Noise Mod Gear (ノイズ改造ギア Noizu Kaizou Gia, "Noise Modification Gear") is a system introduced in Mega Man Star Force 3, similar to the Wave Command Card system, featuring more customizability. Most of its functions are available only in Japanese versions, but they can still be unlocked in other versions with cheats.
The Noise Kaizou Gear cards are, once again, sold separately from the game, and the codes are entered similar to the Wave Command Codes. These codes are divided into 3 subsets: Noise Cards, White Cards, and Purpose (Rezon) Cards.
Noise Cards[]

Saw Noise
Noise Cards (ノイズドカード Noizudo Kādo, Noised Card) grant in-battle bonuses to the player, ranging from power boosts to Battle Cards, additional Ability Waves, or even forcibly changing the player's default Charge Shot. The player can install up to 5 Noise Card codes at a time. Each Noise Card has a different suit and value assigned to it.
There are 5 different suits - Heart, Diamond, Spade, Club, and Joker. Installing codes of different suits (except Joker) will result in them conflicting, resulting in an overload of "noise", and giving the player bugs in battle. However, forming a "Noise Band" (Noised Hand) will negate any and all bugs, and may grant an additional bonus to the player, stacking on top of the original bonuses. Jokers can substitute any card for the formation of a Noise Band.
Hand combinations include:
- 2 Pair: Formed with two pairs of two codes, both having the same value but different suits. No bonuses given.
- 3 of a Kind: Formed with three codes of the same value but different suits. No bonuses given.
- 4 of a Kind: Formed with four codes of the same value but different suits. Grants Mega Class +2 (MegCls+2).
- 5 of a Kind: Formed with five codes of the same value. All four suits and Joker must be present. Grants Status Guard.
- Full House: Formed with a "3 Card" and a pair of cards with the same value (different from the "3 Card"). Grants HP +500.
- Straight: Formed with five codes with different values, forming a consecutive sequence. (e.g. 2-3-4-5-6). Grants HP +300.
- Flush: Formed with five codes of the same suit. Heart grants Super Armor, Diamond grants Air Shoes, Spade grants Float Shoes, Club grants AntiDamage and HP +200.
- Straight Flush: Formed with a "Straight" using a single suit. Grants Mega Class +1 and Giga Class +1.
- Royal Straight Flush: Formed with five codes, all of the same suit, having the values 1, 10, 11, 12, 13. Grants Auto Lock-On.
Note: 1=Ace, 11=Jack, 12=Queen and 13=King.
ID | Suit | Name | Effect | R. | Location |
NOISED-A01 | ♥1 | Leo Kingdom Noise (LeoKingdmN) |
Fire Galaxy Advances attack up (FireGA+) |
R | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A02 | ♥2 | Moaian Noise (MoaianN) |
Break+10 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A03 | ♥3 | Taurus Fire Noise (TaursFireN) |
Super Armor (SprArmr) |
R | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A04 | ♥4 | Raid Noise (RaidN) |
HP+250 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A05 | ♥5 | Melamander Noise (MelamanderN) |
Fire+10 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A06 | ♥6 | Koma Noise (KomaN) |
Attack Panel Support Card (AtkPnlS) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A07 | ♥7 | Doom Count Noise (DoomCountN) |
No Flash (NoFlash) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A08 | ♥8 | Ku'i Noise (Ku'iN) |
Big Drop Charge Shot (BigDropC) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A09 | ♥9 | Mettenna Noise (MettennaN) |
Reflect | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A10 | ♥10 | Bom Noise (BomN) |
Bombilzer Support Card (BomblzrS) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A11 | ♥11 | Jack Corvus Noise (JackCorvsN) |
Fire+20 | SR | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A12 | ♥12 | Hot Roader Noise (HotRoaderN) |
HP+150 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-B01 | ♥1 | Boodach Noise (BoodachN) |
HP+200 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B02 | ♥2 | Scorcher Noise (ScorcherN) |
Mech Flame Charge Shot (MchFlmeC) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B03 | ♥3 | Bubba Dance Noise (BubbaDanceN) |
Attack +10 Support Card (Atk+10S) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B04 | ♥5 | Sirius Noise (SiriusN) |
Break+20 | R | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B05 | ♥7 | Boom Noise (BoomN) |
Fire+10 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B06 | ♥8 | Libra Scales Noise (LibraSclsN) |
HP+400 | R | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B07 | ♥9 | Musashi Noise (MusashiN) |
Sword+10 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B08 | ♥10 | Omega-Xis Copy Noise (OmegaXCopyN) |
Double Eater Support Card (DblEtrS) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B09 | ♥11 | Rocky Noise (RockyGN) (sic) |
Cross Shot Charge Shot (CrsShotC) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B10 | ♥12 | Harp Note Noise (HarpNoteN) |
Normal Galaxy Advances attack up (NrmlGA+) |
SR | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B11 | ♥13 | Grabity Noise (GrabityN) |
+ Poison Panel (+PoisPnl) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-PROMO | ♥13 | Apollo Flame Noise (ApolloFlmN) |
First Aura (FstAura) |
R | Given to 1000 participants of World Hobby Fair '09 Winter.[1] |
NOISED-A13 | ♦1 | Hare Jet Noise (HareJetN) |
+ Ice Panel (+IcePnl) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A14 | ♦3 | Blue Shark Noise (BlueSharkN) |
Aqua+10 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A15 | ♦4 | General Auriga Noise (GenAurigaN) |
Whistle Support Card (WhistleS) |
R | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A16 | ♦5 | Chakram Noise (ChakramN) |
BuzzSaw Charge Shot (BuzzSawC) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A17 | ♦6 | SnoRoll Noise (SnoRollN) |
First Barrier (FstBarr) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A18 | ♦7 | Diamond Ice Noise (DiamndIceN) |
Aqua+20 | SR | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A19 | ♦9 | Octo Ninja Noise (OctoNinjaN) |
Black Ink Support Card (BlkInkS) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A20 | ♦10 | Piran Noise (PiranN) |
HP+250 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A21 | ♦11 | Gooey Noise (GooeyN) |
No Gravity (NoGravty) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A22 | ♦12 | LuPelvis Noise (LuPelvisN) |
+Panic | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A23 | ♦13 | Pegasus Magic Noise (PegasuMgcN) |
Aqua Galaxy Advances attack up (AquaGA+) |
R | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-B12 | ♦1 | Wibbledee Noise (WibbledeeN) |
Aqua+10 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B13 | ♦2 | Stream Cancro Noise (StreamCancr) (sic) |
Ice Stage Support Card (IceS) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B14 | ♦3 | Spinguin Noise (SpinguinN) |
Ice Spinning Charge Shot (IceSpinC) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B15 | ♦4 | Junk-O Noise (Junk-ON) |
Break+10 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B16 | ♦5 | Jammer Noise (JammerN) |
HP+250 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B17 | ♦6 | Yeti Blizzard Noise (YetiBlzrdN) |
No Freeze (NoFreeze) |
R | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B18 | ♦7 | Bone Archer Noise (BoneArcherN) |
+Gravity | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B19 | ♦8 | Mal Wizard Noise (MalWizardN) |
+ Paralyze Panel (+ParaPnl) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B20 | ♦10 | Cannon Base Noise (CannonBaseN) |
HP+150 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B21 | ♦11 | Plesio Surf Noise (PlesioSrfN) |
Paralyze+ Support Card (Parlyz+S) |
R | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B22 | ♦12 | Queen Virgo Noise (QueenVrgoN) |
Mega Class+1 (MegCls+1) |
SR | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B23 | ♦13 | Air Squiggle Noise (AirSquiggle) (sic) |
HP+250 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-PROMO | ♦2 | Cancer Bubble Noise (CancrBublN) |
No Bubble (NoBubble) |
R | Included with early copies of the Stellar CD.[2] |
NOISED-A24 | ♠2 | Voltragon Noise (VoltragonN) |
Elec+10 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A25 | ♠3 | Moon Destroyer Noise (MoonDstryN) |
HP+300 | R | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A26 | ♠4 | Boom Bolt Noise (BoomBoltN) |
Panic Cloud Support Card (PnicCldS) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A27 | ♠5 | Eyez Noise (EyezN) |
+Invis | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A28 | ♠6 | Dark Reaper Noise (DarkReaperN) |
HP+200 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A29 | ♠7 | Dark Phantom Noise (DrkPhntmN) |
Under Shirt (UndrShrt) |
R | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A30 | ♠8 | Shock Mummy Noise (ShockMummyN) |
HP+150 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A31 | ♠9 | Noise Wizard Noise (NoiseWzrdN) |
+ Guard Null Panel (+GNulPnl) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A32 | ♠10 | Base Mortar Noise (BaseMortarN) |
Mad Vulcan Charge Shot (MadVlcnC) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A33 | ♠11 | Great Ax Noise (GreatAxN) |
HP+250 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A34 | ♠12 | Peakaboo Noise (PeekabooN) |
+Blind | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A35 | ♠13 | Rogue Noise (RogueN) |
Sword+20 | SR | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-B24 | ♠1 | McCleaver Noise (McCleaverN) |
HP+200 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B25 | ♠2 | Bell Gong Noise (BellGongN) |
HP+150 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B26 | ♠3 | Smiles Noise (SmilesN) |
HP+150 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B27 | ♠4 | Zapper Noise (ZapperN) |
Flash Strike Charge Shot (FlshStrC) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B28 | ♠6 | Crown Thunder Noise (CrwnThundrN) |
Paralyze Stage Support Card (PrlyzStS) |
R | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B29 | ♠7 | Lampis Noise (LampisN) |
Elec+10 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B30 | ♠8 | ZapAce Noise (ZapAceN) |
+ Paralyze (+Paralyz) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B31 | ♠9 | Hollow Noise (HollowN) |
No Paralyze (NoParlyz) |
R | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B32 | ♠10 | Spade Magnes Noise (SpadMgnesN) |
Elec+20 | SR | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B33 | ♠11 | Stealth Noise (StealthN) |
HP+150 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B34 | ♠13 | Magera Noise (MageraN) |
Card Heal (CardHeal) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-PROMO | ♠1 | Gemini Spark Noise (GeminSparkN) |
Elec Galaxy Advances attack up (ElecGA+) |
R | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Kanzen Scenario Kouryaku Guide |
NOISED-A36 | ♣1 | Mu Defender Noise (MuDefenderN) |
Mu Technology Charge Shot (MuTechC) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- CoroCoro Comic (November 2008) Note: The "CoroCoro Edition" contains the magazine's logo. |
NOISED-A37 | ♣2 | Private Mop Noise (PrivateMopN) |
Wood+10 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A38 | ♣4 | Wolf Woods Noise (WolfWoodsN) |
HP+400 | R | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
Noised-A39 | ♣5 | Mono Sword Noise (MonoSwordN) |
Sword+10 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A40 | ♣6 | Storm Noise (StormN) |
+Wind | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A41 | ♣7 | Grass Pollen Noise (GrassPollen) (sic) |
+ Wood Panel (+WoodPnl) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A42 | ♣8 | Kung Foo Kid Noise (KngFooKidN) |
Quick Gauge (QuckGage) |
R | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A43 | ♣9 | Club Strong Noise (ClubStrngN) |
Wood+20 | SR | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A44 | ♣11 | MatJinn Noise (MatJinnN) |
Grass Stage Support Card (GrassS) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A45 | ♣12 | Puff Noise (PuffN) |
Recovery 30 Support Card (Recov30S) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A46 | ♣13 | Arachnid Noise (ArachnidN) |
HP+250 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-B35 | ♣1 | Rhino Horn Noise (RhinoHornN) |
HP+250 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B36 | ♣2 | Terra Condor Noise (TerraCndrN) |
Air Shoes (AirShoes) |
R | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B37 | ♣3 | Crowcar Noise (CrowcarN) |
HP+250 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B38 | ♣4 | Flit Noise (FlitN) |
Wood+10 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B39 | ♣5 | Dragon Sky Noise (DragonSkyN) |
Wood Galaxy Advances attack up (WoodGA+) |
R | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B40 | ♣7 | Nutty Noise (NuttyN) |
Spread Charge Shot (SpreadC) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B41 | ♣8 | Tropi Conga Noise (TropiCongaN) |
HP+250 | N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B42 | ♣9 | Fokx Noise (FokxN) |
Anti Damage (AntiDmg) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B43 | ♣10 | Murian Noise (MurianN) |
Divide Line Support Card (DivdeLnS) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B44 | ♣12 | Queen Ophiuca Noise (QnOphiucaN) |
HP+400 | SR | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B45 | ♣13 | ShuriKen Noise (ShuriKenN) |
Shuriken Charge Shot (ShuriknC) |
N | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-PROMO | ♣6 | Cygnus Wing Noise (CygnsWingN) |
Float Shoes (FlotShoe) |
N | Given to participants of World Hobby Fair '09 Winter.[1] |
NOISED-A47 | Joker | Dread Joker Noise (DreadJokrN) |
Body Pack (BodyPack) |
SR | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-A48 | Joker | Andromeda Noise (AndromedaN) |
Max Buster (MaxBstr) |
SR | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
NOISED-B46 | Joker | Acid Ace Noise (AcidAceN) |
Auto Lock (AutoLock) |
SR | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-B47 | Joker | Le Mu Noise (Le MuN) |
Invisible Support Card (InvisS) |
SR | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- |
NOISED-PROMO | Joker | Crimson Dragon Noise (CrimsonDrag) (sic) |
Max. HP +500 (HP+500) |
R | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Kyūkyoku Guide Battle Black Box |
White Cards[]

White Card 01
White Cards (ホワイトカード) are similar to the Favorites system from the previous two games. Instead of the player choosing 4 cards from their folder to use as their "Favorites", the White Card system instead gives the player a preset selection of Battle Cards, independent of the player's folder. The player can also toggle whether these cards can appear in the Custom Screen during battle.
Over the course of the game, different Wave Stations at different locations can allow the player to download other in-game sets of White Cards. White Cards purchased from the Noise Kaizou Gear provide additional selections to choose from. Some selections are even provided for free on official sites.
The White Card system (and its codes) is the only part of Noise Kaizou Gear that is not locked in the international releases, seeing how the English site still presents the free White Cards.
ID | Card Name | Battle Cards | Location |
WHITE-A01 | White Card 01 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- | |
WHITE-A02 | White Card 02 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- | |
WHITE-A03 | White Card 03 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- | |
WHITE-A04 | White Card 04 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- | |
WHITE-A05 | White Card 05 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- | |
WHITE-A06 | White Card 06 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- | |
WHITE-A07 | White Card 07 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- | |
WHITE-A08 | White Card 08 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage-, manga page | |
WHITE-A09 | White Card 09 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- | |
WHITE-A10 | White Card 10 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- | |
WHITE-A11 | White Card 11 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- | |
WHITE-A12 | White Card 12 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- | |
WHITE-A13 | White Card 13 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- | |
WHITE-A14 | White Card 14 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- | |
WHITE-A15 | White Card 15 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- | |
WHITE-A16 | White Card 16 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- | |
WHITE-A17 | White Card 17 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- | |
WHITE-B01 | White Card 18 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- | |
WHITE-B02 | White Card 19 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- | |
WHITE-B03 | White Card 20 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- | |
WHITE-B04 | White Card 21 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- | |
WHITE-B05 | White Card 22 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- | |
WHITE-B06 | White Card 23 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- | |
WHITE-B07 | White Card 24 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- | |
WHITE-B08 | White Card 25 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- | |
WHITE-B09 | White Card 26 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- | |
WHITE-B10 | White Card 27 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- | |
WHITE-B11 | White Card 28 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- | |
WHITE-B12 | White Card 29 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- | |
WHITE-B13 | White Card 30 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- | |
WHITE-B14 | White Card 31 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- | |
WHITE-B15 | White Card 32 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- | |
WHITE-B16 | White Card 33 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- | |
WHITE-B17 | White Card 34 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- | |
WHITE-W01 | White Card W01 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 official site | |
WHITE-W02 | White Card W02 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 official site | |
WHITE-W03 | White Card W03 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 official site | |
WHITE-W04 | White Card W04 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 official site | |
WHITE-W05 | White Card W05 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 official site | |
WHITE-W06 | White Card W06 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 official site | |
WHITE-W07 | White Card W07 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 official site | |
WHITE-W08 | White Card W08 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 official site | |
WHITE-W09 | White Card W09 | CoroCoro Comic official site (no longer available) | |
WHITE-W10 | White Card W10 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 official site | |
WHITE-W11 | White Card W11 | CoroCoro Comic April 2009 issue | |
WHITE-W12 | White Card W12 | Shooting Star Rockman 3 official site | |
WHITE-PROMO | Hi-Speed Black Ace | Included with early releases of Shooting Star Rockman 3 Black Ace | |
WHITE-PROMO | Powered Red Joker | Included with early releases of Shooting Star Rockman 3 Red Joker | |
WHITE-PROMO | Force Element | Distributed to World Hobby Fair '09 Winter participants.[1] | |
WHITE-PROMO | Acid Striker | Included with the first 5000 mail orders of CoroCoro Comic (January 2009 issue) | |
WHITE-PROMO | Fighter's Bible | Distributed as a bonus for -Diabolos Stage- purchases in World Hobby Fair '09 Winter | |
WHITE-PROMO | Combo Master |
The Mega Man Star Force 3 official site contained the codes of all White Cards.
Purpose Cards[]

Ultimate Wood Master
Purpose Cards, known as Rezon Cards (レゾンカード Rezon Kādo, Raison Card) in Japan, are designed to power up the player's Finalized Noise, and thus only take effect when the player Finalizes in battle. Effects range from powering up Battle Cards within the Finalize Folder, changing panels the moment the player Finalizes, and even granting a Charge Shot (Finalized Noises normally have no charge shot).
Only one Purpose Card code can be input at any one time. However, if the player has Brothers in the same team that have any Purpose Cards input, the bonuses stack. Maximum value is +6 for cards attack, +9 for Finalize Turn, +7 for Access level (Maximum Access level is 12).
ID | Card Name | Effects | Location |
REZON-A01 | Ultimate Battle Master |
Non-elemental cards attack +3 |
Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- |
REZON-A02 | Ultimate Fire Master | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- | |
REZON-A03 | Ultimate Wood Master | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- | |
REZON-A04 | Ultimate Guard Master | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Progress Stage- | |
REZON-B01 | Ultimate Aqua Master | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- | |
REZON-B02 | Ultimate Thunder Master | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- | |
REZON-B03 | Ultimate Break Master | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- | |
REZON-B04 | Ultimate Finalize | Shooting Star Rockman 3 Noise Kaizou Gear -Diabolos Stage- | |
REZON-PROMO | Ultimate Sword Master | Distributed to World Hobby Fair '09 Winter participants.[1] | |
REZON-PROMO | Ultimate Paralyze Master | Distributed to World Hobby Fair '09 Summer participants.[3] |
Mega Man Star Force series | |
Main characters | |
Geo Stelar (Omega-Xis • Mega Man) • Luna Platz (Vogue) • Bud Bison (Taurus • Taurus Fire) • Zack Temple (Pedia) • Sonia Strumm (Lyra • Harp Note) • Solo (Laplace • Rogue) Hope Stelar • Kelvin Stelar • Aaron Boreal • Bob Copper • Dr. Goodall Pat Sprigs (Gemini • Gemini Spark) • Hyde (Phantom • Dark Phantom) • A. C. Eos (Acid • Acid Ace) FM King • Dr. Vega • Hollow • Mr. King | |
Games | |
Mega Man Star Force • 2 • 3 • Shooting Star Rockman: Wave Change! On Air! • Rockman.EXE Operate Shooting Star | |
Media | |
Mega Man Star Force • Shooting Star Rockman Tribe Rockman the Shooting Star • Rockman the Shooting Star Tribe Shooting Star Rockman 3 • Shuugeki On-Air!! Shooting Star Rockmeen! | |
Related items | |
Battle Card • BrotherBand • Link Power • EM Being • EM Wave Change • OOPArt • Noise • Dealer • Satella Police • Mobile Terminals • Locations Wave Scanner • Wave Command Card • Noise Mod Gear |