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Press Disposer (プレス・ディスポーザー Puresu Disupōzā) is the boss the player faces in the first Doppler Stage of Mega Man X3 if both Bit and Byte were destroyed. It resembles an elephant that hangs onto the top-right part of the screen. A conveyor belt scrolls enemy robots onto the screen, and then destroys them when they reach the right side of the screen.


Press Disposer's attacks are fairly dangerous, but the real hazards are its crushing foot and the spiked grinders at the end of the conveyor belt. If the player or any scrap moves underneath Press Disposer, it will slam down to cause intense damage. Its face is its weakpoint, but its trunk gets in the way of most attacks. Once Press Disposer's trunk is destroyed, it floods the bottom part of the arena with acid. It is weak to Ray Splasher or Tornado Fang.

MMX3 PressDisposer Scrap Scrap (スクラップ Sukurappu)[1]
Scrap regularly falls from a chute in the ceiling, which is carried by the conveyor belt until Press Disposer or the spiked grinders crush it. Scrap cubes can be used as platforms, while humanoid scrap fires projectiles.
Damage: 4 (cube), 4 (humanoid, contact), 4 (humanoid, shot)
MMX3 PressDisposer AcidBall Acid Ball (酸球 San-kyū)[1]
Press Disposer spits four acid blobs that linger on the floor a while.
Damage: 2
MMX3 PressDisposer ArmAttack Arm Attack (アーム攻撃 Āmu Kōgeki)[1]
Press Disposer grabs at the player with its claw, pulling them in for minor contact damage before releasing.
Damage: 1 (claw), 6 (contact)
MMX3 PressDisposer Acid Acid ( San)[1]
Once Press Disposer's trunk is destroyed, it floods the bottom of the room with acid for the rest of the battle.
Damage: 3

Other appearances[]

  • Press Disposer appeared as a card in Mega Man X DiVE.
  • Press Disposer appeared as an Unit Card in TEPPEN. It was originally used for the disposal of laboratory waste on Ibis Island, but as the laboratory began to produce a large volume of "hazardous items", it was also used for combat.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Boss File: Press Disposer, Compendium of Rockman X. p. 55.
