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Rockman Zero3 Modification Cards Part 1 box.

Rockman Zero3 Modification Cards (ロックマンゼロ3改造カード Rokkuman ZeroSurī Kaizou Kādo) are cards created by Capcom in 2004 to be used with the Card e-Reader+ in Rockman Zero3, which causes modifications in the game, most adding extras to the New Resistance Base. These cards were sold only in Japan, in packets containing five cards for 200 Yen. It's also possible to make the modifications by using a cheat device, which is the only way to unlock them in the American and European versions of the game.

List of cards[]

Modification Cards[]

The Modification Cards is sold in two parts, Cards 1 to 40 are from Part 1, and cards 41 to 80 from Part 2. Cards that change the appearance of the same object can't be active at the same time, like the cards that change the design of items, the computer in Ciel's room and the background image of the title screen. Cards 18 and 64 can't be active at the same time.

No. Card name English name Effect
Part 1
001 ゼロ (Zセイバー) Zero (Z Saber) Background of title screen changes to image of Zero using Buster Shot while moving.
002 シエル Ciel Green plants appear in Resistance Base.
003 ゴーレム Golem Design of elevator in Resistance Base changes to a wooden elevator.
004 エックス (サイバーエルフ) X (Cyber-elf) Z Saber's power increases by 1. Cumulative.[note 1]
005 ウィンキィ(ナース系エルフ) Winkie (Nurse Elf) Nurse Elves design changes.
006 セルヴォ Cerveau A Reploid appears in the hall in the 2nd floor of Resistance Base.
007 ヘラクリウス・アンカトゥス Herculious Anchus The design of the Buster Shot's ammunition changes to black spheres.
008 アステファルコン Aztec Falcon Design of Z Panel changes, the Z becoming blue.
009 アルエット Alouette The design of Alouette's clothes changes.
010 パンテオン・コア Pantheon Core Message window design changes to a simple gray window.
011 妖将レヴィアタン Fairy Leviathan Message window design changes to a blue window.
012 トッター(ハッカー系エルフ) Totten (Hacker Elf) Life Energy design changes to a simpler appearance.
013 ガード・オロティック Guard Orotic Message window design changes to scream bubbles.
014 イブー Hibou A Reploid appears in room 02A in the 2nd floor of Resistance Base.
015 ゼロ (トリプルロッド) Zero (Triple Rod) Recoil Rod's power increases by 1. Cumulative.[note 1]
016 アヌビステップ・
Anubis Necromancess the Third Reset all card modifications.
017 ヒッタイト・ホッタイド Hittite Hottide Several white cats appear in Resistance Base.
018 ブリザック・スタグロフ Blizzack Staggroff Snow appears in Resistance Base.
019 ハヌマシーン Hanumachine E-Crystal design changes to blue spheres.
020 アスラ・バスラ Asura Basura Shield Boomerang's power increases by 1. Cumulative.[note 1]
021 レインボーデビル Rainbow Devil Computer in Ciel's room changes to a Japanese "candy" style arcade cabinet that displays the Rockman Zero title screen when booted up.
022 隠将ファントム Hidden Phantom A Cyber-elf appears in the roof of the Resistance Base.
023 コピーエックス (第1形態・戦闘モード) Copy X (1st Form: Combat Mode) Buster Shot's power increases by 1. Cumulative.[note 1]
024 コピーエックス (第2形態) Copy X (2nd Form) Several paintings of MegaMan.EXE and one of Ciel appear in Resistance Base.
025 ジャクソン (レア系エルフ) Jackson (Rare Elf) A door appears near Andrew in the 3rd floor of Resistance Base, containing a Z Panel inside.
026 闘将ファーブニル Fighting Fefnir Buster Shot's power increases by 1. Cumulative.[note 1]
027 エルピス (通常時) Elpizo (Typical) Reset all card modifications.
028 マーピィ (ナース系エルフ) Mappie (Nurse Elf) Computer in Ciel's room changes to a vending machine.
029 ヒューレッグ・ウロボックル Hyleg Ourobockle Flowers bloom on the roof of the Resistance Base.
030 ポーラー・カムベアス Poler Kamrous Message window design changes to a metallic appearance.
031 エスタン(ナース系エルフ) Estan (Nurse Elf) Secret Disk design changes to blue disks with three vertical lines.
032 マハ・ガネシャリフ Maha Ganeshariff Shield Boomerang's power increases by 1. Cumulative.[note 1]
033 メナート Menart A Reploid appears near the door of room 02D in the 2nd floor of Resistance Base.
034 ゼロ (チェーンロッド) Zero (Chain Rod) Recoil Rod's power increases by 1. Cumulative.[note 1]
035 レヴィアタン (第2形態) Leviathan (2nd Form) Background of title screen changes to a normal image of Zero standing.
036 ハルピュイア (第2形態) Harpuia (2nd Form) Conversation with the Reploid in the right Resistance Base tower changes.
037 ぺロケ Perroquiet A Reploid appears in room 02B in the 2nd floor of Resistance Base.
038 イソス&パソス Ethos and Pathos A Reploid appears in room 02C in the 2nd floor of Resistance Base.
039 ドワ Doigt A Reploid appears near the elevator in the 2nd floor of Resistance Base.
040 賢将ハルピュイア Sage Harpuia Z Saber's power increases by 1. Cumulative.[note 1]
Part 2
041 マンネン (アニマル系エルフ) Shelter (Animal Elf) Zero's defense doubles.
042 シエル Ciel A Reploid appears in the 1st floor of Resistance Base, inside the room 1F-A.
043 プチック (アニマル系エルフ) Putick (Animal Elf) Animal Elves design changes.
044 アンドリュー Andrew Andrew becomes younger, his appearance changing to a Resistance soldier. Some of his conversations also change.
045 フェニックス・マグマニオン Phoenix Magnion Seagulls appear flying near Hirondelle in the 4th floor of the Resistance Base.
046 パンター・フラクロス Panter Flauclaws Several orange cats appear in Resistance Base.
047 デスタンツ・マンティスク Deathtanz Mantisk Design of elevator in Resistance Base changes to a green elevator that resembles the capsule Zero was held in by Vile in Mega Man X.
048 ダークエルフ Dark Elf Graffiti appears on the walls of the Resistance Base.
049 ゼロ (バスターショット) Zero (Buster Shot) The design of the Buster Shot's ammunition changes to realistic bullets.
050 ゴーレム・タイプE/F/I Golem Type E/F/I Message window design changes to a nature themed window.
051 ファーブニル (第2形態) Fefnir (2nd Form) Computer in Ciel's room changes to a high tech computer with holographic screens.
052 バイーニ (ハッカー系エルフ) Dable (Hacker Elf) E-Crystal design changes to a green crystal-like appearance.
053 クワガスト・アンカトゥス Kuwagust Anchus Message window design changes to a computer window with scrollbars.
054 エルピス (戦闘体勢) Elpizo (Combat Body) A Cyber-elf appears in the Resistance Base near the command room.
055 エルピス (第2形態) Elpizo (2nd Form) Reset all card modifications.
056 ゼロ (シールドブーメラン) Zero (Shield Boomerang) Shield Boomerang's power increases by 1. Cumulative.[note 1]
057 シエル Ciel Conversation with the Reploid in the left Resistance Base tower changes.
058 バイル Weil Reset all card modifications.
059 オメガ Omega Design of Z Panel changes to a round appearance with a green Z.
060 バーブル・ヘケロット Burble Hekelot Attack power of the Cyber-elves Beetack and Beenipe increases by 3.
061 チルドレ・イナラビッタ Childre Inarabitta Attack power of the Cyber-elves Archim and Archil increase by 3.
062 サーナイト (ハッカー系エルフ) Surnite (Hacker Elf) Hacker Elves design changes.
063 ブレイジン・フリザード Blazin' Flizard Buster Shot's power increases by 1. Cumulative.[note 1]
064 ヘルバット・シルト Hellbat Schilt Changes the sky of Resistance Base to night.
065 クリエ&プリエ Crea and Prea Computer in Ciel's room changes to a purple computer with several screens.
066 ハンマーガ (ハッカー系エルフ) Hanmarga (Hacker Elf) Secret Disk design changes to red disks with gray squares.
067 トレテスタ・ケルベリアン Tretista Kelverian Message window design changes to a gray window with alternating lines.
068 グラチャー・レ・カクタンク Glacier Le Cactank White plants appear in Resistance Base.
069 キュービット・フォクスター Cubit Foxtar Message window design changes to a yellow window.
070 ヴォルティール・ビブリーオ Volteel Biblio Flying fishes appear in the harbor of the Resistance Base.
071 ゼロ (リコイルロッド) Zero (Recoil Rod) Recoil Rod's power increases by 1. Cumulative.[note 1]
072 ロシニョル Rocinolle A Reploid appears in room 03A in the 3rd floor of Resistance Base.
073 イロンデル Hirondelle A Reploid appears in room 03B in the 3rd floor of Resistance Base.
074 ピック Pic A Reploid appears in room 03C in the 3rd floor of the Resistance Base.
075 ルージュ&ジョーヌ Rouge and Jaune A Reploid appears near the elevator in the 3rd floor of the Resistance Base.
076 オトリッシュ Autruche A Reploid appears near the door of room 03D in the 3rd floor of Resistance Base.
077 モット (ナース系エルフ) Mott (Nurse Elf) Life energy design changes to a green hourglass-like appearance.
078 オメガ (第2形態) Omega (2nd Form) Background of title screen changes to an image of Zero using Shield Boomerang.
079 ゼロ Zero Z Saber's power increases by 1. Cumulative.[note 1]
080 シエル Ciel Background of title screen changes to an image of Ciel.

Character Cards[]

Character cards (キャラクターカード) are cards that don't have an effect, being only for collection. Cards 1 to 10 are from Part 1, and cards 11 to 20 from Part 2.

No. Card name English name Game(s)
001 拘束されたゼロ Zero, Bound Zero
002 忘却の研究所 Forgotten Laboratory Zero
003 パンテオン・ハンター Pantheon Hunter Zero, 2, 3
004 パンテオンエース Pantheon Ace Zero
005 メタルーク Metarook Zero
006 ゼロ、夕闇に立つ Zero, Standing in the Twilight Zero 2
007 メガ・スコルピア Mega Scorpia Zero 2
008 賢将ハルピュイア Sage Harpuia Zero 2
009 シエル Ciel Zero 2
010 憎しみ Enmity Zero 2
011 さらばエックス Farewell, X Zero 2
012 ユグドラシルの空に・・・ Yggdrasil's Sky Zero 2
013 過去からの贈り物 Present from the Past Zero 3
014 オメガ現る Omega Appears Zero 3
015 エックスの復権 X's Reinstatement Zero 3
016 降伏のススメ Surrendering Advice Zero 3
017 妖精戦争 Elf Wars Zero 3
018 復讐への序章 Overture to Revenge Zero 3
019 虚と実 Real and Imaginary Zero 3
020 改造パンテオン・アクア Modified Pantheon Aqua Zero 3

Mega Man Zero Collection[]

In Mega Man Zero Collection, the cards can be obtained in-game in both Japanese and English versions, keeping their original function. The 80 Mod Cards are unlocked by completing the four games individually, 20 cards for each game. The 20 Character Cards are unlocked by completing the Easy Scenario Mode.

  • Completing Mega Man Zero unlocks the cards 1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 32, 44 and 49.
  • Completing Mega Man Zero 2 unlocks the cards 7, 27, 29, 30, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 45, 46, 48, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 60, 72 and 76.
  • Mega Man Zero 3 unlocks the cards 11, 22, 33, 37, 40, 47, 57, 59, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 74, 75 and 78.
  • Mega Man Zero 4 unlocks the cards 2, 5, 6, 9, 12, 25, 28, 31, 41, 42, 43, 52, 56, 58, 62, 66, 73, 77, 79 and 80.

Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection[]

In Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection, the modification cards are named Bonus Cards and can be obtained by acquiring ZZ Cards, the game's achievements.

No. ZZ Card Cards unlocked
1 Everlasting Red Bonus Card 079 and 041
2 Easy Listening
3 Card Collector
4 Outrunner Bonus Card 017
Character Card 004
5 Running the Gauntlet Bonus Card 001, 057
Character Card 006
6 Rude Awakening Bonus Card 003 and 042
Character Card 002
7 I'll Leave This World to You... Bonus Card 024
Character Card 001
8 Patience is a Virtue Bonus Cards 8, 44, and 13
9 Permission to Enter Bonus Cards 2, 5, and 25
10 Ice Breaker Bonus Cards 11, 18, and 61
12 It's Not Over Yet Bonus Card 055
Character Card 012
13 Lookin' Xy! Bonus Card 051 and 050
Character Card 011
14 Going Out with a Bang Bonus Card 036 and 027
Character Card 003
15 Crab for Dinner Tonight? Bonus Cards 10, 54, and 26
17 I Am Zero Bonus Card 078
Character Card 015
18 Does a Body Good
19 Cyber Diver Bonus Cards 62, 29, and 39
20 Try Growin' That Back! Bonus Cards 63, 30, and 37
23 Watch, Zero... Bonus Card 049
Character Card 018
24 Chip Maker
25 Crystal Maker
28 Towards the Future I Believe In Bonus Cards 71 and 35
29 Like Taking Candy From a Baby Bonus Card 012, 028
Character Card 005
30 To the Nines Bonus Cards 68, 77, and 21
31 Laser Surgery Bonus Cards 40, 45, and 14
34 A Chosen Fate Bonus Card 015
Character Card 017
35 Can Never be Too Prepared
36 Pedal to the Metals
37 I Don't Need Biometals Bonus Card 064, 004
Character Card 007
? (11) Disaster Prevention Bonus Card 007, 053
Character Card 010
? (16) Proof of Justice Bonus Card 023, 058
Character Card 016
? (21) Fated Rematch Bonus Cards 22, 34, and 47
? (22) Crisis Averted Bonus Card 020, 038
Character Card 013
? (26) ...What, This Old Thing? Bonus Card 048, 032
Character Card 014
? (27) Inherited Will
? (32) Bloodthirsty Messiah Bonus Card 056
Character Card 019
? (33) Reploid Replication Bonus Cards 52, 46, and 69


First line samples[]

Second line samples[]

Character Cards[]

Mega Man Zero Collection samples[]


Mega Man Zero 3 has 40 unused e-Reader effects that increases the power of four Cyber-elves and the health of enemies, suggesting that either additional cards were planned to be released or each set would have 60 cards.


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 In Mega Man Zero Collection, instead of the current power, the information given when the power increase cards are activated mistakenly gives different values for each weapon, regardless of which cards are active.

External links[]
