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This article is about the Battle Chips. For others, see Asteroid, Shooting Star, MeteorComp (Duo's Comet), Meteor G, and Meteor Rain.

Meteor (メテオ Meteo) is a series of Battle Chips from the Mega Man Battle Network series that summons meteors to attack the opponents.

Battle Chips[]



Meteor (メテオ Meteo) is a Battle Chip family mainly obtained by defeating viruses from the MetFire virus family in Mega Man Battle Network 2. They appear in four version: Meteor 9 (メテオ9), Meteor 12 (メテオ12), Meteor 15 (メテオ15) and Meteor 18 (メテオ18). When used, Meteor sets a cane in one panel that will cause a determined number of meteors (indicated by the chip's name) fall in random panels from the enemy area, causing fire damage. The attack is interrupted if the cane is destroyed.

The Meteor family also appeared in Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge with different names as they release less meteors: Meteor 3 (メテオ3), Meteor 4 (メテオ4), Meteor 5 (メテオ5), and Meteor 6 (メテオ6).

Meteors (Ryuseigun)[]


Meteors, known as Ryuseigun [1] (リュウセイグン Ryūseigun, lit. "Meteor Shower") in Japan, named Shot Star [2] in Mega Man Battle Network 4, is a Battle Chip introduced in Mega Man Battle Network 2 that appeared in all later games from the series as a Mega Chip. The Battle Chip freezes time and makes 30 meteors fall in the enemy area, hitting all panels three times and three panels four times.

Meteors (Meteor Rain)[]


Meteors, known as Meteor Rain (メテオレイン Meteo Rein) in Japan, is a Battle Chip family in Mega Man Battle Network 4 and Rockman EXE 4.5 Real Operation that makes meteors fall in and near panels containing enemies.



Asteroid, known as Meteor Earth (メテオアース Meteo Āsu) in Japan, is a Battle Chip family mainly obtained by defeating viruses from the MetFire family in Mega Man Battle Network 5. Asteroid makes meteors fall in and near panels containing enemies. It is similar to the Meteors (Meteor Rain) chips, except that the meteors from Asteroid chips crack panels they hit.


Mega Man Battle Network 2[]

ID Battle Chip Description Attack Element Code Memory Rarity
091 MMBN2Chip091 Meteor9
Magic wand shoots 9 meteors 60 BC Element Heat Fire C, E, L, S, V, * 12 MB *
092 MMBN2Chip092 Meteor12
Magic wand shoots 12 meteors 80 BC Element Heat Fire A, C, F, J, W, * 24 MB **
093 MMBN2Chip093 Meteor15
Magic wand shoots 15 meteors 100 BC Element Heat Fire D, G, H, R, Z, * 48 MB ***
094 MMBN2Chip094 Meteor18
Magic wand shoots 18 meteors 150 BC Element Heat Fire B, G, I, K, O, * 60 MB ****
259 MMBN2Chip259 Meteors
Shooting stars shot at enemy! 40 BC Element Heat Fire B, H, O, R, V, * 68 MB *****

Mega Man Battle Network 3[]

Battle Chip ID Battle Chip Description Attack Element Code Memory Rarity
Mega Chip 12 MMBN2Chip259 Meteors
Drop many meteors on enemy 40 BC Element Heat Fire R 86 MB ****

Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge[]

ID Image Name HP AP MB Element Acc Prior Attack Description Rarity
091 BCCChip091 Meteor3
70 40 30 BCCElement Fire Fire ? 9 Meteo40 NvChip 3 Rnd Atk *
092 BCCChip092 Meteor4
90 40 40 BCCElement Fire Fire ? 9 Meteo40 NvChip 4 Rnd Atk **
093 BCCChip093 Meteor5
100 40 50 BCCElement Fire Fire ? 9 Meteo40 NvChip 5 Rnd Atk ****
094 BCCChip094 Meteor6
120 40 60 BCCElement Fire Fire ? 8 Meteo40 NvChip 6 Rnd Atk *****
180 BCCChip180 Meteor6
70 60 80 BCCElement Fire Fire ? 8 Meteo60 6 Rnd NvChip Atks *****

Mega Man Battle Network 4[]

Battle Chip ID Battle Chip Description Attack Element Code Memory Rarity
Secret Chip 13 BN4SChip013 Meteors1
Meteor Rain 1)
Fires 5 Meteors at enemy 50 BC Element Heat Fire G, L, S, * 15 MB **
Secret Chip 14 BN4SChip014 Meteors2
Meteor Rain 2)
Fires 5 Meteors at enemy 60 BC Element Heat Fire M, Q, T 23 MB ***
Secret Chip 15 BN4SChip015 Meteors3
Meteor Rain 3)
Fires 5 Meteors at enemy 70 BC Element Heat Fire C, R, Z 31 MB ****
Mega Chip 03 BN4MChip003 ShotStar
Drop many meteor on enmy area 40 BC Element Heat Fire R 73 MB *****

Rockman EXE 4.5 Real Operation[]

Battle Chip ID Battle Chip Description (Translation) Attack Element Memory Rarity
Standard Chip 163 BN45Chip163 Meteor Rain 1
(Drop 5 meteors at a nearby enemy in front of you!)
50 BC Element Heat Fire 15 MB **
Standard Chip 164 BN45Chip164 Meteor Rain 2
(Drop 5 meteors at a nearby enemy in front of you!)
60 BC Element Heat Fire 23 MB ***
Standard Chip 165 BN45Chip165 Meteor Rain 3
(Drop 5 meteors at a nearby enemy in front of you!)
70 BC Element Heat Fire 31 MB ****
Mega Chip 03 BN45MChip003 Ryuseigun
(Meteors pours down toward the opponent's area!)
40 BC Element Heat Fire 73 MB *****

Mega Man Battle Network 5[]

Battle Chip ID Battle Chip Description Attack Element Code Memory Rarity
Standard Chip 093 BN5Chip093 Astroid1
Meteor Earth 1)
Meteors crack panels! 60 BC Element Heat Fire A, Q, T 26 MB *
Standard Chip 094 BN5Chip094 Astroid2
Meteor Earth 2)
Meteors crack panels! 70 BC Element Heat Fire E, M, U 42 MB **
Standard Chip 095 BN5Chip095 Astroid3
Meteor Earth 3)
Meteors crack panels! 80 BC Element Heat Fire C, P, Y 56 MB ***
Mega Chip 03 BN5MChip003 Meteors
Drop many meteor on enmy area 40 BC Element Heat Fire R 73 MB *****
Dark Chip 04 DarkMeteor DarkMtr METEOR SHOWER ON ENMY 100 BC Element Heat F 99 MB *****

Mega Man Battle Network 6[]

Battle Chip ID Battle Chip Description Attack Element Code Memory Rarity
Standard Chip 111 BN6Chip111 Meteors
Drop many meteor on enmy area 40 BC Element Heat Fire R 73 MB *****

Advanced PET[]

Progress PET[]

Link PET_EX[]

Other media[]

MegaMan NT Warrior[]

In the episode The Virus Factory, Lan used a limited special edition chip from Higsby's collection named Giga Meteor to destroy a virus factory with meteors.
In the episode, Electronic Money Panic!, Lan used Meteor 9.
In the episode, To the Moon!, Lan used Meteor 9 against PlanetMan.

MegaMan NT Warrior Axess[]

In the episode Nebula's Great Invasion!, NovaMan used Meteor against SearchMan.
In the episode The New PET, NovaMan used Meteor and Shot Star against C.F. MegaMan.
In the episode The Great NetPolice Battle!, NovaMan used Meteor against Police Navis.

Yamato Man's spear tip
Yamato Man

Rockman EXE Stream[]

In the episode Space-Time War, Hunter used Meteor Earth against PlantMen army.
In the episode Battle of One Without Bonds, Dark Rockman used Dark Meteor against Rockman.

Rockman EXE Beast[]

In the episode NetNavi Remodeling Scheme, Zoano PharaohMan used Meteor against Rockman.
In the episode Synchronizer, Meiru used Meteor and Dekao used Ryuseigun against a swarm of viruses.

Yamato Man

See also[]

