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Tǎ Fáng Sān Guó Zhì (塔防三國志 lit. "Tower Defense Records of the Three Kingdoms") is a freemium tower defense game based on the Records of the Three Kingdoms. It was released by the Taiwanese company Morefun Technology Limited for Android on April 2017. The game is available globally, but its only language is traditional Chinese.

Rockman X DiVE collaboration[]

In 2022, from August 5 to September 5, the game had a Rockman X DiVE collaboration.

Beat Sigma[]

Ta Fang San Guo Zhi Defeat Sigma

Beat Sigma

Beat Sigma (暴打西格瑪) is a boss mode where players join to fight against Sigma. It is a ranked event where the players that cause most damage receive better rewards. Each player can fight Sigma up to 3 times per day. Sigma's boss skill is his Dash Blade (衝刺斬) attack.

Rules and details:

  1. Each player can participate 3 times per day for free, and 30 times by using Sycee. Each general can attack up to 5 times per battle.
  2. The boss has four stages, each stage having 25% HP. Players can fight only one stage per day. After the fight, the event is unavailable until the next day.
  3. After the daily battle, participants gain rewards based on how much damage they caused. Rewards are given to the top 5000 players. The rewards are Bead Holding Stars and Sigma Gift Pack (西格瑪禮包), the latter always containing one X Redemption (艾克斯兌換弃) and a random amount of Top and Sacred Recruitment Orders. 100 X Redemptions can be exchanged by a X Gift Pack (艾克斯禮包) containing X.
  4. Special note: Due to the crunch from the art team, the quality of the appearance from the boss may not be up to the game's standard.

Rockman Recruitment[]

Rockman Recruitment Order

Rockman Recruitment (洛克人招募) is a menu where Rockman Recruitment Orders (洛克人招募令) can be used for a change to gain fragments of X and Zero, alongside other generals. After a large number of uses in the first week, the player is guaranteed to gain several fragments X, his Sacred Treasure, and his mount. The second week had the same for Zero, and the gachas from the third week onward had both, but with a larger amount of attempts needed to acquire their Sacred Treasures and mounts. Players can exchange 250 Top Recruitment Orders (頂級招募令) for 1 Rockman Recruitment Order. Some Rockman Recruitment Orders could also be claimed from chests gifted by completing the puzzle in the official site, daily in the Template:NIhongo menu, and in other ways.


X 艾克斯
Rarity Sacred Clothing Type Swarm Attack Kingdom "Other"
General Orientation Push Map Group Damage Stun
Duel Energy Burst
Attributes (Lv. 1) Life 250000 Attack 27000 Physical Def. 13000 Magical Def. 13000
Skills Instance Dungeon Skills Duel Skills

蓄能轟炸 (Charge Blast)
集氣射擊 (Charge Shot)
廣域射擊 (Wide Area Shot)

集氣射擊 (Charge Shot)
蓄能手炮 (Charged Buster)
攻撃連射 (Attack Burst)
神威如獄 (Divine Power is Like a Prison)
追蹤飛彈 (Tracking Missile)


強者羈絆 (Powerhouses) - Life +12% with Dian Wei.
強者羈絆 (Powerhouses) - Life +15% with Lü Bu.
強者羈絆 (Powerhouses) - Attack +18% with Guan Yu.
異界來客 (Otherworldly Visitors) - Attack +22% with Zero.
本命武器 (Destined Weapon) - Attack +15% with Pure Gold Divine Sword (Set).
本命飾品 (Destined Accessory) - Life +15% with Hanwang Tiger Tally.
本命坐騎 (Destined Mount) - Attack +15% with Atomic Shadow EX-X.
頂配算力 (Top Computing Power) - Life +50% and Attack +30% with Attack Chip (Set), Head Chip (Set), Armor Chip (Set), and Mobility Chip (Set)

Z 傑洛
Rarity Sacred Clothing Type Swarm Attack Kingdom "Other"
General Orientation Push Map Group Damage Stun
Duel HP Control
Attributes (Lv. 1) Life 250000 Attack 27000 Physical Def. 13000 Magical Def. 13000
Skills Instance Dungeon Skills Duel Skills

斬千軍 (Slash Thousands of Troops)
劍氣縱橫 (Vertical and Horizontal Sword Aura)
千光万刃 (Thousand Lights, Ten Thousand Blades)

龍炎刃 (Ryuenjin)
以戰養戰 (Seizing the Battle)
嫉惡如仇 (Evil Enmity)
神威如獄 (Divine Power is Like a Prison)
落鳳破 (Rakuhouha)


強者羈絆 (Powerhouses) - ???
強者羈絆 (Powerhouses) - ???
強者羈絆 (Powerhouses) - ???
異界來客 (Otherworldly Visitors) - ???
本命武器 (Destined Weapon) - ???
本命飾品 (Destined Accessory) - ???
本命坐騎 (Destined Mount) - ???
頂配算力 (Top Computing Power) - ???


Icon Name Type Set bonus
Icon 攻撃晶片(套)
(Attack Chip (Set))
Weapon 晶片套装α (Chip Set α)
Set of 2:
Life +31044
Set of 3:
Phy. Defense +5460
Mag. Defense +5460
Set of 4:
Attack +13000
Life +312000
霸者庇護 ("Tyrant Shelter") effect
Icon 頭部晶片(套)
(Head Chip (Set))
Icon 装甲晶片(套)
(Armor Chip (Set))
Icon 機動晶片(套)
(Mobility Chip (Set))


Treasures (寶物) are the accessories from the generals, divided as Military Books and Tiger Tallies. Two Rockman X DiVE treasures became available in the Exciting Events menu by purchasing ingots with real money. The Helmet Armor Chip requires a purchase of 69999 ingots, and the Portable E Tank 139999 ingots.

Icon Name Type Details
Character Patch Program 頭盔裝甲晶片
(Helmet Armor Chip)
Military Book

Current attribute: Life 8607 and Parry 11.64%
Reinforcement bonus: Life 1076 and Parry 1.44%

EXP Program 攜帶型E罐
(Portable E Tank)
Tiger Tally

Current attribute: Attack 918 and Break 11.64%
Reinforcement bonus: Attack 114 and Break 1.44%
General affection: Zero and X

Sacred Treasures[]

Sacred Treasures (神器) are special weapons unique to specific generals. Two sacred treasures for X and Zero became available in the gachas, each requiring several Rockman Recruitment Orders to be obtained in the first two gachas and a larger amount in later weeks. There was also a small chance to obtain them in other ways.

Icon Name Attributes
X Buster 艾克斯神器
(X Sacred Treasure)
Z Saber 傑洛神器
(Zero Sacred Treasure)


Mounts (坐騎) are the rides from the generals that provide bonuses. X and Zero have an original Ride Chaser named Atomic Shadow EX based on the Rockman X DiVE weapon Atomic Disintegration as their mount, the weapon being based on the Ride Chaser Adion. Each required 500 Rockman Recruitment Orders to be obtained in the first two gachas, and more in later weeks. There was also a small chance to obtain them in other ways.

Icon Name Attributes
Tǎ Fáng Sān Guó Zhì Atomic Shadow EX icon 原子絕影EX-X
(Atomic Shadow EX-X)
(Atomic Shadow EX-Z)


External links[]
