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Mega Man 11
Mega Buster Block Dropper Scramble Thunder Chain Blast Acid Barrier Tundra Storm Blazing Torch Pile Driver Bounce Ball
Block Man 1:3:5:8 1:1 1:2:1:2 4:5:8:11:10 1:1:1:1 4:4 2:2 2+2:2+3 1:1
Fuse Man 1:3:5:8 2:2 1:1:1:1 1:2:4:6:5 1:2:1:2 1:1 2:2 2+2:2+3 4:4
Blast Man 1:3:5:8 1:1 1:2:1:2 1:2:3:4:4 1:2:1:2 4:4 6:6 2+2:2+3 1:1
Acid Man 1:3:5:8 5:5 1:2:1:2 1:2:4:6:5 1:1:1:1 4:4 2:2 2+2:2+3 1:1
Tundra Man 1:3:5:8 2:2 4:4:5:8 1:2:4:6:5 1:2:1:2 1:1 2:2 2+2:2+3 1:1
Torch Man 1:3:5:8 2:2 1:2:1:2 1:1:1:2:2 1:2:1:2 6:9 1:1 2+2:2+3 1:1
Impact Man 1:3:5:8 2:2 1:2:1:2 1:2:4:6:5 4:4:3:6 4:4 2:2 1+1:1+1 1:1
Bounce Man 1:3:5:8 2:2 1:--:1:1 1:2:4:6:5 1:2:1:2 4:4 2:2 4+4:4+6 1:1
Yellow Devil MK-III 1:3:4:8 1:1 1:1:1:1 1:2:4:8:6 1:1:1:1 1:2 1:2 2+1:4+2 1:1
Mawverne 1:2:4:8 1:1 1:1:1:1 1:2:3:4:3 1:1:1:1 1:2 1:1 3+3:4+4 3:3
Wily Machine 11 (V1) 1:2:2:7 1:1 1:1:1:1 2:3:4:6:5 5:8:5:7 1:1 1:1 2+2:4+4 1:1
Wily Machine 11 (V2) 1:2:2:6 1:1 3:2:4:3 1:2:3:4:4 3:8:5:5 1:1 1:1 2+2:3+3 1:1


  • For Newcomer mode, the amount of damage in units that each Robot Master receives from each Special Weapon will be doubled.
  • For Mega Buster, the numbers are: uncharged, fully charged, Power Gear extra shot, Final Charge.
    • Power Gear allows Mega Man to shoot two charged shots together (fully charged & Power Gear extra shot). The extra shot still can damage a boss despite them flashing. Pile Driver has the same trait.
  • For Scramble Thunder, the numbers are: a sphere of electricity during shoot, sphere of electricity after explosion via contact with enemies, a Power Gear sphere of electricity (pierce through enemies) during shot, large sphere of electricity after Power Gear sphere touching a surface.
    • It's hard to make bosses get hit from large sphere using normal Scramble Thunder unless damage from the first attack is ignored. The best condition for this case is when they use Power Gear, They will be invincible in a short amount of time.
    • If Mega Man hits Bounce Man with Scramble Thunder, it won't generate a sphere of electricity because Bounce Man is made of rubber, which is a strong insulator.
  • For Chain Blast, the numbers are: 1 bomb, 2 bombs, 3 bombs, 4 bombs, Power Gear.
  • For Acid Barrier, the numbers are: normal shot, Power Gear acid barrier collision, an acid shot that bounce off from the Power Gear acid barrier upon taking hit, Power Gear shot.
  • Blazing Torch is one of the Special Weapons that are capable of striking more than once. However, this weapon can only cause damage once on boss due to the invincibility period after taking damage. Damage values on this chart are listed according to how much this weapon inflicts per hit. Interestingly, each hit does the same damage unlike Scramble Thunder or Pile Driver.
  • For Pile Driver, the first number is the total amount of damage done with both dash attack and an explosion, the second is the same but with Power Gear is activated.
    • Example: for Bounce Man, normal Pile Driver will cause 4 (dash attack) + 4 (explosion) = 8 total amount of damage, power gear Pile Driver will cause 4 (dash attack) + 6 (explosion) = 10 total amount of damage.
  • For the rest of the weapons, the numbers are normal, Power Gear.
  • Credit goes to for damage values.
