After going through the intro cutscene and text, Lan will be pacing around in his own room, occasionally checking his own PET. Unlike the other Battle Network games, you will not be able to move Lan around. To progress, press START and go to the option labeled "Map". Once you select that, you can choose where you want to jack in based on the available options. Choose to jack in at Lan's home, and you will enter Den Area 1.
Den Area 1[]
Item Checklist
- HPMemory
- Lvl1Code
Virus Data
![]() |
HP: | Element: | ![]() |
Damage: | |||
Dropped: | ZapRing1 | ||||||
![]() |
HP: | Element: | ![]() |
Damage: | |||
Dropped: | ShockWav, Guard | ||||||
![]() |
HP: | Element: | ![]() |
Damage: | |||
Dropped: | Cannon |
MegaMan and Lan will go through and explain the basics of the game. Simply...
- Press A to jump.
- Press B to shoot buster.
- Press Y to use selected chip.
- Press X to enter "Standby Mode", which allows you to keep the action paused while selecting a different chip.
- Rotate chips by pressing either R or L.
- Access customize menu by pressing Z (once the custom gauge is full).
After traveling through the level some and trying new chips, MegaMan will encounter a security cube which will require a code to access. MegaMan must then travel left and make way through the area until MegaMan finds Lvl1Code. After finding the code, you will be able to access past the cube with the code and continue through the level.
A narrow gap is shown. Here, the slide technique will be taught. Similar to the technique in the classic Mega Man games, hold down and press A to perform a slide,
A wire will be seen above MegaMan. Lan and MegaMan explain how to travel along the wire by holding Up as MegaMan makes contact with the wire. This will allow MegaMan to travel along the wire. To get off the wire, simply jump.
Den Area 2[]
Item Checklist
- HiCannon
- LongSwrd
- BckUpChp
- MemUp
- PowerUp
- Lvl2Code
Virus Data
![]() |
HP: | Element: | ![]() |
Damage: | |||
Dropped: | ZapRing1 | ||||||
![]() |
HP: | Element: | ![]() |
Damage: | |||
Dropped: | ShockWav, Guard | ||||||
![]() |
HP: | Element: | ![]() |
Damage: | |||
Dropped: | Cannon |
Continue through as normal. When you fall down the gap, there are some wires that MegaMan can hold on to by holding up. At this point, an explanation of spikes will be given. Unlike most other games in the series, these spikes will not instant kill if HP is high enough (damages 200 HP). However, at this point, MegaMan's HP is low enough that it will cause MegaMan to be deleted.
Another potential hazard to consider is a bottomless pit. If MegaMan falls down one of these, he also gets deleted.
As you travels through this area, you will encounter a security cube. The security cube requires a Lvl2Code in order for it to disappear. Travel back to the left find a BckUpChp. BckUpChps are equivalent to extra lives. You starts with 1 at the beginning of the game. Obtaniing this one brings up the total to 2. You can choose to jack out at most any time to have the opportunity to start the level over if MegaMan's lives get close to 0. If MegaMan runs out of BckUpChps and gets deleted after that, it's game over. Jack out if necessary.
Right after the BckUpChp is the Lvl2Code. Get it and go back to the security cube to unlock it. Proceed further, and a dialogue with Roll.EXE will ensue. MegaMan will receive the FireArmr. After the dialogue, equip the FireArmr and proceed onto the next area.
Net on Fire[]
Items checklist
- FullCust
Virus Data
Proceed through the area, fighting the viruses along the way. If you touch the fire along the bottom of the area, MegaMan will get deleted. Eventually, you will reach an area with collapsible floor panels as soon as MegaMan walks on them. Hurry along through there. If you find yourself stuck or in trouble, you can use the Repair chip if you have it equipped. Proceed onward, and you will find the cause of the fire.
HP: 400
For a first boss, FireMan is tough. Make sure that you equipped the FireArmr. Use Bubbler if you have it, since he is weak to aqua type attacks. His most common attack is his FireArm, which goes across the entire screen at head level between him and the edge of the screen. The most effective way to dodge this is by sliding either underneath the flame or through FireMan's legs. At close range, he likes to use an attack similar to Burner, covering himself in flames and damaging MegaMan if he is near. At low health, he starts using an attack similar to his Burner attack. However, this will last longer, deal more damage, and it shoots a flame tower above him.
Once FireMan is deleted, the level will be completed, and you will be returned to Lan's room.
Global Area, Outer Net, and GutsMan.EXE infected[]
Jack in at Mayl's house.
Den Area 3[]
Items checklist No new items
Virus Data
This is basically "Net on Fire", except that it's not on fire and a little more expanded. You can take the lower road now, since the fire is gone. Progress through the level.
Global Area 1[]
Items checklist
- CrosBomb
- HPMemory
- MemUp
Virus Data
![]() |
HP: | Element: | ![]() |
Damage: | |||
Dropped: | MiniBomb, LilBomb | ||||||
![]() |
HP: | Element: | ![]() |
Damage: | |||
Dropped: | Cannong | ||||||
![]() |
HP: | Element: | ![]() |
Damage: | |||
Dropped: | Sword, LongSwrd |
Progress through like normal. Watch out for spikes. You will encounter a security cube part way through the area. Go up into the next area (and the only other area you can access right now, since you don't have the code to unlock the security cube).
Outer Net[]
Items checklist
- PowerUp
- Lvl3Code
Virus Data
Continue through the area. Eventually, you'll meet up with a mysterious Navi. The Navi disappears. As you try to follow it, you will see a Spikey2 virus instead. Defeat it and continue onward. You'll see NumberMan and ask where the mysterious Navi went. NumberMan will have no idea, and the search for the mysterious Navi will cease. After the dialogue, you get an email from Dex. He says that GutsMan has gone crazy and needs help getting GutsMan back to normal. Contained in the email is the Lvl3Code.
After the dialogue, you can shop at NumberMan's shop by approaching him. You can buy upgrades from him to upgrade MegaMan, if you wish.
Go to the left and enter the warp. It warps back to the entrance of this area. Go back to Global Area 1 and unlock the security cube with your new code.
Global Area 2[]
Items checklist
- HiCannon
- MemUp
Virus Data
Continue to the right, and you'll see conveyor belts. Once you reach the end, go down and to the left to reach the warp to GutsMan. Pick up the Big HP past the warp if you need it.
HP: 600
He's hard at this point. Use battle chips, preferably ones that can be used while jumping. You will be doing a lot of jumping, as he has a lot of attacks that hit while on the ground. One of them involves him jumping up in the air. When he lands, it shocks the ground and paralyzes MegaMan. The other one is much quicker and harder to predict. He raises his fists and slams the ground. The only attack that doesn't rely on being grounded is a close range punch.
You can slide under his legs if he gets too close to you. Use bomb or cannon battle chips. Also, if you have the Roll chip equipped, that would be wise to use as well.
Once defeated, GutsMan regains his senses, and you are returned to Lan's room. You receive four emails, each of them from a person who is stuck or having trouble.
Garden Comp[]
Garden Comp, Shopping Comp, Waterworks, and Bank Comp are all accessible right now. You can choose to go to any of these areas at this time, and the levels do not need to be done in the order the walkthrough presents them in.
Before entering this area, you will want to purchase WoodArmr from Higsby's shop for 2,500 Zenny. It takes damage done by Wood type attacks and drops it by half. It will protect both against most of the viruses as well as against the boss of this area. Also have an Unlocker handy, which can also be purchased from Higsby's shop for 1,500 Zenny.
Garden Comp 1[]
Item Checklist
- HPMemory x2
- FireSwrd
Virus Data
Proceed through this area like normal. Nothing outstanding to report other than towards the end where there are dropping blocks as soon as you stand on them. Rush across them as fast as you can; otherwise, you will fall to your death. You can also use the high wire to bypass most of the falling blocks. Keep in mind that you can use a Repair chip to repair those blocks if necessary.
Garden Comp 2[]
Item Checklist
- PowerUP (Unlocker required)
- Spreader
- MemUP
Virus Data
Proceed onward. There's a nasty area towards the end with needles poking out from the ceiling. These needles will damage you for 40 HP (WoodArmr does not reduce the damage done by these). Be cautious as you move through this area not to get hit. There is also a point where there will be falling blocks combined with a needle. Time your jumps appropriately to not get hit as you go through this area. A Repair chip will definitely be helpful here. When you make it to the final warp to the boss of this area, go behind to find some Data Cubes you can get some items from.
HP: 600
NeedleMan will be much easier to defeat if you purchased and equipped the WoodArmr. He attacks by using his needles as projectiles. One of his attacks is shooting his needles in a straight line from a standing position. You can slide under this attack. He has other attacks that are a little more difficult to dodge, but you can slide under his legs to avoid a good number of them, since most of his attacks are uni-directional.
Fire-type battle chips are the way to go in this battle, since he is weak against them.
After his HP becomes critical, he will start using an attack that fires needles in multiple directions. He jumps up in the air before doing this. The only safe place from this attack is by standing directly underneath him. After he finishes the attack, move away from standing underneath him or else he will land on you.
After defeating NeedleMan, NeedleMan's operator will jack him out. You will receive two emails. One of them will be from Yai, who thanks you and gives you a BrnzFist battle chip.
Shopping Comp[]
Garden Comp, Shopping Comp, Waterworks, and Bank Comp are all accessible right now. You can choose to go to any of these areas at this time, and the levels do not need to be done in the order the walkthrough presents them in.
Before entering this area, you will want to purchase ElecArmr from Higsby's shop for 2,500 Zenny. It takes damage done by Elec type attacks and drops it by half. It will protect both against most of the viruses as well as against the boss of this area. Also have an Unlocker handy, which can also be purchased from Higsby's shop for 1,500 Zenny.
Shopping Comp 1[]
Item Checklist
- HPMemory
Virus Data
In this area, you can take either an upper path or a lower path. The upper path contains a data cube with HPMemory in it, but it also has a lot more Sparkys and Magneakers. The lower path has a green data cube on it, but it's easier to fall into the bottomless pit. It also has Bunnys and Gabyoalls.
Shopping Comp 2[]
Item Checklist
- HPMemory x2 (One requires an Unlocker)
- MemUP
- PowerUP
Virus Data
This area is pretty straightforward. Go down and then right to make your way to the boss. Towards the end, you will encounter some electric lasers or rays. These bounce off the wall and can damage you for 80 HP. Be cautious and recognize the patterns so that you can avoid these rays.
HP: 500
Make sure you have the ElecArmr equipped for this battle. BrightMan is really easy if you time your attacks properly. Whenever you fire anything, whether or not you are intending to hit BrightMan, he will prepare a counter. If an attack lands on him while he has his counter prepared, it will put up a shield that protects him from any damage. It will also cause him to shoot a bright beam attack that can diagonalize towards you. If you wait a few seconds after BrightMan puts up his counter before attacking, he will lower his defenses temporarily.
The recommended strategy is as following:
- Fire a regular buster shot above BrightMan, triggering him to enter his counter stance.
- Wait several seconds.
- Use a battle chip (preferably any battle chip you can toss, like a MiniBomb battle chip) to hit BrightMan when his counter stance is about to go down. By the time the battle chip attack hits, he will likely have lowered his counter stance.
- Repeat.
You may want to fire a few test shots above his head so that you can get a feel for the timing of his counter stance. After defeating BrightMan, he will come to his senses, and his operator will jack him out. When it goes back to Lan's room, Lan will receive two emails. In one of the emails, Higsby will thank you and give you a Barrier battle chip.
Garden Comp, Shopping Comp, Waterworks, and Bank Comp are all accessible right now. You can choose to go to any of these areas at this time, and the levels do not need to be done in the order the walkthrough presents them in.
Before entering this area, you will want to purchase AquaArmr from Higsby's shop for 2,500 Zenny. It takes damage done by Aqua type attacks and drops it by half. It will protect both against most of the viruses as well as against the boss of this area. Also have an Unlocker handy, which can also be purchased from Higsby's shop for 1,500 Zenny.
Waterworks Comp 1[]
Item Checklist
- HPMemory x2 (One requires an Unlocker)
- AquaBlde
Virus Data
This would be a very good opportunity to collect a very useful battle chip: DoubJump. When used, it adds an extra jump to your current jump. You can carry 10 at most, and this will help you get access to many of the data cubes in the game, as well as a secret boss at end game.
Nothing remarkable to report in this area. Just proceed through as normal.
Waterworks Comp 2[]
Item Checklist
- HPMemory
- RegUP
Virus Data
In this area, you will meet IceMan who is threatening to coat everything in ice. Froid then appears, asking that you put a stop to IceMan.
As you proceed through the area, you will notice that there are some small platforms that will appear and disappear. These are the same kinds of platforms that you see in other Mega Man games, most notably Ice Man's stage in Mega Man 1. Keep note of the patterns so that you can continue through the area.
Once you reach the bottom and go to the right, you will notice that a security cube is blocking the path. You need to go left into the warp to find the WtwkCode so that you can unlock the security cube.
Waterworks Comp 3[]
Item Checklist
- WtwkCode
Virus Data
In this area, you will encounter BigPuffy, a miniboss. This enemy takes a very long time to defeat. It only attacks by floating into you. When you destroy BigPuffy, it will split off into four smaller PuffyBobs. After one of the PuffyBobs is destroyed, that PuffyBob will split off into four smaller MiniPuffys. In the end, you will have to have destroyed one BigPuffy, four PuffyBobs, and sixteen MiniPuffys for a grand total of 2,550 HP! As said before, this takes a very long time. Use LilBomb or any Bomb type battle chips. FireArm and V-Gun are also very useful for this miniboss.
Your reward for defeating the miniboss is the WtwkCode. Backtrack to the previous area, unlock the security cube, and make your way to the boss warp.
HP: 400
IceMan is small and easy to jump over. His movement is also fairly predictable, and he doesn't have much HP compared to other bosses. However, his attacks are very strong. Make sure that you have the AquaArmr equipped before fighting IceMan. He is weak to fire type battle chips, so utilize those if you have some.
After defeating IceMan, IceMan will come to his senses, and Froid will be able to jack out IceMan.
Bank Comp[]
Garden Comp, Shopping Comp, Waterworks, and Bank Comp are all accessible right now. You can choose to go to any of these areas at this time, and the levels do not need to be done in the order the walkthrough presents them in.
Bank Comp 1[]
Item Checklist
- ElecSwrd
- Recov150
- HPMemory
- MemUP
- RegUP
Virus Data
![]() |
HP: | Element: | ![]() |
Damage: | |||
Dropped: | Ratton1 | ||||||
HP: | Element: | ![]() |
Damage: | ||||
Dropped: | ShldGard | ||||||
HP: | Element: | ![]() |
Damage: | ||||
Dropped: | HiGuard, Recov80 |
Upon entering the area, you will meet QuickMan. He taunts you and then runs deeper into Bank Comp, and you have to chase after him. You can go off into areas off the regular path and find some items. Proceeding through the normal path, you will eventually run into Roll. Roll warns you of the security beams. If you touch a security beam, you will die. The security beams are similar to beams found in other games, most notably in Quick Man's stage in Mega Man 2.
You will drop down the hole after Roll and should be able to dodge the first three security beams. When you move a little to the right, you will want to jump onto an available ledge the first opportunity you get. Otherwise, you will run into or land on another security beam. There is an optional opportunity to slide under a passageway, but there is a security beam waiting at head level. If you decide to take that passageway, move as fast as you can and slide right before the beam hits you. If you do that successfully, you can find a green data cube.
Proceed through the area.
Bank Comp 2[]
Item Checklist
- BckupChp
- FireBlde
- HPMemory (Unlocker required)
- ExCdHnt1
Virus Data
As you're going down, progress to the right through the Swordy2 and SniperJoe to receive a BckupChp.
Continue to progress. Eventually, you'll be warned by Lan that there are more security beams. This is pretty much a set of freefalls where you will be avoiding security beams. On the first three freefalls, you will want to stay to the right. On the fourth, go to the left as quickly as possible. The fifth one is a little more tricky. Before going down the fifth one, you will see two small slits that you can drop down. You will already be to the left of both of them. Slide across the first one to avoid dropping while not having to jump. Drop down the right one, go slightly right, then slightly left. That should get you through it.
If you need additional reference, study the map on this.
NOTE: If you are having trouble with the beams, you can go back to Garden Comp 2 and try to get some Barrier chips from Popper2's. This chip nullifies any damage done for a single attack. This includes beam attacks. After being hit, there will be a short invulnerability period where you can either take time to avoid a beam hit or apply another Barrier. If you also beat the Shopping Comp before coming here, you can get a Barrier chip from Higsby.
HP: 500
He's fast. When he's not moving fast, he throws a boomerang at you. To stop his movement, you can shoot a buster shot at him which will force him to stop and use his shield. This shield prevents any attack from harming him. The only time that you can damage him is when he's trying to throw his boomerang. Just keep shooting and using battle chips.
After defeating QuickMan, QuickMan will come to his senses, and his operator will jack QuickMan out. In two emails that you receive after this, Mayl will thank you and give you another Roll chip, and QuickMan's operator will thank you and give you a FstGauge subchip.
Arcade Comp[]
Arcade Comp and Power Plant Comp are both accessible right now. You can choose to go to any of these areas at this time, and the levels do not need to be done in the order the walkthrough presents them in.
Arcade Comp 1[]
Item Checklist
- AquaCode
- FireCode
- HPMemory
- RegUP
Virus Data
When you enter the area, you will run into ColorMan. He runs off, and you have to chase him down. As you progress, you will run into two security cubes that you need to get passed to progress further. Search around the area. In the far right red area you will find the FireCode. In the upper left blue area you will find the AquaCode. Return these codes to the security cubes and unlock the security cubes to progress.
Arcade Comp 2[]
Item Checklist
- HPMemory x2 (One requires an Unlocker)
- MemUP
Virus Data
HP: | Element: | ![]() |
Damage: | ||||
Dropped: | Repair, Recov80 | ||||||
![]() |
HP: | Element: | ![]() |
Damage: | |||
Dropped: | LilBomb, MiniBomb, CrosBomb | ||||||
![]() |
HP: | Element: | ![]() |
Damage: | |||
Dropped: | SonicWav, Guard |
Progress through the area. You will eventually reach an area with these balls you can jump and bounce high up on. Use this to make your way towards the top if you want more items. Be careful of spikes that are sticking out in midair. Also be careful of falling down into a bottomless pit. Otherwise, you can continue to the right past and make your way to the boss.
There is also a hidden area when going up that you can find. In this area, you can play a slot machine to earn battle chips. The better you play, the better chips you can earn.
HP: 700
ColorMan is only vulnerable on his upper half. His ball does not take damage, and he will sometimes use it to attack you. One ball attacks rolls straight along the ground and back. The other will be a higher bounce that is a little more difficult to dodge. He also uses a fire pillar attack, so have your HeatArmr equipped to reduce damage done by that.
All in all, he's not terribly difficult to defeat. Just keep a safe distance and use your buster and battle chips.
Power Plant Comp[]
Arcade Comp and Power Plant Comp are both accessible right now. You can choose to go to any of these areas at this time, and the levels do not need to be done in the order the walkthrough presents them in.
Power Plant Comp 1[]
Item Checklist
- MemUP (Unlocker required)
- SilvFist
- BckupChp
- HPMemory
- PowerUP
Virus Data
Walkthrough Make sure that you have the ElecArmr equipped to reduce damage done by MegaBunnys. First, go above where you started to find a BckupChp. You will be relying on traveling by high wire in this area. Some of the high wires may seem out of reach, but if you jump from a platform instead of another high wire, you should be able to reach them.
Power Plant Comp 2[]
Item Checklist
- Recov150
- HPMemory
- PowerUP
Virus Data
Have the ElecArmr equipped before going through this area. You will encounter electric traps (similar to Elec Man's stage in Mega Man 1).
This area can be annoying, especially if you get trapped into a corner by a Magnoid. If you have DoubJump equipped, you can bypass some of the puzzling parts of this area.
You will encounter some disappearing/reappearing blocks in this area as well as electric traps that you will have to get past by climbing a ladder. Take time to study the timings of things.
HP: 700
Make sure to have the ElecArmr equipped. Whenever you hit ElecMan, the attack is blocked, and he immediately teleports behind you in an attempt to shock you. As soon as the attack lands, either jump or slide away from him. You can also slide under his legs. While he's doing his attack, he is vulnerable to attacks. Use buster shots or battle chips. If you use the buster shots only, he will unlikely use his other attack: a lightning strike. If you attack him with battle chips, he will likely use this attack after. He isn't too difficult if you can dodge his counterattack.
After defeating ElecMan, ElecMan comes to his senses, and his operator jacks him out.
Old Area[]
Once both ColorMan and ElecMan are defeated, you will receive an email from Higsby for the Lvl4Code. This will allow you access past a security cube in Global Area 2.
Global Area 2[]
Jack in at Dex's house into Global Area 2. Go to the right, then up, then left. You will see a security cube. You can unlock it with the Lvl4Code.
Global Area 3[]
Items checklist
- MystData
- HPMemory
Virus Data
Proceed through the right and delete the Spikey3 virus. After defeating it, you can either go down and get the MystData, or you can go right and meet up with ProtoMan. ProtoMan tells MegaMan to stay back. After he leaves, you can proceed to the right to a warp to Old Area.
Getting the MystData before meeting up with the Zero Virus will allow for a better ending as well as the opportunity to get a couple of Navi chips later on. If you miss getting the MystData before then, you will miss getting these two Navi chips later.
Old Area 1[]
Items checklist
- HPMemory x2
Virus Data
This area has a few difficult jumps to make, has some fairly strong viruses, and has sword traps that pop out of the ground. You will have to time your jumps very well to avoid a lot of frustration. It is recommended that you utilize the DoubJump and DashAtk battle chips to help you get around. It's also recommended that you equip the HeatArmr while going around to protect against the fire attacks of some of the viruses here.
You will also run into Megalian viruses here. The only way you can damage them is by removing their auras first. You can either use a higher powered battle chip or an electric battle chip to remove the aura. Otherwise, you can take a little damage and go past them.
Old Area 2[]
Items checklist
- HPMemory x2 (One requires an Unlocker)
- MemUP
- PowerUP
Virus Data
Walkthrough This area is a little difficult too. Make sure you have either DoubJump or DashAtks to get two of the items in this area more easily. Towards the last stretch, there will be small platforms and big jumps that you need to make. These are also obstructed by Megalians. Be very cautious as you make these jumps and take out these viruses.
After the jumps, you will find a kneeling ProtoMan. He was just defeated by SwordMan, the Navi boss in this area. After ProtoMan jacks out, proceed to the warp to battle SwordMan.
HP: 700
This boss has no weaknesses, so use strong battle chips or your buster shot to defeat him. He has three attacks to worry about. One of the attacks involves him floating above you. After a few seconds, he will come down hard on to the ground. Slide to dodge more quickly, and then jump to avoid the ground shaking effects of the attack. The other attacks involve him either firing a sword slash beam or throwing his swords. Sliding and jumping are the way to dodge his attacks.
Once defeated, SwordMan will be deleted, and you will receive LnkCodeX. This unlocks the security cube to the next area, which is underneath and past the entrance to Old Area.
Strange Gravity Area[]
You can access this area by going to Global Area 3 and going past the entrance to Old Area.
Strange Grav Area 1[]
Items checklist
- HPMemory x2 (One requires an Unlocker)
- RegUP
- GoldFist (Requires an Unlocker)
Virus Data
The enemies here use some pretty damaging attacks. Equip the ElecArmr to reduce the damage done by some of the enemies.
You will notice that there are some panels with a "G" on them. One type raises the gravity by a little bit, making it harder to make some jumps. Another type raises the gravity even more, barely allowing you to make some jumps and avoid some attacks. Use slides to avoid getting hit by Canodumbs, since jumping is out of the question.
Strange Grav Area 2[]
Items checklist
- HPMemory
- MemUP
- Recov80
Virus Data
The next area has panels that will reverse your gravity. They are very similar to the reverse gravity parts in Gravity Man's stage in Mega Man 5. If you jump into them at the peak of your jump, chances are you will fall into a bottomless pit (up or down). It is recommended that you slide off the edge to both hit the anti-gravity panels and keep from falling off the level.
You will run into a new kind of Megalian here, MegalianH. They are weak to Aqua type attacks, so use those to bring their shields down and take them out. If you can't take down their shields, use caution in getting past them.
HP: 700
GravityMan is big, but he's stationary the entire battle. When you jump into the air, you will reverse gravity at the peak of your jump. Use this to your advantage to avoid his attacks. When he starts sucking you in, slide away. The only vulnerable point on this boss is his head, and you have to time it so that you don't hit his constantly swinging arms. Bomb battle chips will be near useless. A well timed Mega Buster and arm cannon battle chips will help bring this guy down.
When GravityMan is deleted, you will receive the LnkCodeY. You can now unlock the security cube underneath and past the entrance to Strange Grav Area. You now will be able to enter the next area, No Grav Area.
No Gravity Area[]
No Grav Area 1[]
Item Checklist
- GoldFist (Requires Unlocker)
- FireBlde
- BckupChp
- HPMemory
- MemUP
Virus Data
You will notice that your gravity is much less in this area than normal. This will allow you to make higher jumps. You will also notice a good deal of spikes in this level. There are also high wires and moving platforms. Just time your jumps well. You have plenty more time for these jumps, since you are floating more than falling.
No Grav Area 2[]
Item Checklist
- HPMemory
Virus Data
There are two different paths you can take to get through this area. Both lead to the miniboss and to the warp for the final boss. The first path is by going below and following high wires and dodging more spikes. The second is by going above and bypassing all of that. However, it is more difficult to get passed, as there are rolling platforms that will try to bring you down. Yarts can also be difficult to hit, since their Yo-yos come out really fast. Use bomb chips or time your charged buster so that the shot hits as it's coming up or down.
The miniboss is a BigYart, and it is really difficult to hit. It has three spinning yo-yos revolving around it as it's moving up and down, and it also shoots two seeking missiles. If both missiles are destroyed, it will fire new missiles. Just destroy one of the missiles and dodge the other one. It also is only vulnerable in a small slit to the green core. Normally, you could use cannon battle chips and your buster to whittle away at it. However, you can also use spread battle chips like Shotgun or Big Bomb to bypass having to time your shots into the slit. Using those battle chips will make the fight much easier.
HP: 700
StarMan floats around for the entire battle. He shoots arrows out in all eight directions from him for his first attack. His second attack summons meteors. As he gets critical, he will still summon meteors, but there will be a lot more meteors than normal, and this is extremely difficult to dodge. The only way to dodge this is to make sure that he uses it on one side of the screen. If he's on the far side and uses it, jump and hope that he misses. If he's closer to the middle as he uses it, slide past him before the meteors start coming.
Use bomb chips and your mega buster to take him down. After deleting StarMan, you will receive the LnkCodeZ. This will unlock the security cube underneath and past the entrance to No Grav Area.
Zero Account[]
Item Checklist
- ExCdHnt2
- HPMemory x3 (One requires an Unlocker)
- RegUP (Unlocker required)
- BckupChp
- MemUP
- PowerUP
Virus Data
NOTE: If you did not get the MystData and don't want to miss out on getting some Navi chips later on, go back to the tutorial and follow how to get it in Global Area 3.
There are many side areas here that you can go through. You will need DoubJump chips to access and/or survive getting through these areas. If you wanted to go on the main path to the boss of the area, the DoubJump chip is not required. The boss is located at the bottom of the area.
Proceed down and past the MegalianA and MegalianH. As you proceed left and down, you will see a MegalianW as well. Past that are some conveyor belts that you can follow to the boss. The conveyors move very fast, so if you have trouble keeping up, jump to not get swayed one way or the other. You will then finally see a MegalianE. You can either destroy these with higher battle chips that are strong against the type, or you can ignore them and go past them (may involve taking damage).
Eventually, you'll reach a lone warp to the boss of the area, Zero.
HP: 750
This guy is hard. When you try to hit him, he will shield the attack, warp next to you, and do a three-stage sword attack. His sword is really big and can reach long distances. Slide away and hope that you don't get hit. If you hit him and he shields when he's nearby, he will sometimes jump in the area and strike down with his sword. However, he is vulnerable while attacking. The best opportunity to damage him is to provoke him with a shot to put up his shield and counter, move out of the way, and either use battle chips or your charged up buster while he's striking.
When his HP is critical, he sometimes—after he puts up his shield—becomes invincible, goes to one side of the screen, and fires two sword slashes that cover the entire screen and are practically impossible to dodge. Each slash does 300 damage! There are several ways you can handle this:
- Run into Zero to take collision damage from him rather than sword slash damage, reducing the damage output.
- Use Invis or Barrier chips to negate the attack. Barrier chips can be purchased from Higsby's for 500 Z per, and you can carry up to 5. This is recommended.
- Use a P.A. like Z-Canon that makes you invisible.
After you defeat Zero, one of two things can happen. If you did get the MystData, Zero will be saved and turned into a Navi. If you did not get the MystData before this, ProtoMan will come and delete Zero. For defeating Zero, you will get the Z-Saber battle chip. If you got the MystData beforehand and saved Zero, Zero will email you and thank you with the Navi battle chip, Zero.
Undernet, attempt #1[]
Enter into Global Area 3. Go past the Spikey3, go down and to the right, and you will see a purple Navi. When you approach him now, he should go away after some dialogue. Proceed to the right, slide underneath the narrow passageway, and go into the green warp. You will be rerouted away from the Undernet, and you discover that you will need a code to access the Undernet. After that, you will receive several emails. One of them has the Lvl5Code that you'll need to access one of the areas.
Vacant WWW Comp[]
Vacant WWW Comp and Legendary WWW Area are both accessible right now. You can choose to go to any of these areas at this time, and the levels do not need to be done in the order the walkthrough presents them in.
Vacant WWW Comp 1[]
Item Checklist
- Recov150
- HPMemory (Unlocker required)
Virus Data
![]() |
HP: | Element: | ![]() |
Damage: | |||
Dropped: | Recov30, Recov80, Candle3 | ||||||
![]() |
HP: | Element: | ![]() |
Damage: | |||
Dropped: | M-Cannon | ||||||
![]() |
HP: | Element: | ![]() |
Damage: | |||
Dropped: | Spice2 |
This area is pretty straightforward. Move to the right. You can either take the lower or upper path. Eventually, you'll have to go up. After you drop down, you will see several screws with spikes below them. You can either stand on the first screw and try to fall through, or you can jump across all of them and then go back underneath the spikes to the left. Enter the warp to the next area.
Vacant WWW Comp 2[]
Item Checklist
- BckupChp
- HPMemory
- PowerUP
- MemUP (Unlocker required)
Virus Data
There are a lot of new viruses in this area. The Snapper viruses can be difficult to hit. Bomb and Spreader chips like V-Gun are the best ways to take these out. You will encounter some scanner doors that have arrows on them. If you enter in the proper way, you hear a positive bell sound. If you enter in the wrong way, a buzzer sounds and a Spooky3 appears. Multiple Spooky3's can appear if you go in the wrong way multiple times. If you want to grind on Invis chips, this is probably the best place to do it.
Another interesting obstacle here is the collapsible platforms. These are similar to the platforms in Guts Man's stage in Mega Man 1. You have to time your jumps so that you are airborne right before it collapses and land right after it comes back up. The first one is meant to help you time these jumps. If you fall on the first one, there is a landing to prevent you from dying. The rest of them have nothing but a bottomless pit. Some of these puzzles will utilize high wires. Use them when you get the chance.
HP: 700
ShadowMan is fast, and he tends to disappear and reappear frequently. When he reappears, he appears above you with two holograms. Only one is real, and it's always the one with the sword ready to strike down at you. He also throws shurikens and giant shurikens. His attacks are difficult to dodge, but they can be interrupted when he is hit with a battle chip attack. Use cannon battle chips while he is above you to counter him from striking down on you. If he throws shurikens at eye level, slide to avoid them.
For defeating ShadowMan, you receive the DstrdDat, which is one of the two key components to getting the AuthCode.
Legendary WWW Area[]
Vacant WWW Comp and Legendary WWW Area are both accessible right now. You can choose to go to any of these areas at this time, and the levels do not need to be done in the order the walkthrough presents them in.
Head to Global Area 2. Go to Global Area 1 from there by going up and to the left. Head up and right to Outer Net. Head towards the end until you see NumberMan. Head straight to the left. You will see an exit. Go underneath that to the left to the security cube. Unlock it with the Lvl5Code you received in the email. There are some LaddrPrss's that go along the ladders. They will clamp you and damage you for 80 HP if they hit. However, these can be destroyed. They only have 140 HP. Head up the ladder puzzle until you reach the entrance to Legendary WWW Area.
Legendary WWW Area 1[]
Items checklist
- Slasher (Unlocker required)
- GoldFist (Unlocker required)
- BckupChp
- HPMemory
Virus Data
Towards the beginning of this area, you will notice collapsible platforms that go down to spikes. Run across them and climb up the ladder. You will run into disappearing/reappearing platforms, much like the Waterworks had. Go across those and continue the area. You run into RollDrills that will block the narrow passageways. Three fully charged buster shots will take those down, but you have to take them down quick before they run into you and damage you.
Towards the end of the area, you will see raising and lowering platforms with spikes underneath. If you hop on the middle one, you can jump up to another area with a BckupChp and Mystery Data. Also, above the BckupChp, you will come to an area shaped like a conical hole. You can meet either the Mole or Mole2 virus. No matter what attack you use, the virus will only take 1 HP of damage. It takes 10 hits to kill the Mole, and it takes 200 hits to kill the Mole2. Killing the Mole2 virus will land you a PopUp battle chip, a very powerful chip that makes MegaMan invisible and invulnerable longer than any other Invis chip can.
Legendary WWW Area 2[]
Items checklist
- MemUP (Unlocker required)
- TreeBom3
- HPMemory
- RegUP
Virus Data
This area is fairly linear. You will end up going in circles until you come to the boss warp. In the last room where the boss warp is, you will need DoubJump to reach the Mystery Data in the upper right of the room.
HP: 1000
PharaohMan has more HP than any other Navi in the game. However, he's very easy to hit, and he's very easy to destroy. If you use battle chips, he will use an attack after each battle chip. However, if you use charged buster shots, you can possible get in five charged shots before he makes an attack. He will float around the room and summon different coffins or statues to do the work for him. One coffin fires out a laser in a horizontal direction. Another coffin releases a Ratty (hardly a threat by this point). The Anubis statue he releases will drain MegaMan's HP slowly, and it will interrupt MegaMan and his charge shots. The Anubis statue can be destroyed by hitting it with several regular buster shots.
After PharaohMan is deleted, you receive the OldData. This is a key component to obtaining the AuthCode.
Undernet, attempt #2[]
Upon attempting to enter the Undernet, you can either battle ProtoMan.EXE or go straight to the Undernet.
HP: 800
ProtoMan is very tough. He uses sword attacks mainly, but most shots fired at him cause him to put up a Guard shield, deflecting the attack as a shockwave back at you. He can either rush at you and hit you with his sword, rush at you and warp behind to sword attack, or jump up to warp behind to sword attack. His attack pattern is very unpredictable.
If you plan on wanting to use charge shots rather than battle chips, you will want to take some Aura or Invis chips to protect yourself with. Even with battle chips, you still may want those protective chips. Attack him when he's rushing or right as he's doing his sword slash.
For defeating him, you don't get anything extra. However, if you battle him again in the Simulator and obtain a high rank against him, you can get his Navi chip.
Item Checklist
- ExCdHnt3
- GoldFist (Unlocker required)
- MemUP x3 (Two require Unlockers)
- Slasher
- Hammer
- Recov150
- HPMemory x3
Virus Data
This area contains all Scuttle-type viruses, all with life auras. Only attacks that are the aura's weakness or over 100 damage will bring down the auras. After that, the aura will be down for a short time. Use your strongest attacks to bring down the viruses after that. The first viruses you will encounter are the fire type Scutz's. The next are the electric type Scuttlers, although you can simply bypass these and go up the ladder. The wood type Scuttzers will shoot wood towers, and these will need to be destroyed. The neutral type Scuttlests will be the hardest to take down and be the most damaging. When you encounter the aqua type Scuttles, these will shoot down ice blocks that can be ridden on. As you travel down the ice blocks, you will encounter a warp. You can choose whether or not to grab the mystery datas surrounding the area. When you enter the warp, you will fight the Firewall.
HP: 1000 (center), 400 (top), 400 (bottom)
The Firewall consists of three parts. The bottom and top are similar cannons that shoot out projectiles. The top one shoots a beam that can bend at an angle. The bottom one shoots out buster-like shots. When one of the two cannons is destroyed, the other will shoot out homing missiles. Those missiles can be destroyed. The middle turret is the core. It will open itself to charge up and shoot a large laser that goes only horizontally. When it is closed, it is completely shielded from damage. You are constantly on a conveyor belt that is going backwards into a spike grinder. If you touch the spike grinder, it is instant kill.
Go after the top cannon first by using M-Cannon battle chips or similarly powered battle chips. If you want to get a lot of damage done, use a well timed Zero battle chip to do damage to all three parts. After the top cannon is destroyed, you can spam normal buster shots until the bottom one is destroyed. With only the core left, it is easy to destroy without any other projectiles distracting you.
NOTE: After you defeat the Firewall, you are then transported to Undernet 2. This is the point of no return. You cannot jack out or manually go back.
Boss Gauntlet[]
Proceed forward in Undernet 2 to the only other warp you can go to.
You will fight the following bosses in this order:
- FireMan
- GutsMan
- NeedleMan
- BrightMan
- IceMan
- QuickMan
- ColorMan
- ElecMan
These bosses all have the same stats as before. Simply use the same strategies you used before. You may even be able to take out most if not all of these with charged buster shots, if desired.
After defeating the gauntlet, you are transported to Undernet 3. Proceed forward, continue through the cutscene that occurs, drop down the giant hole, and proceed to the final warp.
Life Virus R[]
HP: 1000 (Body), 800 (Core)
This is the final boss of the game! It will constantly has an aura up unless it is destroyed. You can either use a battle chip of the aura's weakness (the aura type is dependent upon its color), or you can use a battle chip with at least 100 power (M-Cannon is recommended). Once the aura is down, hit it with your most powerful attacks or with the charged buster. The aura will come back up after a short time. If it does, bring it down again.
It has very powerful elemental attacks. The fire attack is extremely difficult to dodge, so it is recommended to have the HeatArmr equipped on MegaMan for this fight. He also uses lightning, wood, and ice attacks that all attack in columns and are much easier to dodge.
Once the main body is destroyed, its core is revealed. This does not have an aura, so you can use the charged buster shots right away. It will float around similar to how PharaohMan did. It drops bubbles that take your HP down to 1 if it lands. However, if more than one lands, the HP will never drop below 0. The only thing you need to be careful of is not to touch the core. The collision damage does 300 HP worth of damage.
Once defeated, the ending will begin, and the game will end!
Secret Boss, Bass.EXE (OPTIONAL)[]
In order to fight this boss, you will need to have S-ranked all the boss battles that you can (through the simulator) AND have received the Zero chip by getting the MystData before the Zero battle. The bosses you will have needed to S-rank are the following:
- FireMan
- GutsMan
- NeedleMan
- BrightMan
- IceMan
- QuickMan
- ColorMan
- ElecMan
- SwordMan
- GravityMan
- StarMan
- ShadowMan
- PharaohMan
- ProtoMan
Once you have S-ranked all of these battles, you will receive an email from Mayl. She indicates in it about a secret area that you can access.
After that, go to Den Area 3. Near the warp to Global Area 1, there will be a platform up and to the right that you can use several DoubJumps to get to. Get up there, and you will find another set of platforms you can jump up to. Keep jumping until you reach a security cube. The security cube will unlock, and you will see a green warp that you can access.
HP: 10000 (Requires 6 hits)
This boss is the hardest of all bosses. He is impossible to kill, but if you whittle down his HP enough, he will concede the fight. The best method for defeating him is by using Invis chips and the Z-Canon P.A. Each of his attacks are very difficult to dodge, and they each do 200 HP damage at least. He also has a protective life aura that can only be destroyed by using attacks over 100 HP of damage.
Any attack you use will seem to do minimal damage on his HP bar, but that is only because his HP bar is ginormous. After you hit him a total of 6 times with either chips or charged busters, he will remove his cape. At this point, the battle is over.
For defeating Bass, you will receive his Navi chip.
- Sprite images from Sprites INC. Sprites are not actual sprites of in-game enemies, but rather representations.
- Map images courtesy of Gamefaqs user MegaBoy, found at Gamefaqs.