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Pikashu (ピカシュー Pikashū) is an electrical robot enemy that emerges from the Brain Crusher in Mega Man V, along with Alabell. They can control the gravity of the room, making Mega Man levitate to hit the spikes on the ceiling.

Damage Data Chart[]

Displays the amount of damage Pikashu will receive from each Special Weapon in Mega Man V.

Mega Man V
Mega Buster/Arm Grab Buster Bubble Bomb Photon Missile Electric Shock Black Hole Deep Digger Break Dash Salt Water Spark Chaser Tango
8:?:? 1-2? 6 4 1-2? 0 -- 1:- 1-2? 2 2


  • Pikashu's name is derived from "pikapika", a Japanese onomatopoeia for electric sparkling.
