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Eratoeir's name[]

Eratoeir's siblings both have names derived from French words (Droitclair is "right" and "light (color)", while Angepitoyeir is "ange" and "apitoyer"). But I can't seem to find any French words that fit into Eratoeir's name? Here's a few leads:

  • The first part of her name comes from a Greek Muse, Erato.
  • Her original name in Taiwan is Eratoner with an N.
  • Angie's name uses the verb "apitoyer" meaning "to pity", connecting to his title as the "Pitiful Host". Thus Eratoeir's name may have something to do with her title as the "Host of Fate", but on the other hand Droitclair's name has nothing to do with her title as the "Host of Annihilation" so idk.

My first guess is that Eratoeir's name is just "Erato" with the ending of Angepitoyeir's name affixed to the end, with no significance. But there's still the possibility that it means something. The only French verb that I think might fit is "tonner" - "to thunder". Are there any other possibilities? Maybe I'm just overthinking it lol. Unknowni123 (talk) 14:03, 27 June 2023 (UTC)