For his anime counterpart, see Dave (anime). For the Mega Man X7 character named Dave, see Injured Reploids. |
Speedy Dave, known as Daisuke Hayami (速見ダイスケ Hayami Daisuke) in Japan, is the operator of QuickMan.EXE.
Dave has brown hair and wears a pairs of glasses. He wears a green cap with QuickMan's Navi Mark on the front, a red jacket with white hem on the bottom, black pants and black shoes. He also carries a black backpack with him.
Dave's love for nature is so extreme that he will commit acts of violence to protect it, as well as have his revenge on those who harm nature. His radical actions make him reminiscent of an ecoterrorist. This is his primary motive in the games and anime. However, he also had his limits regarding the acts of violence he was willing to accomplish, as he anonymously contacted Lan to stop his QuickMan from causing chaos at a Banking server.
In the games, he came across as very arrogant and confident, becoming completely flabbergasted and complains about his loss when defeated. He boasts about his IQ of 170, and about becoming the future head of Gospel. However, Lord Gospel treated him as one of the bottom ranks.
In the anime, he is a friendly and gentle man who is kind to others. He is also a childhood friend of Sal. Dave is also much less extreme in the anime and never planned to harm anyone, only wanting to scare them into taking action. Unlike the games, he was calm, reserved, and soft-spoken, but cold and resolute when carrying out his plans (the latter is implied to be an act). He only shows shock when the turbines started moving again, when it should have stopped.
Game History[]
Mega Man Network Transmission[]
QuickMan was affected by the Zero Virus and was causing chaos in the bank's network. After QuickMan was stopped, Dave sent an anonymous email saying he can't reveal himself for his own reasons (as he was a member of Gospel) and thanks Lan Hikari for defeating his out of control NetNavi. In gratitude, he gives him a Fast Gauge Sub Chip.
Mega Man Battle Network 2[]
Dave first appears at the Okuden Dam, as a park ranger who is impressed when Lan cleans up the trash around the dam and park. However, he later reveals himself to be the operator of QuickMan and a member of Gospel. Dave attempts to blow up the Dam to preserve nature, but is defeated by Lan and MegaMan.EXE; and then Chaud and ProtoMan.EXE. Dave is then arrested by the police.
Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge[]
Like most former villains, he returns in Battle Chip Challenge as a competitor, no longer a member of Gospel.
Anime History[]
Much like his video game counterpart, Dave served as a member of Gospel (renamed Grave in the English dub), though his character was toned-down and is not as extreme as he was in Battle Network 2. In addition to this, Dave is also revealed to be a childhood friend of Sal.
His Japanese forename "Daisuke" (ダイスケ), means "Great help".
His Japanese surname, Hayami (速見), means "quick sighted".
Together, his full name literally means: "Great help quick sighted"
- Speedy Dave makes a cameo appearance in the Mega Man Gigamix story "Asteroid Blues".
- When defeated, he quotes: "I would've gotten away with it, if it weren't for you scheming kids!". This is a reference to an ongoing joke in the Scooby-Doo franchise.
- In the Early Draft, Speedy Dave wears a white jacket with orange hem on the bottom, red pants and an orange hat.
Gospel | |
Leader | |
Lord Gospel (game) • Kid Grave (anime) | |
Members | |
Mega Man Battle Network 2 | Arashi Kazefuki and AirMan • Speedy Dave and QuickMan • CutMan • Princess Pride and KnightMan • Mr. Gauss and MagnetMan • Dusk and ShadowMan • FreezeMan |
MegaMan NT Warrior | Arashi Kazefuki and AirMan • CutMan • Dave and QuickMan • FreezeMan • Magnus Gauss and MagnetMan • Maddy and WackoMan • MoltanicMan • ShadowMan |