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Script from the game Mega Man ZX Advent, Ashe's storyline only (See also: Grey's storyline).

Scene 1: A New Bounty

(The scene opens as two Hunters pace inside of a large airship. Another Hunter enters.)

Nicol: ...Alright, you guys! Are you ready?

Lazarus: You still don't see that Raider airship yet? We're getting jumpy!

Nicol: Calm down. I'll go check on the mission now. The client is the illustrious coalition government, Legion. Some top world leaders want the help of us, a lowly hunter's guild. Do you know what Biometal is?

Red: Yeah, I heard that it's some kind of cursed stone that eats human spirits.

Lazarus: Ha! That's a good one! I bet Legion has a huge bounty on that.

Nicol: They say that some Biometal was found in some ruins. Found by those illegal Hunters who don't belong to the guild. Our mission is to take back the Biometal and bring it to Legion Headquarters.

Lazarus: So now that your appetites have be whet for booty, let's get this show on the road! This time I'm gonna beat Ashe to the treasure! By the way, where is she?

???: Uh... Ahem! Everyone! Calm down!

Nicol: That voice... Ashe, is that you? Where are you?

Ashe: It was getting kinda hot in there, so I went outside to cool off. We've almost caught up to the Raider airship with the bounty on it. I'm going to go ahead and meet our booty face to face.

Lazarus: Hey, Ashe! That's no fair. You always take all the action. When...

(Ashe doesn't pay attention to Lazarus but looks down off the edge of the airship.)

Ashe: Unngh. Hmm... Bingo. OK! Let's put everything we've got into it!

(Ashe runs to the other side of the airship and jumps off. After a long fall, she lands on the Raider airship and contacts the other Hunters.)

Ashe: This is Ashe, I've successfully docked with the airship. Time to find out where the booty is.

Nicol: Aw, man... Doesn't she know by now that the booty is always in the lead airship? We always go in from the back and end up messing it all up!

Ashe: You guys be careful! OK, here we go! It's on!

(Ashe continues through the until she sees some Mavericks.)

Ashe: ...!? This is Ashe. Do you see any Mavericks on the radar?

Lazarus: It looks like there's a Mechaniloid ship among them! They could be after the Biometal!

Ashe: Yeah, could be. Looks like the competition is high this time. Everyone, be careful!

(Ashe continues until she encounters a large Mechaniloid and then destroys it. She lands on the lead airship.)

Ashe: I've landed! OK, I guess the booty is inside.

(Ashe runs towards the door but stops when she sees a male Reploid standing in front of it.)

???: It seems the Biometal has attracted a bug. Shoo, pest!

Ashe: Hey, what did you just call me!? You've got some nerve, talking to me like that. You don't look like a Hunter... Are you after the Biometal?

???: Don't group me together with those money-hungry Hunters. You're not worthy of the Biometal! Why don't you just go away?

Nicol: Sorry! We can't do that!

(The other Hunters run up to stand beside Ashe.)

Lazarus: We finally made it. Let us join the party!

Red: Who the heck is this guy? A Hunter? A Maverick?

Ashe: Everybody be careful! He's not just anybody!

???: *sigh* How irritating! OK, prepare to draw your last breaths!

(The Reploid activates his beam scythe.)

Prometheus: I am Prometheus, and I control the power of this Biometal... The power of Mega Man!

(Prometheus dashes forward and attacks the group. The scene fades to white.)

Scene 2: Hunter's Camp

(Ashe wakes up on a bed inside a room.)

Ashe: Uh... What is this place?

(Ashe sits up as Nicol walks in.)

Nicol: Hey, you're awake. These Hunters... They helped you. They found you unconscious outside. Luckily you were near Hunter's Camp.

(Ashe stands up.)

Ashe: Um, what happened to our booty... the Biometal!?

Nicol: They managed to recover the whole container and bring it here! I told them everything that happened with the airship and all that... They're planning to take it by train to Legion Headquarters.

Ashe: What? Are they planning to collect on our bounty?

Nicol: Is that what you're worried about? You should consider yourself lucky just to be alive. If you had that Biometal, that Prometheus guy might come looking for you. Sorry, I don't care if the client is Legion, it ain't worth it!

Ashe: Oh, you're pathetic! I'll follow the train by myself if I have to! On top of being called a bug, there's no way I'm going to give up that bounty!

Nicol: Oh, brother! There's just no changing you. If you want to go that bad, I won't try to stop you. Before you go, why don't you save your data, just in case? There's a transerver next door. Follow me!

(Nicol walks out of the room. Ashe follows him to the transerver.)

Nicol: Hm? It looks like you lost your Hunter's License. So you should go to the transerver and have it reissued. If you don't have your Hunter's License, you can't get in and out of the camp. Stand in front of the transerver and press up on the +Control Pad. Once you use it, a license will be issued for you. Don't forget to save often.

(Ashe saves her data and receives a new Hunter's License.)

Ashe: Now I'm set!

Nicol: Those guys who took our Biometal are probably at the station getting the train ready. Be sure to let me know how it goes, OK? I wanna tell everybody that I went on an adventure with you.

Ashe: Leave it to me! People are gonna be talking about me all around the world.

Scene 3: Model A

Scene 4: Around the Camp

Scene 5: The Sage Trinity

Scene 6: Tower of Verdure

Scene 7: Arctic Ice Floe

Scene 8: Side Quests

Scene 9: The Raider Airship

Scene 10: Attack on Legion HQ

Scene 11: Betrayal

Scene 12: The Highway

Scene 13: Floating Ruins

Scene 14: The Scrapyard

Scene 15: The Control Center

Scene 16: Model ZX

Scene 17: The Biolab

Scene 18: Waterfall Ruins

Scene 19: The Mysterious Lab

Scene 20: Initialization Key

Scene 21: Albert's Hideout

Scene 22: The Rise of Ouroboros

Scene 23: Rematch

Scene 24: The Final Battle

Scene 25: Your Own Destiny

Scene 26: Secret Ending (Extreme Mode)

End of Script
