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This damage data chart is for the original Mega Man. For damage values for Mega Man Powered Up, see: Mega Man Powered Up Damage Data Chart.

Mega Man
Mega Buster
Rolling Cutter
Super Arm
Ice Slasher
Hyper Bomb
Fire Storm
Thunder Beam
Cut Man 3 1 14 0 2 3 1
Guts Man 2 1 1 0 10 2 1
Ice Man 1 2 -- / 0 0 4 1 10
Bomb Man 2 2 -- / 0 0 1 4 2
Fire Man 2 2 -- / 0 4 1 1 1
Elec Man 1 10 4 0 2 1 1
Yellow Devil 2 2 -- / 0 0 -- / 0 2 4
Copy Robot 1 1 -- / 0 0 2 2 2
CWU-01P 2 2 20 0 7 2 4
Wily Machine 1
1st phase
1 1 -- / 1 1 -- / 1 4 1
Wily Machine 1
2nd phase
1 1 -- / 1 0 -- / 1 1 1


  • For CWU-01P, each CWU-01P unit has 20 HP; however, 4 units of damage will be taken from the total health meter for each unit destroyed, regardless of which Special Weapon the player uses against them. For this reason, damage values displayed are those against each unit.
  • Damage values listed in gray are those obtained though cheat devices or in the game's coding itself, and therefore not present during normal gameplay.
