Rockman: Red Bull Crashed Ice no Tatakai!! (ROCKMAN レッドブル・クラッシュドアイスの戦い!! lit. "Mega Man: Red Bull Crashed Ice Battle!!") is a short browser game made available in November 2018 as part of a collaboration between Capcom and Red Bull to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Mega Man franchise and to promote Mega Man 11 and the Red Bull Crashed Ice Yokohama 2018 winter sporting event.
The player uses Mega Man to race against an opponent in a Crashed Ice course (Dr. Light, Roll, Proto Man and Dr. Wily appearing among the crowd watching the race) with spikes, pits, and Mets, which are lethal. Tapping the screen makes Mega Man jump to avoid the obstacles. Swiping the screen makes Mega Man dash, giving him a speed boost by using part of his energy gauge. The courses contain E Cans that refill Mega Man's energy, and R Cans (Red Bull energy drink cans) that temporarily give Mega Man wings. While in this state, Mega Man is immune to Mets and spikes, runs faster, and his gauge won't decrease.
The game has two stages. The Normal Stage has Tundra Man as opponent, who moves with the same speed as Mega Man but becomes faster during his spin jumps. He takes 33 seconds to reach the goal. After winning against Tundra Man, Extreme Stage is unlocked, which has Air Man as opponent. Extreme Stage has more obstacles, and if Mega Man gains the lead before the area with the R Can, Air Man uses Air Shooter to attack, creating six lethal tornadoes.
After completing a stage, the player can post his or her time on Twitter. If the player lives in Japan and follows the Red Bull Gaming JP Twitter account, the tweet becomes part of a November 2018 promotion where 69 players will win rewards that include Red Bull cans, clear files with an illustration of Mega Man with wings, a physical copy of Rockman 11 (PlayStation 4 version) and two tickets to the Red Bull Crashed Ice Yokohama 2018.
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