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See also: Copy Sigma
"Your dedication to what you refer to as "justice" is what first got me thinking... I realized the imperfection of this world, and decided I must change it."

Sigma is the penultimate boss of Mega Man X8. He is fought in the Sigma Palace on the Moon. He is the final boss in the Easy mode, but upon his defeat in Normal or Hard mode, Lumine reveals himself as the true final boss.


Despite his dilapidated appearance, Sigma is still incredibly powerful. This body is allegedly stronger than any of his previous forms, though his exposed chest renders him mortal.[2] He wields a giant sword and an assortment of projectiles, some of which are derived from his Copy Sigma lackeys but stronger. He can only be harmed by powerful attacks such as Charge Shots, Z-Saber slashes, or repeated A-Bullet shots.

Near the middle of the battle, Sigma grabs the player in a scripted event; in Easy and Normal mode they break free with an Escape Capture, but in Hard mode it triggers a cutscene where their lost teammate reappears to save the day. He is weak to light-based attacks such as Shining Ray, Tenshouha, and Ray Gun.

MMX8 Sigma EclipseRayα Eclipse Ray α (エクリプスレイα[2][3])
Sigma shoots three sets of rings three times. The player can dash under or through the middle of the rings.
Damage: 4
MMX8 Sigma EclipseRayβ Eclipse Ray β (エクリプスレイβ[2][3])
Sigma shoots a sequence of six rings, each randomly flying high or low.
Damage: 4
MMX8 Sigma EclipseRayγ Eclipse Ray γ (エクリプスレイγ[2][3])
Sigma shoots a sequence of three rings which slowly rotate, making them more difficult to pass through.
Damage: 4
MMX8 Sigma PhantomDivide Phantom Divide (ファントムデヴァイド[2][3])
Sigma disappears, reappearing overhead with a falling sword slash. He may perform it multiple times in a row. As the battle progresses, the shockwave at the tip of the sword grows larger.
Damage: 8 (blade), 4 (shockwave)
MMX8 Sigma MirageClaw Mirage Claw (ミラージュクロウ,[2] ミラージュクロー[3])
Sigma's Overdrive Attack. He disappears, grabbing the player by the face and holding them off the floor. In Easy and Normal mode, Sigma begins dealing damage to the player until they use Escape Capture to continue the battle. In Hard mode, a short cutscene plays where the Hunter taken out by Vile reappears to free their partner and continue the battle.
Damage: 1 per hit (Easy/Normal), 0 (Hard)
MMX8 Sigma BlazingLine Blazing Line (ブリージングライン, "Bleezing Line"[2][3])
Sigma projects a laser from his forehead along the far pillar, causing the wall to burst into flames for a while.
Damage: 4
MMX8 Sigma RaveDivide Rave Divide (レイヴデヴァイド[2][3])
Sigma rushes up and down across the screen, swinging his sword wildly. This attack is extremely rare in difficulties under Hard mode.
Damage: 8
MMX8 Sigma DoomBuster Doom Buster (ドゥームバスター[2][3])
Sigma charges energy, gaining a barrier, before levitating to shoot a giant blast from his hand. He continues to attack while charging, but can be interrupted with a Guard Break attack.
Damage: 10



Sigma: Welcome, Maverick Hunter. It's good to see you again, X. Our meeting was fated, X. Our destinies come to a head right here, right now. The time has come to usher in a new age. And you, X, are an essential part of it.
X: .........
Sigma: Your dedication to what you refer to as "justice" is what first got me thinking... I realized the imperfection of this world, and decided I must change it.
X: Don't blame me for your insanity, Sigma!
Sigma: Ha ha ha... it's too late, X. The gears are in motion. There's no turning back now. My children were the ones, X. The new generation Reploids were the ones. My children are responsible for the development of space. Mankind's lifeline...
X: Children? What are you talking about!?
Sigma: The Jakob Project... The program that gave birth to the new generation Reploids... It was all my doing! The world that was birthed by that plan rightfully belongs to me! Now, X... You will be destroyed along with the rest of this decayed world!

Sigma: Zero... Who could have imagined that we'd cross paths at the end of the world. The moment your virus entered my system, the seed had been planted. That's when it all began... The destruction of the world!"
Zero: I've heard about enough of this garbage, Sigma.
Sigma: Don't get angry, Zero. I'm actually indebted to you. It is because of you that my children are able to create this magnificent new world in space.
Zero: Children? .........
Sigma: That's right. The new generation Reploids born of the Jakob Project all bear copy chips containing my personal data. Now, the end of the world, and of you, has come! Farewell!

Sigma: Hmpf. So you must be the one they call Axl... The prototype of the new Reploids. I'm surprised you've made it this far.
Axl: Hey... Stop calling me a prototype. I'm me. And you... You're a Maverick.
Sigma: You are a puny and weak prototype! Nothing more! Your copy ability is far from developed. That's why you were left out.
Axl: The Mavericks are one club I'd prefer to be left out of!
Sigma: Only the pure new generation Reploids - my children - are worthy!
Axl: Your children?
Sigma: Yes, prototype... My children. The new generation Reploids born of the Jakob Project all bear copy chips containing my personal data. And now, the final phase of that project begins! You shall be destroyed!

  • Sigma: "Wallow in despair and hopelessness! The plan to destroy the world you so love is finally coming to fruition! I shed no tears for you and your kind! Ha ha ha ha ha! It will all be over soon!" - Mirage Claw cutscene.
  • Sigma: "Ha ha ha... What's this? Your friends arrived, eh? No matter! You are powerless in the face of the ruler of the new world! Powerless!" - Mirage Claw cutscene.
  • Sigma: "Impossible! How... could you... You couldn't... Destroy... the old... world... new age... Hrrgh!" - Defeated.

In-battle quotes[]

Action Romaji Japanese English
Pre-battle Zenryoku de koi! (Come with all your might!) 全力で来い! Bring it on!!
Pre-battle Kecchaku wo tsukeru zo! 決着をつけるぞ! I'll finish you!
Charging Doom Buster Uooooo! うおおおっ!! Ooooooooaaaaah!
Doom Buster Haaaahaahaha! はあああはああはあはあ! Hahahahaha, aahahahahaha!
Phantom Divide Kurae! 喰らえ! Eat this!
Phantom Divide Iku zo! 行くぞ! Take this!
Mirage Claw Owari da! 終わりだ! It's all over!
Phase change Sore ga omae no chikara ka? (Is that the full extent of your power?) それがお前の力か? You're weak!
Blazing Line / Rave Divide Omoishire! 思い知れ! Time for a lesson!
Blazing Line Moe tagire! (Burn!) 燃え滾れっ! This is for you!
Eclipse Ray / deflecting attacks Muda da! ムダだ! Useless!
Defeated Guwaaaaaa!! ぐわああああ!! Noooooo!!!

Other appearances[]

Sigma's form in Mega Man X8 appeared as a boss in Rockman Xover.




  • In the Maverick Hunter's Field Guide, this form of Sigma is called Sigma (Moon body).[4]
  • The sword wielded by Sigma is available as the aptly named Doom Blade, an S class saber type weapon, in Mega Man X DiVE. It specialized in reducing a target's defense on hit and can fire shockwaves, though much smaller and weaker than the shockwaves fired from Sigma's Doom Buster.


  1. "I followed up on the plain yet powerful image of Sigma from 'X1.' The one thing that I did put a lot of thought into was his chin. Up until now, Sigma's chin was shaped differently, depending on who drew him. I basically took this opportunity to decide once and for all what his chin should officially look like! (laughs) His final form is based on a demon, in contrast to Lumine's angel look." -Tatsuya Yoshikawa
    Mega Man X Official Complete Works, UDON Entertainment Corp. 2009. pg.74. Retrieved on April 8, 2011.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Rockman X8 Hisshou Kouryakuhou - pp. 117-119
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Rockman X8 Kyūkyoku Complete Guide - pp. 158-160
  4. Mega Man X: Maverick Hunter's Field Guide. pg. 177.
