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MBN4 NaviCust01

The Navi Customizer in Mega Man Battle Network 4: Red Sun.

The Navi Customizer (ナビカスタマイザー Nabikasutamaizā), NaviCust for short, is a NetNavi customization program built by Yuichiro Hikari. It was made for the PET models Plug-in PET, Advanced PET, Progress PET, and Link PET.

In Mega Man Battle Network 3, if Lan uses a Navi Customizer Program that the current Style did not support and rebooted MegaMan.EXE, he'd get an error, MegaMan would not be able to boot up, unless remedied with an Extra Code. However, in the fourth, fifth, and sixth games, the errors disappeared due to MegaMan overloading to destroy Alpha. In doing so, he nearly killed himself, but when Lan gives Yuichiro Tadashi Hikari's letter, MegaMan is recovered from Alpha's body. However, his letter removed the Style Change. So, Double Soul was made as a suitable replacement.


The Navi Customizer consists of a set area, and a Command Line running through the center of the area. Through all of its incarnations, it has four basic rules:

  • Solid programs must be placed with at least one block on the Command Line. If this rule is broken, not only will bugs occur, but the program will not take effect.
  • Textured programs must be placed off the Command Line.
  • No two programs of the same color can touch each other.
  • No more than four different colors may be placed in the area.

Breaking any of these rules will result in bugs occurring in MegaMan, and each bug has different effects depending on the part(s) that violate the rules. All bugs can be omitted by the NaviCust program BugStop, which allows all rules to be broken.

Each NaviCust piece is a combination of blocks, and is either completely solid or completely textured. If the player possesses the Spin item of a piece's color, they will be able to rotate all pieces of the same color with the L or R buttons - a valuable asset when it comes to maximizing the use of the NaviCust's limited space.

The NaviCust is always at a tiny 4x4 area the moment the player receives it. To expand it, the player must find "ExpMemory" items, which will boost the space to a 5x4, and eventually a 5x5 area, allowing for maximal programs to be installed.

The NaviCust is always introduced with the Undershirt, Attack+1, and Speed+1 programs.

In Mega Man Battle Network 4 onwards, the color compatibilities have been removed. Instead, MegaMan can now equip parts of any color, as long as he does not equip more than four different colors at the same time. Bugs will ensue if this rule is broken.

In Mega Man Battle Network 6, parts can now be placed off the Navi Customizer's main area, on the condition that at least one block of the part is left in the main area. Also, regardless of whether or not a block is on the main memory map, no blocks can be placed on the outside corners of the map (i.e. off-map areas only extend off the main map and do not allow corners outside of the map). This has resulted in the total space available being almost doubled. The Command Line is also capable of reading "hidden" parts, as long as they're aligned with the main Command Line. However, placing parts off the main area will, once again, result in bugs.



The Extra Code interface.

Extra Codes

In Mega Man Battle Network 3, different Styles are compatible with different NaviCust program colors. In addition to MegaMan's innate compatibility with yellow, pink, and white programs, a Style is compatible with an additional program color:

  • Guts/Shadow: Red
  • Shield/Custom: Blue
  • Team/Ground: Green
  • Bug: Grey

If any of the programs to be installed are of an incompatible color, the NaviCust will bring up an error, and MegaMan will not be able to boot up, unless the player can remedy this using a ModCode (A.K.A. Extra Code).

To use the Extra Code, press Select in the NaviCust when the system reports an error or says "OK!". The screen will bring up a series of alphabets and numbers. By inputting the correct sequence, Lan can remedy the error and allow MegaMan to boot up. If no incompatibility error is present, the Extra Code can be inputted to give MegaMan extra abilities. Be warned that some abilities have side effects.

Compression Codes

Programs can be reduced by a few squares by inputting a Compression Code. Doing so will shrink it, allowing for more programs to be inserted. Each program has its own unique compression code in each game. In Mega Man Battle Network 3, to input the compression code, highlight the program that's going to be compressed, hold select, and input the commands. In Mega Man Battle Network 5 and 6, highlight the program, hold right, and input the commands.

List of Navi Customizer Programs

Navi Customizer Programs are the program blocks for the Navi Customizer that allow a NetOp to upgrade and personalize their NetNavi with new abilities.

Common Solid Programs

These programs must be placed on the Command Line to have their effects applied. Failure to do so would create bugs in programming. All the following programs can be found in all games from Mega Man Battle Network 3 to 6.

Name Effects Known Glitches
Under Shirt If MegaMan would be deleted while he has more than 1 HP, his HP falls to 1 instead.
Super Armor MegaMan cannot flinch. This prevents him from being interrupted while attacking, and prevents loss of Busting rank due to getting hit. Hinders the player's ability to move MegaMan.
Air Shoes MegaMan can stand on holes. Panels which MegaMan steps off become cracked, destroyed, or Poison panels.
Float Shoes MegaMan does not suffer from ill effects of panels. This means he does not slide on Ice panels, does not get burnt by Lava panels, etc. He still takes double damage from Fire and Elec attacks on Grass and Ice panels respectively though, and in Battle Network 3 he still takes damage from standing on Poison panels, and creates holes when he moves over cracked panels. Panels which MegaMan steps off become cracked, destroyed, or Poison panels.
Anti-damage By pushing B + ←, MegaMan enters a temporary state. Any damage done in this state is negated, and a throwing star will be thrown at the nearest enemy, damaging it.
Custom 1 Increases initial Custom capacity by 1. HP depletion while accessing the Custom Window.
Custom 2 Increases initial Custom capacity by 2. HP depletion while accessing the Custom Window.
Shield By pushing B + ←, MegaMan pulls up a shield that can block non-breaking attacks. Hinders the player's ability to move MegaMan.
Reflect By pushing B + ←, MegaMan pulls up a shield that can block non-breaking attacks and damage all enemies in the same row as him Hinders the player's ability to move MegaMan.
Mega Folder 1 Increases Mega Chip capacity in the folder by 1. HP depletion while accessing the Custom Window.
Mega Folder 2 Increases Mega Chip capacity in the folder by 2. HP depletion while accessing the Custom Window.
Bug Stop Prevents glitches from occurring, allowing the player to break the rules of the Navi Customizer with no drawback. Cannot be glitched.
Sneak Run This gives a permanent effect of the Subchip of the same name, allowing MegaMan to go about with reduced chance of randomly encountering weak viruses. Raises random encounter rate.
Oil Body Raises encounter rate of Fire-attributed enemies. Reduces encounter rate of Fire-attributed enemies.
Water Body Raises encounter rate of Water-attributed enemies. Reduces encounter rate of Water-attributed enemies.
Battery Raises encounter rate of Elec-attributed enemies. Reduces encounter rate of Elec-attributed enemies.
Jungle Raises encounter rate of Wood-attributed enemies. Reduces encounter rate of Wood-attributed enemies.
Collect Forces the rewards from battle to become a battle chip that can be obtained from the fought enemies. No data is acquired if they do not drop battle chips. Forces rewards to become Zenny instead.
Humor Pressing L in the real world will have MegaMan tell a (bad) joke. Causes MegaMan's Emotion Window to flicker between available states.
Rush During multiplayer matches, if the opponent uses Invis or Mole chips, the chip is negated and they are paralyzed.
Beat During multiplayer matches, once per turn, if the opponent uses a Mega or Giga class chip, the chip is stolen and you use it instead.
Tango During multiplayer matches, when MegaMan's HP falls to 25% of max HP or lower, it heals him and may provide a barrier.
Giga Folder 1 Allows the player to add 1 more Giga Chip into their folder. Panels which MegaMan steps off are turned into Poison panels. Cannot be fixed without BugStop.

Common Textured Programs

These programs have four shaded squares on each tile. They must be placed off the Command Line. Failure to do so will cause bugs. The following programs can be found in Battle Network 3 to 6.

  • Atk +1, Speed +1, Charge +1 - These are common Buster upgrade parts and will improve damage, firing rate, and charge speed respectively. Glitching these programs will cause a bug where MegaMan's Buster has a chance to fail to fire, and the chances of this happening increases as more such parts are glitched.
  • HP +50/+100/+200/+300/+400/+500 - These parts increase MegaMan's max HP by the indicated amount. Glitching these programs will inflict a HP bug, and the speed at which HP is reduced increases as more such parts are glitched.

Exclusive Programs

The following programs appear only in certain games.

Name Game(s) Type Effects
Break Charge 3 Solid Charged Buster shots can break guards.
Break Buster 3 Solid Normal and charged Buster shots can break guards.
Shadow Shoes 3 Solid MegaMan can move over cracked panels without breaking them. This is later integrated into the Float Shoes program.
Set Metal 3 Solid The battle starts with all panels as Metal panels.
Set Sand 3 Solid The battle starts with all panels as Sand panels.
Set Green 3 Solid The battle starts with all panels as Grass panels.
Set Ice 3 Solid The battle starts with all panels as Ice panels.
Set Magma 3 Solid The battle starts with all panels as Lava panels.
Set Holy 3 Solid The battle starts with all panels on MegaMan's side as Holy panels.
Block 3 Solid Pushing B + ← will have MegaMan temporarily enter a state where any damage suffered is halved.
Fast Gauge 3 Solid The Custom Gauge fills up at double speed.
Press 3 Solid This compresses MegaMan, allowing him to walk on thin beams located all across the net.
Energy Change 3 Solid This allows MegaMan to use Aqua chips to put out FlameMan.EXE's fires or use Fire chips to burn down PlantMan.EXE's vines.
Black Mind 3 Solid This gives MegaMan an evil aura, allowing him to communicate with certain Heel Navis.
Alpha 3 Solid This allows the player to spot tiles on the floor where Alpha is hiding, and avoid them.
Buster MAX 3 Solid Increases all Buster stats to 5. Charge shot level is unchanged. All loaded chips in battle will be automatically used at the start of the turn.
Dark License 3, 4 Solid In Battle Network 3, MegaMan can use certain Giga chips without needing the "Hole" chip. In Battle Network 4, it takes up the entire NaviCust, but allows MegaMan to use Dark chips with no drawbacks.
Hub Batch 3, 4, 5 Solid Gives a number of effects, including Break Buster, Super Armor, Air Shoes, Float Shoes, Custom 1, Mega Folder 1, Shield, and Under Shirt. This will, however, halve MegaMan's max HP.
First Barrier 4, 5, 6 Solid MegaMan starts the battle with a 10 HP Barrier.
Buster Pack 4, 5, 6 Solid +3 to all Buster stats.
Body Pack 4, 5, 6 Solid Gives Air Shoes, Float Shoes, Super Armor and Under Shirt.
Soul Cleanser 4, 5 Solid Increases the rate at which MegaMan recovers from "Dark MegaMan" state by battling without using Dark Chips.
Millions 5, 6 Solid All Green Mystery data becomes Zenny.
Auto Recover 5, 6 Solid MegaMan regenerates some HP at the end of each battle.
Auto Run 5 Solid MegaMan can run without needing to push the B button. This actually reduces the encounter rate slightly.
Chivalry 5 Solid Pushing L in the real world will allow MegaMan to give some masculine comments.
Mega Virus 5 Solid Allows MegaMan to encounter Tier 2 Viruses without needing to open the portal to Nebula Area 1.
Giga Virus 5 Solid Allows MegaMan to encounter Tier 3 Viruses without needing to open the portal to Nebula Area 4.
Support 5 (DS) Solid Allows MegaMan to use his Support ability while not in battle via the Party Battle System.
Change +1 5 (DS) Solid Allows the player to perform one additional Navi Change with the Party Battle System.
Change +2 5 (DS) Solid Allows the player to perform two additional Navi Changes with the Party Battle System.
Chip Shuffle 6 Solid Grants access to the "Search Shuffle" ability once per turn in the Custom Screen.
Number Open 6 Solid MegaMan starts with 10 chips in the Custom Screen.
Poem 6 Solid Pushing L in the real world will allow MegaMan to recite a poem.
Slip Runner 6 Solid MegaMan can run without needing to push the B button. Pushing B and a direction will cause him to continuously slide along the map until he hits a wall. No viruses will be encountered until he stops sliding, and the encounter rate is reduced while running.
Folder Pack 1 6 Solid Grants Custom 1 and Mega Folder 1.
Folder Pack 2 6 Solid Grants Custom 2 and Mega Folder 2.
Weapon LV +1 3 Textured Upgrades MegaMan's Style Change charge shot level by 1. Does not work with Normal Style. Caps at 3.
Regular +5 3 Textured Increases memory for Regular Chip by 5 MB.
Attack MAX 4, 5, 6 Textured Increases Buster attack to 5.
Speed MAX 4, 5, 6 Textured Increases Buster firing speed to 5.
Charge MAX 4, 5, 6 Textured Increases Buster charge speed to 5.
Soul Time +1 5 Textured Increases duration of Soul Unisons. Does not extend duration of Chaos Unisons.

