Patch, known as Raito (来斗 Raito) in Japan, is a character from the Mega Man Battle Network series. He is the son of Lan Hikari and Mayl Sakurai who makes a text-only appearance in the epilogue of Mega Man Battle Network 6 and is mentioned in Mega Man Star Force 2, but appears in the manga story Mega Man Battle Network -The 20 Year Reunion-.
In his manga appearance, Patch is seen wearing a bandana like his father used to wear, a jacket, a black undershirt with long sleeves and a medallion with a shape of a V.
Mega Man Battle Network 6[]
In the game's ending, 20 years in the future, Patch is mentioned to be similar to Lan. He is often late to school because he oversleeps. A short conversation reveals that Lan believes Patch takes after his tendencies to sleep in while he gets his stubbornness from Mayl.
Mega Man Battle Network -The 20 Year Reunion-[]
Patch make his debut attending Lan's DenTech Academy reunion after participating in a NetBattle tournament. Assuming by the way Mayl talks to Patch, he may be younger than Lan before the timeskip.
Other games[]
Mega Man Star Force 2[]
In Lan's diary from Mega Man Star Force 2, it is revealed he is the operator of MegaMan Junior. Patch is determined to be the greatest NetBattler in the world.