML Grenade Arm
Throws bombs with a delayed explosion. The bombs bounce on walls and can be kicked. Explodes immediately if touched. MegaMan is immune to the explosions. Mega Man Legends
Ground Crawler
Earth Creeper)
Releases a bomb that rolls along the ground and explode when it touches an enemy. Mega Man Legends 2
Homing Missile
Like the Active Buster, it fires homing missiles, the main difference being that its tracking ability is more effective, but has a smaller rapid rating. Mega Man Legends 2
Rockman DASH: 5tsu no Shima no Daibouken!
Namco × Capcom
Hunter Seeker
Remote Charge)
Launches an independent probe that homes in on the target MegaMan is locked on to. MegaMan requires a Class S License to obtain one of the items used to develop it. Mega Man Legends 2
Hyper Shell
A bazooka-like weapon that causes an explosion in the area it hits, spreading damage over a large area. Mega Man Legends 2
Namco × Capcom
MML Machine Buster
A machine gun made with the arm parts of a Blumebear. Mega Man Legends
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
Machine Gun Arm
Weapon with a high rate of fire. Mega Man Legends 2
Rockman DASH: 5tsu no Shima no Daibouken!
Namco × Capcom
MML Powered Buster
Weapon with good firepower and range, but with low speed and amount of energy. The Powered Buster and the Grand Grenade are the only weapons that can destroy the cracked ceiling in the Clozer Woods Sub-Gate. Mega Man Legends
Reflector Arm
Reflect Arm)
Fires spheres that bounce off walls and explode. Mega Man Legends 2
Shield Arm
Creates an energy shield to protect MegaMan from enemy attacks. Mega Man Legends
Mega Man Legends 2
Namco × Capcom
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
Shining Laser
The most powerful weapon in the Mega Man Legends series. Fires high-powered laser beams. When fully upgraded, has unlimited energy and is strong enough to defeat bosses in few seconds. Mega Man Legends
Mega Man Legends 2
Rockman DASH: 5tsu no Shima no Daibouken!
Namco × Capcom
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
Rockman X DiVE
MML Splash Mine
The first weapon obtained in Mega Man Legends. MegaMan plants a mine on the ground that explodes after some time or when touched. The mines can harm MegaMan. Mega Man Legends
Spread Buster
Fires multiple explosives simultaneously, covering a wide range. Mega Man Legends
Mega Man Legends 2
Rockman DASH: 5tsu no Shima no Daibouken!
Vacuum Arm
A vacuum that sucks nearby Refractors, Energy Cubes and Special Weapon Recharge Cubes. Has no offensive power, being used to collect money. Mega Man Legends
Mega Man Legends 2
Namco × Capcom (Skill)

Normal Arm[]


Normal Arm (ノーマルアーム Nōmaru Āmu) is MegaMan's normal arm without weapons. When not using a weapon, MegaMan can kick with his right leg in Mega Man Legends and lift objects in Mega Man Legends 2.



MegaMan kicking an empty can.

Kick (キック Kikku) is an attack from Mega Man Legends. It is used with the right leg when MegaMan is not equipped with a Special Weapon and with the left leg when he is in areas that the Mega Buster can't be used. In Mega Man Legends 2 it can only be used with the left leg, as the right arm function was replaced by the Lifter.

Volnutt also uses a kick as an attack in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom.


Lifter (持ち上げ Mochi age) is an action from Mega Man Legends 2 used by MegaMan with the right arm when he isn't equipped with a Special Weapon. He is able to lift light objects and enemies and throw them, causing damage to other enemies hit. MegaMan can lift enemies that cause negative status by contact, like burn and freeze from some Horokkos and Frongels, without receiving the status.

The objects, characters, and enemies MegaMan can lift are Horokko, Frongel, Mirumijee, Jakko, Gorubesshu, Kuruguru, Miroc, King Miroc, Skaritt, Taburu, Snorubit, Otamarn, Koni, Kalmare, Servbots, Birdbots, Johnny, the gunners in Nino Island, the twins Appo and Dah, Shu, rabbits, pigs, bombs, and crates.

When holding a Jakko, MegaMan will descent slowly if the jump button is held. Snorubit is the only enemy that can escape from MegaMan when hold. If MegaMan attempts to lift Roll Caskett in the Calinca tundra, she will slap him.

Body Parts[]

MegaMan can equip upgrades to his body for easier tasks, such as battle and travelling purposes. Such additions include built in roller skates for higher speed, helmets, different levels of body armor, and upgrades for his health and buster.

Mega Man Legends[]

In Mega Man Legends, four body parts are Special Items, MegaMan is able can equip or unload them at any time. Only the Flak Jacket can be upgraded, and other parts only have one. Once upgraded, the armor can't return to its previous version. When MegaMan is hit, sometimes he may hit his head in the floor, causing 8 damage to him. The helmet protects his head from this extra damage.

Image Name Description Items / Price
Helmet Parts)
Protects head Safety Helmet
Jet Skates
Dash Parts)
Increase movement speed Rollerboard and Old Hoverjets
Jump Parts
Increase jumping ability Spring Set
Flak Jacket
Armored Body)
Reduces damage by 1/4 9500 Ƶ
Kevlar Jacket
Armored Body Plus)
Reduces damage by 1/2 36000 Ƶ
Kevlar Jacket Ω
Armored Body SP)
Reduces damage by 3/4 120000 Ƶ

Mega Man Legends 2[]

In Mega Man Legends 2, the body parts is divided into three parts, but each part has more than one.

  • Helmet parts his head from this extra damage by floor.
  • Armor parts can be replaced by sturdier parts to increase his defense.
  • Shoes parts can improve his mobility, being able to dash to move faster and increase his jump height.
Image Name Description Price / Items
icon Helmet
Normal Helmet
Guards against knockback. 5000 Ƶ
Padded Helmet
Guard Helmet)
Roll automatically when hit multiple times. 10000 Ƶ
icon Armor
Normal Armor
Increases defense and guards against knockdown. 3500 Ƶ
Padded Armor
First Armor)
Reduces damage from enemy attacks by 25%. 15000 Ƶ
Padded Armor Ω
First Armor SP)
Reduces damage from enemy attacks by 25% and guards against knockdown. 25000 Ƶ
Link Armor
Second Armor)
Reduces damage from enemy attacks by 50%. 40000 Ƶ
Link Armor Ω
Second Armor SP)
Reduces damage from enemy attacks by 50% and guards against knockdown. 60000 Ƶ
Kevlar Armor
Third Armor)
Reduces damage from enemy attacks by 75%. 80000 Ƶ
Kevlar Armor Ω
Third Armor SP)
Reduces damage from enemy attacks by 75% and guards against knockdown. 100000 Ƶ
icon Shoes
1 Jet Skates
Dash Shoes)
It enables high-speed jet roller skates by holding the circle button. It can't be used underwater.
In Namco × Capcom, it is an equipment that increases the movement of the user by 1, buy in shop by 800.
Rollerboard and Old Hoverjets
2 Hydrojets
Aqua Shoes)
An aquatic version of the Jet Skates that can be used underwater. Unusable in dry land. Aqua Chip
3 Asbestos Shoes
Resist Shoes)
Prevents damage from hot and cold surfaces. Resistor Chip
4 Cleated Shoes
Spike Shoes)
Allows MegaMan to walk on icy surfaces without slipping. Spike Chip
5 Hover Shoes
Light Shoes)
Prevents numbness when walking over electrified floors. Light Chip

Yamato Man's spear tip
Yamato Man

Rockman DASH: 5tsu no Shima no Daibouken![]

In Rockman DASH: 5tsu no Shima no Daibouken!, the equipment system follows the design of Mega Man Legends 2, but with more helmets and shoes added.

Name Description Price
Guard Helmet
Protects against knockback. 400 Ƶ
Snipe Scope
Lock-on response +1 800 Ƶ
Snipe Scope +
Lock-on response +2 2000 Ƶ
Snipe Scope SP
Lock-on response +3 6000 Ƶ
Guard Scope
Lock-on response +1. Protects against knockback. 2000 Ƶ
Guard Scope +
Lock-on response +2. Protects against knockback. 4000 Ƶ
Guard Scope SP
Lock-on response +3. Protects against knockback. 8800 Ƶ
Normal Armor
Increases defense and guards against knockdown. 1800 Ƶ
First Armor
Reduces damage from enemy attacks by 25%. 7500 Ƶ
First Armor SP
Reduces damage from enemy attacks by 25% and guards against knockdown. 12500 Ƶ
Second Armor
Reduces damage from enemy attacks by 50%. 20000 Ƶ
Second Armor SP
Reduces damage from enemy attacks by 50% and guards against knockdown. 25000 Ƶ
Third Armor
Reduces damage from enemy attacks by 75%. 30000 Ƶ
Third Armor SP
Reduces damage from enemy attacks by 75% and guards against knockdown. 35000 Ƶ
Dash Shoes
It enables high-speed jet roller skates by holding the circle button. It can't be used underwater. 2500 Ƶ
Resist Shoes
Prevents damage from hot and cold surfaces. 10000 Ƶ
Spike Shoes
Allows MegaMan to walk on icy surfaces without slipping. 6000 Ƶ
Light Shoes
Prevents numbness when walking over electrified floors. 5000 Ƶ
Jump Shoes
Increases power of jump. 15000 Ƶ
Dash Shoes SP
Has the function of both Dash Shoes and Jump Shoes. 40000 Ƶ
Safety Shoes
Has the function of both Resist Shoes and Light Shoes. 30000 Ƶ

Yamato Man

Miscellaneous parts and items[]

Other parts and items that increase MegaMan's survival chances.

Name Function Appearances
Life Gauge (Mega Man Legends)
Bionic Parts (Mega Man Legends 2)
Life Parts (ライフパーツ, Japan)
Increases MegaMan's Life Gauge by 16 HP. Can be bought five times, doubling his HP from 80 to 160 after buying all parts. Mega Man Legends
Mega Man Legends 2
Flame Barrier (フレイムバリア) Protects MegaMan from fire attacks and puts him out after stepping off a fire panel. In Namco × Capcom is increases the Flame resistance of the user by 2 points. Mega Man Legends 2
Namco × Capcom
Light Barrier (ライトバリア) Protects MegaMan from electric attacks and nullifies the paralyzes special damage. In Namco × Capcom is increases the Electric resistance of the user by 2 points. Mega Man Legends 2
Namco × Capcom
Rebreather (ブレスユニット,
Breath Unit in Japan)
Allows MegaMan to breath underwater. Mega Man Legends 2
Energy Canteen
Energy Canteen
Energy Bottle in Japan)
Allows MegaMan to refill his Life Gauge. Extra packs increase how much it can store. Mega Man Legends
Mega Man Legends 2
Rockman DASH: 5tsu no Shima no Daibouken!
Medicine Bottle (メディスンボトル) Restores MegaMan's status to normal. Extra packs increase how much it can store. Mega Man Legends 2
Namco × Capcom
Shield Repair (リペアシールド,
Repair Shield in Japan)
Repairs damaged Life Shield. Mega Man Legends
Energy Cartridge
Partially restores Special Weapon energy. Rockman DASH: 5tsu no Shima no Daibouken!
Super Cartridge
Hyper Cartridge
Fully restores Special Weapon energy. Mega Man Legends
Mega Man Legends 2
Rockman DASH: 5tsu no Shima no Daibouken!
Chameleon Net
Camouflage Barrier in Japan)
Camouflages MegaMan for limited time. Mega Man Legends
Defense Shield
Makes MegaMan invulnerable for limited time. Mega Man Legends

Life Shield[]

Life Shield on (left) and off (right).

Life Shield (ライフシールド Raifu Shīrudo) is a feature from the first Mega Man Legends game that reduces the damage MegaMan receives from enemy attacks. When the Life Gauge is bright red, the shield is disabled, but it will normally recharge itself after a while. However, if it takes a strong enough hit, the shield will break and stay red, requiring to be repaired with Data or the item Shield Repair. The shield will always break when MegaMan's health reach 0 (also saving him from a fatal attack), regardless of the strength of the attack received.

Alarm Lamp[]

Alarm Lamp (警報ランプ), also known as Warning Light, is a lamp below MegaMan's Life Gauge that lights up when an enemy is nearby.

On Mega Man Legends 2, Alarm Lamp only triggers if the enemy is behind or at Mega Man's blind spot.

Other media[]

In the Rockman DASH 2 4Koma Gag Battle, some comics involve his equipment. Below are some of them.



  • Yoshinori Kawano likes fishing, as seen by the system included in the Breath of Fire series, and planned to include a "Fishing Arm" in the Mega Man Legends series that would allow MegaMan to find items. The idea was cut due to the Vacuum Arm being considered simpler to use and able to pull more items at once.[1]

