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The Old Surface City (旧地上都市 Kyuuchijoutoshi) is a location from the first Mega Man Zero game.


The place is a ghost city abandoned long ago. Fugitive Reploids labelled as Mavericks by Neo Arcadia eke out a living hidden under the high-rise buildings and rubble. The Resistance Base is hidden under the city. To the left of the base is the entrance to the Desert, and to the right is the entrance to the Subway Ruins and the Disposal Center.


Disposal Center as seen in the Japanese version of Mega Man Zero.

The Disposal Center (処理しせつ / スクラップ処理場 Shori Shisetsu/Sukurappu Shorijou) is a facility used by Neo Arcadia to dispose of anyone they consider to be "Mavericks". After her rescue, Ciel asks Zero to destroy the facility to prevent further retirement of innocent Reploids. Zero arrives on time to rescue one Reploid and two Mechaniloids from Aztec Falcon.

After the player completes (or fails) 4 missions after the Disposal Center, Hittite Hottaid will be deployed by Neo Arcadia to destroy the Resistance Base, being released in front of the Disposal Center and passing through the old city until it reaches the base. Zero must destroy it before it reaches the Resistance Base.


"Rescue Reploids from Disposal" mission[]

Image Name
MMZ Aztec Falcon sprite
Aztec Falcon (boss)
MMZ Spiking sprite
MMZ Pantheon Hunter sprite
Pantheon Hunter
MMZ Carryarm sprite
MMZ Contrainer sprite
MMZ Pantheon Flyer sprite
Pantheon Flyer
MMZ Totem Cannon sprite
Totem Cannon


Image Name
MMZ Pantheon Hunter sprite
Pantheon Hunter
MMZ Carryarm sprite
MMZ Spiking sprite
Spiking (from Carryarm)
MMZ Totem Cannon sprite
Totem Cannon

Middle mission[]

Image Name
MMZ Hittite Hottide sprite
Hittite Hottaid (boss)
Gli-eye sprite
Gli-Eye (from Hittite Hottaid)


Image Name Location
Mippie Inside an Item Box in the crane to the right of the large yellow building. Will become harder to obtain if Hittite Hottaid digs through the building.
MMZ Cyber-elf (Clock)
Clocpooh Inside an Item Box on the right side of the broken building. Use a charged Z Saber or Shield Boomerang attack to break the box and go down to wait for the Cyber-elf. Alternatively, when not in a mission, use Triple Rod or the invincibility period after taking damage to jump above the Totem Cannon under the box to reach the wall and get closer to the Item Box.
MMZ Cyber-elf (Bird)
Birsky Destroy 5 Carryarms or Spikings (either of those two count as one enemy) during the Disposal Center mission.
Gireff Destroy 5 Pantheon Hunters during the Disposal Center mission.
Gibber Destroy 15 parts of the Totem Cannons during the Disposal Center mission.
MMZ Cyber-elf (Bird)
Birtack Defeat 20 of the Gli-Eyes released by Hittite Hottaid.
MMZ Cyber-elf (Stop)
Stoctto Defeat Hittite Hottaid.
Hapitan Let Hittite Hottaid drill at least half of the yellow building before destroying it, and return after the mission to find a pit to the Subway Ruins with a small area in the wall with an Item Box.


  • In the Japanese version, the walls from the Disposal Center are dirty and damaged. These details were removed in western versions.
  • The Disposal Center mission is one of the stages in the Z Chaser mode from Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection.
