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The Zap family, known as the Elecitel family (エレキテル家 Erekiteru Ka) in Japan, is a high-class family seen in the Mega Man Battle Network video game series as well as the MegaMan NT Warrior anime series.

In the Games[]



At a young age, Jack (Count Zap) and his brother (Mr. Gauss) were part of a poor family that could barely survive, then Jack was adopted by a rich family.[1] Shortly after, Jack's biological parents got sick and passed away, leaving the brother alone. Using this animosity, he climbed his way up to riches using his company, Gauss Inc., so he can get revenge on society.

At one point Jack married Ann. With his whole life having to uphold his family's name, his self-pity had him turn to a life of crime [2]. Jack and Ann are still together, despite Jack’s crimes during his time in the WWW. After Jack was arrested, the family fell into ruin and its name dimmed. Ann works hard to restore the family's name, and she implied that Jack was recuperating and giving up of his criminal ways.

Meanwhile Mr. Gauss eventually has a daughter named Tesla. Who later inherited Gauss Inc. after Mr. Gauss’s arrest when he worked under Gospel.

ElecMan.EXE and MagnetMan.EXE were given to Ann and Tesla respectively after Count Zap and Gauss were arrested, with ElecMan helping Ann restore the Zap family name, and MagnetMan joining Team ProtoMan.

In the Anime[]




Pictures of young Jack, Gauss, and Mama Zap.

In the anime, the Zap family are a wealthy family from Kingland that themes themselves around electricity, owning Elec-type NetNavis, and even enjoy being electrocuted themselves.

Jack and Magnus were both raised by Tesla Zap and they do not get along very well, though a picture in their home of Magnus with his arm around Jack's shoulder smiling while Jack looks away suggest that at one point, at least Gauss, did not have negative feelings towards his brother. After their mother die, Magnus married into the Gauss family, making his and daughter's last name as Gauss. Jack and Ann are depicted younger than their game counterparts, who looked much older.

ElecMan.EXE would remain with Count Zap for the whole series, though later on in Rockman.EXE Beast+, Ann Electel attempts to take custody of him away from Jack. MagnetMan.EXE would come under the ownership of Tesla, however rather than him being given to her, she takes him forcibly from her father while breaking the two out of prison.

