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Mhx vilegrasp

This is a list of Vile's weaponry in Mega Man Maverick Hunter X. He can equip one weapon to his arms, shoulders, and legs, which are further divided into weapon systems: Vulcans, Missiles, Rocket Punches, Cannons, Lasers, Cutters, Napalms, Balls, and Flamethrowers. Vile's default weapons are the Vulcan Cherry Blast, the Cannon Front Runner, and the Napalm Bumpity Boom.

Each weapon has a cost to its use, and the total cost of all three equipped weapons must be less than Vile's available resources, which increase for each boss he defeats. Completing Vile Mode removes this limitation. Additional weapons are obtained by defeating the eight Maverick bosses, along with specific weapon systems. For example, Straight Nightmare is a Laser-type weapon obtained from Storm Eagle, and thus requires Sting Chameleon's Laser weapon system first before it can be used.

Arm Weapons[]

Arm Weapons are generally the weakest of Vile's weapons, but their high firing rate and low energy usage means they can deal a large amount of damage over time. They are also the only weapons he can use while still clinging to a wall or ladder.

MHX-Icon-Vile-VulcanIcon Vulcans[]

Vulcans are Vile's standard Arm Weapons. They are gatling guns hidden within Vile's hands, firing bullets from his fingertips. While individually weak, they have a high firing rate and boast great damage-per-second.

Image Name Boss Cost Description
MHX Vulcan CherryBlast MHX-Icon-Vile-Arm-CherryBlast Cherry Blast
Cherī Burasuto
Available from start. 2 units With a range of approximately 25 feet, this vulcan is easy to use.
MHX Vulcan ZipZapper MHX-Icon-Vile-Arm-ZipZapper Zip Zapper
Jīppu Zappā
Armored Armadillo 8 units Though boasting extreme accuracy, this vulcan lacks extensive range.
MHX Vulcan BuckshotDance MHX-Icon-Vile-Arm-BuckshotDance Buckshot Dance
Bakkushotto Dansu
Sting Chameleon 12 units The scattering power of this vulcan results in less than perfect aiming.
MHX Vulcan DistanceNeedler MHX-Icon-Vile-Arm-DistanceNeedler Distance Needler
Disutansu Nīdorā
Chill Penguin 6 units This vulcan has good range and speed, but cannot fire rapidly. It is effective against Spark Mandrill.
MHX Vulcan Triple7 MHX-Icon-Vile-Arm-Triple7 Triple 7
Toripuru Sebun
Flame Mammoth 16 units Boasting both power and spread, this vulcan consumes much power. It is also the Vulcan Weapon used when Vile rides the Goliath Ride Armor in the game, albeit without using any weapon energy.

MHX-Icon-Vile-MissleIcon Missiles[]

Missiles launch from Vile's elbow, requiring him to detach an arm in order to fire. They offer more power than Vulcans, but consume more energy. This weapon system is effective against Boomerang Kuwanger, and is obtained from Launch Octopus.

Image Name Boss Cost Description
MHX Missile HumerusCrush MHX-Icon-Vile-Arm-HumerusCrush Humerus Crush
Hyūmerasu Kurasshu
Launch Octopus 4 units Missiles offer more power than vulcans, but consume more energy. It is effective against Boomerang Kuwanger.
MHX Missile PopcornDemon MHX-Icon-Vile-Arm-PopcornDemon Popcorn Demon
Poppukōn Dēmon
Sting Chameleon 6 units This missile splits into 3 and can cause great damage.
MHX Missile BanzaiBeetle MHX-Icon-Vile-Arm-BanzaiBeetle Banzai Beetle
Banzai Bītoru
Storm Eagle 6 units A set of wings allows this missile to glide, contacting many enemies. It is effective against Flame Mammoth and Boomerang Kuwanger.
MHX Missile LostLamb MHX-Icon-Vile-Arm-LostLamb Lost Lamb
Rosuto Ramu
Boomerang Kuwanger 6 units This missile travels at an odd angle but can be very useful. It is effective against Boomerang Kuwanger.
MHX Missile SerotinalBullet MHX-Icon-Vile-Arm-SerotinalBullet Serotinal Bullet
Serotinaru Baretto
Chill Penguin 4 units This missile is extremely slow, but can be set as a trap. It is effective against Boomerang Kuwanger and Spark Mandrill.

MHX-Icon-Vile-RocketPunchIcon Rocket Punches[]

Vile's Rocket Punch launches Vile's fist as a projectile before it quickly returns to him, similar to the Mega Arm from Mega Man V. These weapons are powerful, but can only be fired one at a time. This weapon system is Effective against Armored Armadillo, and is obtained from Spark Mandrill.

Image Name Boss Cost Description
MHX Punch GoGetterRight MHX-Icon-Vile-Arm-GoGetterRight Go-Getter Right
Gō Gettā Raito
Spark Mandrill 6 units A rocket punch sends your fist flying to teach enemies a lesson.
MHX Punch SpoiledBrat MHX-Icon-Vile-Arm-SpoiledBrat Spoiled Brat
Supoirudo Buratto
Launch Octopus 6 units Though lacking in power, this rocket punch offers intense speed.
MHX Punch EgoisticPill MHX-Icon-Vile-Arm-EgoisticPill Egoistic Pill
Egoisutikku Piru
Armored Armadillo 12 units This punch can pierce enemies and objects, but can be stubborn.
MHX Punch GoldenRight MHX-Icon-Vile-Arm-GoldenRight Golden Right
Gōruden Raito
Flame Mammoth 20 units Though suffering from a short range, this weapon is among the strongest.
MHX Punch InfinityGig MHX-Icon-Vile-Arm-InfinityGig Infinity Gig
Infinitī Gigu
Chill Penguin 16 units Advanced homing technology can be difficult to get a handle on. It is also effective against Spark Mandrill.

Shoulder Weapons[]

Shoulder Weapons are of middling strength, and can be aimed to fire at 0°, 30°, and 60°. Because of this, they are best used against airborne enemies. Furthermore, if used in the air they will cause Vile to hover while firing, decreasing their firing time. This technique can also be used to extend the horizontal distance of Vile's jumps. If used on a ladder or wall, they put Vile into an aerial state.

MHX-Icon-Vile-CannonIcon Cannons[]

Cannons are Vile's standard Shoulder Weapons. They fire spherical blasts of energy from the barrel.

Image Name Boss Cost Description
MHX Cannon FrontRunner MHX-Icon-Vile-Shoulder-FrontRunner Front Runner
Furonto Ran'nā
Available from start. 2 units This cannon not only offers power, but can be aimed up and down.
MHX Cannon TridentLine MHX-Icon-Vile-Shoulder-TridentLine Trident Line
Toraidento Rain
Sting Chameleon 6 units This weapon fires 3 rounds, but leaves you open for a moment.
MHX Cannon Fatboy MHX-Icon-Vile-Shoulder-Fatboy Fatboy
Boomerang Kuwanger 10 units The most powerful cannon around, it consumes a lot of energy.
MHX Cannon FireMurrain MHX-Icon-Vile-Shoulder-FireMurrain Fire Murrain
Faiyā Mārein
Flame Mammoth 8 units This weapon spreads explosions on contact, damaging lots of enemies. It is effective against Launch Octopus.
MHX Cannon LongshotGizmo MHX-Icon-Vile-Shoulder-LongshotGizmo Longshot Gizmo
Rongushotto Gizumo
Storm Eagle 14 units This cannon fires 5 shots at once, but leaves you open to attack. It is effective against Flame Mammoth.

MHX-Icon-Vile-LasersIcon Lasers[]

Lasers are larger streams of energy rather than condensed blasts. They are similar to Cannons, but can pierce enemy shields. This weapon system is effective against Storm Eagle, and is obtained from Sting Chameleon.

Image Name Boss Cost Description
MHX Laser CerebrusPhantom MHX-Icon-Vile-Shoulder-CerberusPhantom Cerberus Phantom
Keruberosu Fantomu
Sting Chameleon 6 units Not as powerful as other weapons, this laser fires in 3 directions. It is effective against Storm Eagle.
MHX Laser NervousGhost MHX-Icon-Vile-Shoulder-NervousGhost Nervous Ghost
Nābasu Gōsuto
Spark Mandrill 8 units This laser can be aimed with the up and down directional buttons. It is effective against Storm Eagle.
MHX Laser RisingSpecter MHX-Icon-Vile-Shoulder-RisingSpecter Rising Specter
Raijingu Supekutā
Flame Mammoth 18 units It cannot be aimed, but its wide shape covers a large area. It is effective against Storm Eagle.
MHX Laser StraightNightmare MHX-Icon-Vile-Shoulder-StraightNightmare Straight Nightmare
Sutorēto Naitomea
Storm Eagle 14 units Though slow, this laser can burn through multiple enemies in a row. It is also effective against Flame Mammoth.
MHX Laser NecroBurst MHX-Icon-Vile-Shoulder-NecroBurst Necro Burst
Nekuro Bāsuto
Launch Octopus 28 units Use up all your energy at once to unleash a powerful energy burst. Effective against many enemies.

MHX-Icon-Vile-CuttersIcon Cutters[]

Cutters are boomerang-like energy blades launched from Vile's barrel. All Cutters are effective against Sting Chameleon, and can sever Launch Octopus's tentacles as well as Flame Mammoth's trunk. This weapon system is obtained from Boomerang Kuwanger.

Image Name Boss Cost Description
MHX Boomerang MetalCrescent MHX-Icon-Vile-Shoulder-MetalCrescent Metal Crescent
Metaru Kuresento
Boomerang Kuwanger 4 units Use the directional buttons to aim this weapon that fires 3 cutters. It is effective against Sting Chameleon.
MHX Boomerang QuickHomesick MHX-Icon-Vile-Shoulder-QuickHomesick Quick Homesick
Kuikku Hōmushikku
Spark Mandrill 4 units This cutter travels in an arc like a boomerang. Use it to pick up items! It is effective against Spark Mandrill and Sting Chameleon.
MHX Boomerang ParasiteSword MHX-Icon-Vile-Shoulder-ParasiteSword Parasite Sword
Parasaito Sōdo
Chill Penguin 6 units Fires cutters that grow as they fly and can pierce enemies. It is effective against Sting Chameleon.
MHX Boomerang TwoHeadedSlash MHX-Icon-Vile-Shoulder-TwoHeadedSlash Two Headed Slash
Tsū Heddo Surasshu
lit. "Two Head Slash")
Launch Octopus 6 units This specialized weapon unleashes 2 cutters at once. It is effective against Sting Chameleon.
MHX Boomerang MaroonedTomahawk MHX-Icon-Vile-Shoulder-MaroonedTomahawk Marooned Tomahawk
Marūndo Tomahōku
Armored Armadillo 12 units This long-lasting weapon spins in place and goes through objects. It is effective against Sting Chameleon.

Leg Weapons[]

Leg Weapons are generally the most powerful of Vile's weapons, but they cause Vile to stop while launching them, leaving him open to attack. However, like Shoulder Weapons, if used in the air they will cause Vile to hover while firing, decreasing their firing time. This technique can also be used to extend the horizontal distance of Vile's jumps. If used on a ladder or wall, they put Vile into an aerial state.

MHX-Icon-Vile-NapalmIcon Napalms[]

Napalms are Vile's standard Leg Weapons. They launch explosives that burst with different effects.

Image Name Boss Cost Description
MHX Napalm BumpityBoom MHX-Icon-Vile-Leg-BumpityBoom Bumpity Boom
Banpiti Būmu
Available from start. 2 units This powerful leg weapon launches hot napalm, but leaves you open.
MHX Napalm RumblingBang MHX-Icon-Vile-Leg-RumblingBang Rumbling Bang
Ranburingu Ban
Spark Mandrill 12 units This napalm sports a wide horizontal range but cannot attack upward.
MHX Napalm SplashHit MHX-Icon-Vile-Leg-SplashHit Splash Hit
Supurasshu Hitto
Launch Octopus 8 units This napalm can attack foes above, but has a narrow horizontal range. It is effective against Flame Mammoth.
MHX Napalm TerritorialPow MHX-Icon-Vile-Leg-TerritorialPow Territorial Pow
Teritoriaru Pau
Armored Armadillo 4 units Though offensively weak, this napalm destroys some enemy shots.
MHX Napalm BangAwayBomb MHX-Icon-Vile-Leg-BangAwayBomb Bang Away Bomb
Ban'nawei Bomu
Storm Eagle 4 units This napalm travels along the ground, laying a path of fire. It is effective against Flame Mammoth.

MHX-Icon-Vile-BallsIcon Balls[]

Balls produce spheres of energy which roll or bounce along walls, or waves of fire that crawl along surfaces. This weapon system is obtained from Armored Armadillo.

Name Name Boss Cost Description
MHX Ball DeadstarHug MHX-Icon-Vile-Leg-DeadstarHug Deadstar Hug
Deddosutā Hagu
Armored Armadillo 4 units Unleash balls of energy which bounce once when contacting walls. It is effective against Launch Octopus.
MHX Ball PeaceOutRoller MHX-Icon-Vile-Leg-PeaceOutRoller Peace Out Roller
Pīsu Auto Rōrā
Spark Mandrill 6 units This ball of energy splits into two upon contact with the ground. It is effective against Armored Armadillo.
MHX Ball SwordBouqet MHX-Icon-Vile-Leg-SwordBouquet Sword Bouquet
Sōdo Būketto
Flame Mammoth 16 units Unleash a wave that follows the ground and stops at walls.
MHX Ball HotIcicle MHX-Icon-Vile-Leg-HotIcicle Hot Icicle
Hotto Aishikuru
Sting Chameleon 10 units Send destructive energy upward in areas with ceilings.
MHX Ball StubbornCrawler MHX-Icon-Vile-Leg-StubbornCrawler Stubborn Crawler
Sutabōn Kurourā
Boomerang Kuwanger 12 units This energy ball travels over terrain, but uses much energy. It is effective against Armored Armadillo and Launch Octopus.

MHX-Icon-Vile-FlamethrowerIcon Flamethrowers[]

Flamethrowers produce jets of flame from Vile's leg continuously for several seconds. Unlike X's Fire Wave, they do not continue as long as the button is held, but have a set duration. With the exception of Sea Dragon's Rage, they do nothing if Vile is underwater. They are among Vile's most powerful weapons. This weapon system is obtained from Flame Mammoth.

Name Name Boss Cost Description
MHX Flame WildHorseKick MHX-Icon-Vile-Leg-WildHorseKick Wild Horse Kick
Wairudo Hōsu Kikku
Flame Mammoth 6 units Shoot jets of flame from your leg. Strong, but not energy efficient. It is effective against Chill Penguin.
MHX Flame DragonsWrath MHX-Icon-Vile-Leg-Dragon'sWrath Dragon's Wrath
Doragonzu Wāsu
Storm Eagle 8 units A long-range arcing flamethrower useful against far away enemies. It is effective against Chill Penguin.
MHX Flame GreenEyedLamp MHX-Icon-Vile-Leg-GreenEyedLamp Green-Eyed Lamp
Gurīn Aido Ranpu
Sting Chameleon 10 units Powerful, but with a short range, this weapon consumes much energy. It is effective against Chill Penguin.
MHX Flame SeaDragonsRage MHX-Icon-Vile-Leg-SeaDragon'sRage Sea Dragon's Rage
Shī Doragonzu Reiji
Chill Penguin 12 units This powerful freezing gas can even be used underwater. It is effective against Spark Mandrill.
MHX Flame BurningDrive MHX-Icon-Vile-Leg-BurningDrive Burning Drive
Bāningu Doraibu
Boomerang Kuwanger 16 units Create a powerful ball of flame using nearby oxygen as fuel. It is effective against Chill Penguin.

Ride Armors[]

Vile's unique Ride Armor is hidden in all eight stages of Maverick Hunter X. In addition to the standard punch attack, the Ride Armor possesses a rapid-fire vulcan able to quickly destroy most enemies. However, it has a time limit; once mounted, the Ride Armor has thirty-two seconds (analogous to the maximum 32 units of Weapon Energy) before it runs out of energy and self-destructs. Time decreases when damage is taken, but increases when Weapon Energy pickups are collected. The Ride Armor also automatically self-destructs when dismounted.


By defeating bosses, Vile also obtains two ability upgrades similar to Parts: the Frozen Castle and the Speed Devil. They make no visual changes.

Name Boss Description
MHX-Icon-Vile-Misc-FrozenCastle Frozen Castle
Furōzun Kyassuru
Chill Penguin By utilizing a thin layer of ice, this armor reduces damage by half.
MHX-Icon-Vile-Misc-SpeedDevil Speed Devil
Supīdo Debiru
Storm Eagle A layer of atmospheric pressure adds speed by reducing resistance.

See also[]
